If you find a bug, check discussion or closed PR's to see if it's already been reported. If not, create an issue and if not resolved,escalate it as PR.
You can utilize the PR Template below for the project.
- Describe your changes here and the problem you solved.
- I have performed a self-review of my code
- If it is a core feature, I have added thorough tests.
- Screenshots/gifs.
- Describe out of scope work.
Here are some general guidelines to follow when submitting a pull request.
- Name your brach with your initials and a relevant name (ex: gp/update-product-card-styling)
- If the new code will benefit from tests, include them in the initial PR, rather than a follow-up.
- Before adding a reviewer, thoroughly test and review your own PR.
- Try to keep pull requests as small and targeted as possible, making them easier to review.
- Write a thorough description with the assumption that the reviewer has little or no context. Describe the problem you're solving, your solution, as well as any other relevant info, such as testing instructions and out-of-scope work.
- If there are visual changes, include screenshots or gif.
- When your PR is ready for review, add a reviewer.
- Merge your PR promptly so it doesn't go stale.