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48 lines (42 loc) · 3.77 KB
production definition Type Module Class
LANGTAG r'[a-zA-Z]+(-([a-zA-Z0-9])+)*' Terminal Terminals LANGTAG
HEX r'[0-9]/[A-F]/[a-f]' Terminal Terminals HEX
UCHAR r'\\u({HEX})({HEX})({HEX})({HEX})/\\U({HEX})({HEX})({HEX})({HEX})({HEX})({HEX})({HEX})({HEX})' Terminal
IRIREF r'([^\u0000-\u0020\u005C\u007B\u007D<>"/^`]/({UCHAR}))*' Terminal Terminals IRIREF
PN_CHARS_BASE r'[A-Z]/[a-z]/[\u00C0-\u00D6]/[\u00D8-\u00F6]/[\u00F8-\u02FF]/[\u0370-\u037D]/[\u037F-\u1FFF]/[\u200C-\u200D]/[\u2070-\u218F]/[\u2C00-\u2FEF]/[\u3001-\uD7FF]/[\uF900-\uFDCF]/[\uFDF0-\uFFFD]/[\U00010000-\U000EFFFF]') Terminal Terminals PN_CHARS_BASE
PN_CHARS_U r'({PN_CHARS_BASE})/_' Terminal Terminals PN_CHARS_U
PN_CHARS r'({PN_CHARS_U})/-/[0-9]/\u00B7/[\u0300-\u036F]/[\u203F-\u2040]' Terminal Terminals PN_CHARS
PNAME_NS r'({PN_CHARS_BASE})((({PN_CHARS})/.)*({PN_CHARS}))?' Terminal Terminals PNAME_NS
PNAME_LOCAL r'(({PN_CHARS_U})/[0-9])((({PN_CHARS})/.)*({PN_CHARS}))?' Terminal Terminals PNAME_LOCAL
BLANK_NODE_LABEL r'_:(({PN_CHARS_U})/[0-9])((({PN_CHARS})/.)*({PN_CHARS}))?' Terminal Terminals BLANK_NODE_LABEL
PNAME_LN r'({PNAME_NS})?:{PNAME_LOCAL}' Terminal Terminals PNAME_LN

production definition Type Module Class
nonNegativeInteger a nonempty finite sequence of digits between 0 and 9 Lexical GeneralDefinitions NonNegativeInteger
quotedString a finite sequence of characters in which " (U+22) and \ (U+5C) occur only in pairs of the form " (U+5C, U+22) and \ (U+5C, U+5C), enclosed in a pair of " (U+22) characters Lexical GeneralDefinitions QuotedString
languageTag @ (U+40) followed a nonempty sequence of characters matching the langtag production from [BCP 47] Lexical GeneralDefinitions LanguageTag
nodeID a finite sequence of characters matching the BLANK_NODE_LABEL production of [SPARQL] Lexical GeneralDefinitions NodeId

production definition Type Module Class
fullIRI an IRI as defined in [RFC3987], enclosed in a pair of < (U+3C) and > (U+3E) characters Lexical GeneralDefinitions FullIRI
prefixName a finite sequence of characters matching the as PNAME_NS production of [SPARQL] Lexical GeneralDefinitions PrefixName
abbreviatedIRI a finite sequence of characters matching the PNAME_LN production of [SPARQL] Lexical GeneralDefinitions AbbreviatedIRI
IRI fullIRI / abbreviatedIRI FunOwlChoice Identifiers

production definition Type Module Class
ontologyDocument { prefixDeclaration } OntologyDocument
prefixDeclaration 'Prefix' '(' prefixName '=' fullIRI ')' FunOwlBase OntologyDocument PrefixDeclaration
Ontology 'Ontology' '(' [ ontologyIRI [ versionIRI ] ] directlyImportsDocuments ontologyAnnotations axioms ')' Annotatable OntologyDocument Ontology
ontologyIRI IRI Optional[IRI] OntologyDocument iri: Optional[IRI]
versionIRI IRI Optional[IRI] OntologyDocument version: Optional[IRI]
directlyImportsDocuments { 'Import' '(' IRI ')' } List[IMPORT] OntologyDocument Import
ontologyAnnotations { Annotation } List[Annotation] Annotations Annotation
axioms { Axiom } List[Axiom] OntologyDocument Axiom

production definition Type Module Class
Declaration 'Declaration' '(' axiomAnnotations Entity ')' Axiom, FunOwlChoice Declarations Declaration