All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. More specifically, breaking API changes will be noted here
- Improved performance by reducing objects created, making equality checks cheaper, and unsubscribing the render loop when nothing has changed. This caused a 0.08kb increase in gzipped size.
- Added onScroll event handler.
- fixed detection of inline elements.
- resize event for iOS. In iOS, when the navbar comes down it counts as a resize, this was causing unexpected behavior for the "once" option because resize was erroneously reindexing the page instead of just calling an update to targets.
- added index to ctx for JavaScript callbacks: onChange, onHidden, and onShown.
- added
CSS variables to signify whether the element is intersecting the start or end of the viewport.
- added "scrollingElement" option to target specific non-window scroll containers
- add compatibility guard for CSS variables
- add css vars for direction of scroll on scroll container (--scroll-dir-x, --scroll-dir-y)
- add css vars for percent visible to elements (--visible-x, --visible-y)
- add css vars for dimensions to elements (--element-width, --element-height)
- all DOM writes happen on rAF, all DOM reads happen in update all at once
- onChange, onHidden, onShown are deferred until animation frame directly after setting all attributes/css vars
- The update and index method are now throttled as well
- remove inClass/outClass option
- remove delay option
- onChange passes a context object rather than just a boolean for visibility