Note: IBM Spectrum Scale is supported on AWS via marketplace. For detailed information refer to the offering and supported features, refer to IBM Spectrum Scale on AWS. |
The terraform templates provided in this repository offer following features;
- Supports provisioning Spectrum Scale resources within a single availability zone.
- Allows different compute and storage subnet.
- Allows different compute and storage AMI's.
- Allows packer/custom image vs. non-packer (stock) image.
- Allows single/combined, separate compute only, separate storage only and separate compute and storage cluster (remout mount configuration) configuration (Spectrum Scale filesystem will be configured such that only one copy of data is stored and two copies of metadata will be stored).
- Allows EBS (gp2, gp3, io1, io2 and sc1 or st1) and nitro instance profiles.
- Allows EBS encryption.
- Supports provisioning Spectrum Scale resources within a multi (3) availability zones.
- Allows different compute and storage subnet.
- Allows different compute and storage AMI's.
- Allows packer/custom image vs. non-packer (stock) image.
- Allows single/combined, separate compute only, separate storage only and separate compute and storage cluster (remote mount configuration) configuration (Spectrum Scale filesystem will be configured such that data and metadata will be replicated across 2 availability zones (Synchronous Replication). AZ-3, will be used as tiebreaker site.).
- Allows EBS (gp2, gp3, io1, io2 and sc1 or st1) and nitro instance profiles.
- Allows EBS encryption.
NOTE: In order to create a Custom AMI, refer to Packer AWS AMI Creation for detailed steps, options.
Ensure that the following requirements are met on the local/cloud VM where this repository is cloned.
Install Terraform and validate:
# terraform -v
Install Ansible and validate:
# ansible --version
Currently, spectrum scale ansible playbooks support only 2.9 version (can be installed using
pip3 install ansible==2.9
) -
Install Python3.6 and validate:
# python --version Python 3.6.14
Install git and validate:
# git --version git version 2.32.0
Ensure git version is greater than or equal to 2.1.4 version
Ensure that you have configured your AWS CLI credentials;
Installation of AWS CLI
# curl "" -o "" # unzip # sudo ./aws/install
Configuration AWS CLI
# aws configure AWS Access Key ID: <Access key ID> AWS Secret Access Key: <Secret access key> Default region name [us-west-2]: us-east-1 Default output format [None]: json
Download the IBM Spectrum Scale Data Management Edition install package (from Fix Central) and perform below steps;
# mkdir -p /opt/IBM/gpfs_cloud_rpms # ls -lrth Spectrum_Scale_Data_Management-<package_code_version>-x86_64-Linux-install -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1.6G Jul 6 14:02 Spectrum_Scale_Data_Management-<package_code_version>-x86_64-Linux-install # ./Spectrum_Scale_Data_Management-<package_code_version>-x86_64-Linux-install --silent # ls /usr/lpp/mmfs/package_code_version/ Public_Keys ganesha_debs gpfs_debs hdfs_debs license object_rpms smb_rpms zimon_debs ansible-toolkit ganesha_rpms gpfs_rpms hdfs_rpms manifest smb_debs tools zimon_rpms # cd /usr/lpp/mmfs/<package_code_version>/gpfs_rpms # cp gpfs.adv* gpfs.base* gpfs.crypto** gpfs.gpl* gpfs.gskit* gpfs.gui*** gpfs.msg.en_US* /opt/IBM/gpfs_cloud_rpms/ # cd /usr/lpp/mmfs/<package_code_version>/zimon_rpms/rhel7 # cp gpfs.gss.pmcollector* gpfs.gss.pmsensors* /opt/IBM/gpfs_cloud_rpms # cd /usr/lpp/mmfs/<package_code_version>/zimon_rpms/rhel8 # cp gpfs.gss.pmcollector* gpfs.gss.pmsensors* /opt/IBM/gpfs_cloud_rpms # cd /usr/lpp/mmfs/<package_code_version>/Public_Keys # cp SpectrumScale_public_key.pgp /opt/IBM/gpfs_cloud_rpms/
The terraform templates provided in this repository offer following deployment options;
NOTE: By default below options use terraform local backend. In order to configure below options to use terraform S3 backend, use
This option provisions a new AWS VPC environment consisting of the subnets, nat gateways, internet gateway, security groups, bastion autoscaling group, compute (instances with NO EBS volumes attached) and storage (instances with EBS volumes attached) instances, and then deploys IBM Spectrum Scale into this new VPC with a single or multi availability zone(s).
Refer to New VPC Based Configuration for detailed steps, options.
This option deploys IBM Spectrum Scale in to an existing VPC (which can have subnets with multiple availability zones).
Refer Existing VPC Based Configuration for detailed steps, options.
This mode provides flexibility to bypass bastion/jump host, incase local/cloud VM has direct connectivity to VPC.