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Get started with Liberty on Bluemix with this basic outage reporting app.


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Getting started with Liberty on Bluemix

By following this guide, you'll set up a development environment, deploy an app locally and on Bluemix, and integrate a Bluemix database service in your app.


Git, Bluemix CLI, Maven, and a Bluemix account.

1. Clone the sample app

Now you're ready to start working with the app. Clone the repo and change the directory to where the sample app is located.

git clone
cd liberty-outage-reporter

2. Run the app locally using command line

Use Maven to install dependencies and build the .war file.

mvn clean install

Run the app locally on Liberty.

mvn install liberty:run-server

View your app at: http://localhost:9080/LibertyOutageReporter

3. Deploy to Bluemix using command line

To deploy to Bluemix using command line, it can be helpful to set up a manifest.yml file. The manifest.yml includes basic information about your app, such as the name, the location of your app, how much memory to allocate for each instance, and how many instances to create on startup. This is also where you'll choose your URL. Learn more...

The manifest.yml is provided in the sample.

- path: target/LibertyOutageReporter.war
  memory: 512M
  instances: 1
  name: your-appname-here
  host: your-appname-here

Change both the name and host to a single unique name of your choice. Note that the host value will be used in your public url, for example, If you already created an app from the Bluemix UI but haven't pushed your code to it, you can use the same name value. Make sure the path points to the built application, for this example the location is target/LibertyOutageReporter.war.

Choose your API endpoint

bluemix api <API-endpoint>

Replace the API-endpoint in the command with an API endpoint from the following list.

Login to your Bluemix account

bluemix login

Push your application to Bluemix.

bluemix app push

This can take around two minutes. If there is an error in the deployment process you can use the command cf logs <Your-App-Name> --recent to troubleshoot.

4. Add a database

Next, we'll add a NoSQL database to this application and set up the application so that it can run locally and on Bluemix.

  1. Log in to Bluemix in your Browser. Select your application and click on Connect new under Connections.
  2. Select Cloudant NoSQL DB and Create the service.
  3. Select Restage when prompted. Bluemix will restart your application and provide the database credentials to your application using the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable. This environment variable is only available to the application when it is running on Bluemix.

5. Use the database

We're now going to update your local code to point to this database. We'll store the credentials for the services in a properties file. This file will get used ONLY when the application is running locally. When running in Bluemix, the credentials will be read from the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable.

  1. In Eclipse, open the file src/main/resources/
  1. In your browser open the Bluemix UI, select your App -> Connections -> Cloudant -> View Credentials (Note you may have create a set of credentials)

  2. Copy and paste just the url from the credentials to the url field of the file.

  3. Your Liberty server in Eclipse should automatically pick up the changes and restart the application.

View your app at: http://localhost:9080/LibertyOutageReporter/. Any names you enter into the app will now get added to the database.

Make any changes you want and re-deploy to Bluemix!

6. Developing and Deploying using Eclipse

IBM® Eclipse Tools for Bluemix provides plug-ins that can be installed into an existing Eclipse environment to assist in integrating the developer's integrated development environment (IDE) with Bluemix.

  1. Download and install IBM Eclipse Tools for Bluemix.

  2. Import this sample into Eclipse using File -> Import -> Maven -> Existing Maven Projects option.

  3. Create a Liberty server definition: - In the Servers view right-click -> New -> Server - Select IBM -> WebSphere Application Server Liberty - Choose Install from an archive or a repository - Enter a destination path (/Users/username/liberty) - Choose WAS Liberty with Java EE 7 Web Profile - Continue the wizard with default options to Finish

  4. Run your application locally on Liberty: - Right click on the LibertyOutageReporter sample and select Run As -> Run on Server option - Find and select the localhost Liberty server and press Finish - In a few seconds, your application should be running at http://localhost:9080/LibertyOutageReporter/

  5. Create a Bluemix server definition: - In the Servers view, right-click -> New -> Server - Select IBM -> IBM Bluemix and follow the steps in the wizard.
    - Enter your credentials and click Next - Select your org and space and click Finish

  6. Run your application on Bluemix: - Right click on the LibertyOutageReporter sample and select Run As -> Run on Server option - Find and select the IBM Bluemix and press Finish - A wizard will guide you with the deployment options. Be sure to choose a unique Name for your application - In a few minutes, your application should be running at the URL you chose.

Now you have your code running locally and on the cloud!

The IBM Eclipse Tools for Bluemix provides many powerful features such as incremental updates, remote debugging, pushing packaged servers, etc. Learn more

Deploying to Kubernetes

One deployment option is to deploy this application to kubernetes. For this option, we will provision a lite kubernetes cluster via the IBM Bluemix Container Service and deploy the service using the manifests/deployment.yml file. We will be using the IBM Container Registry to store the Docker image for our application.

Install Bluemix CLI Plugins

  1. Install the IBM Bluemix Container Service plug-in.
bx plugin install container-service -r Bluemix
bx plugin list # To verify the plugin has been installed
bx cs init # Initialize the container service plugin
  1. Install the IBM Container Registry plug-in and login
bx plugin install container-registry -r Bluemix
bx cr login
  1. Create a namespace in the Container Registry service. Note this namespace needs to be unique across all users of Bluemix.
bx cr namespace-add [your namespace]
bx cr namespace-list

Setup IBM Bluemix Container Service

  1. Log into the Bluemix console and create a lite Kubernetes cluster named mycluster. This will take several minutes to provision.
  1. Install kubectl. Kubectl is the standard way to interact with Kubernetes clusters. You will configure kubectl to point to your Kubernetes cluster hosted on the IBM Bluemix Container Service.
  2. When the Bluemix Console shows that your cluster is ready, list the clusters from the command line. You should see the cluster you created: mycluster. If you don't, make sure you have waited enough time for the cluster to be provisioned.
bx cs clusters
  1. Configure your kubectl to point to your Kubernetes cluster. First print the configuration for your cluster.
bx cs cluster-config mycluster

This should give you an export KUBE_CONFIG line. Copy and paste this to configure your kubectl to point to your Kubernetes cluster. For example:

export KUBECONFIG=/Users/johnzaccone/.bluemix/plugins/container-service/clusters/mycluster/kube-config-par01-mycluster.yml
  1. Verify that your kubectl is configured. The following should show: mycluster.
kubectl config get-clusters

You can now send commands to your Kubernetes cluster!

Bind the Cloudant Service

We will use the Bluemix CLI to create a binding between our Cloudant instance and our Kubernetes cluster.

  1. List the Cloudant service that you created eariler in this lab. If you haven't created one, refer back to the Add a Database section.
bx service list | grep cloudant
  1. Use the name of your Cloudant service in the command below to bind the service.
bx cs cluster-service-bind mycluster default [Cloudant service Name]

The command above loads a Kubernetes secret into your cluster that contains information to connect to your Cloudant instance. By managing your Cloudant credentials via secrets, you avoid saving them in plain text inside your source code repository.

  1. List the secrets of the Kubernetes cluster. There might be a few, but you should see the one that was just created for your Cloudant database. We are going to reference the name of this secret in our deployment in the next step.
kubectl get secrets

Configure Your Application to Read Kubernetes Secrets

You need to configure your application to read the Kubernetes secret you just created. This will require two changes.

  1. Open the src/main/resources/ file. And uncomment the line that specifies the Kubernetes secret file. Also, comment out the line that explicitly sets the Cloudant URL. Your resulting properties file should look something like this:
# These properties are meant for local development only and will not be read when application is running in Bluemix.
# When  running in Bluemix, the credentials of bound services are available in the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable.
# cloudant_url=

# You can bind Bluemix services using the `bx cs cluster-service-bind` command. 
# Using this command to bind your cloudant database will load connection information into your kubernetes cluster as a kubernetes secret. 
# Uncomment the following line to tell this app to load the cloudant username/password from the kubernetes secret.


The location for the secret is: /etc/cloudant-secrets/binding. This is configured for you already in the manifests/deployment.yml file. There is no need to change this path at this time.

  1. Open the manifests/deployment.yml file. Replace my-secret in the container spec with the name of your secret. You can get a list of secrets loaded into your cluster with kubectl get secrets. Note that the etc/cloudant-secrets/binding path has already been configured for you. Close and save the file.

Build and Push your Docker image

  1. Build your application
mvn clean install
  1. Build and push the Docker image you the IBM Container Registry. Use the namespace you created earlier in the following command. You can list the namespace you created using bx cr namespace-list.
export CR_NAMESPACE=[your namespace]
docker build -t$CR_NAMESPACE/liberty-outage-reporter .
docker push$CR_NAMESPACE/liberty-outage-reporter
  1. Edit the manifests/deployment.yml to reference the name of the image that you just pushed. Search for the line


And replace mynamespace with your namespace. For example, if you used namespace dev the line would be:


Deploy the Application

  1. Use `kubectl to deploy the application:
kubectl apply -f manifests

It should take a few minutes for the application to deploy. You can check the status by using kubectl get deploy.

  1. Check that your application has been started by printing the logs.
kubectl get pods
NAME                                      READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
liberty-outage-reporter-495303238-65dfm   1/1       Running   0          2m
kubectl logs -f liberty-outage-reporter-495303238-65dfm

Test the Application

The deployment uses NodePort to expose the application on all nodes in the cluster. To access the application, first get the IP of the worker node in the cluster.

kubectl get nodes
NAME              STATUS    AGE       VERSION   Ready     8d        v1.5.6-4+abe34653415733

Then lists the services to get the port for your application.

kubectl get services
NAME                  CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
liberty-outage-reporter-service   <nodes>       9080:30052/TCP   20min

In this example, the application is running at: