👍🎉 First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! 🎉👍
The following is a set of guidelines for contributing to SPPMon. These are mostly guidelines, not rules. Use your best judgment, and feel free to propose changes to this document in a pull request.
- Releases
- Changelog
- Overview of required and created users
- Bug Report and Feature Requests
- Installation of SPPMon
- Command line arguments
- General Wiki
While GitHub does not make issues mandatory, it is a good idea to use them. It creates a space for discussions, and also provides tracking of all activity surrounding the work.
- Navigate to https://github.com/IBM/spectrum-protect-sppmon/issues/new
- Select an appropriate title
- Enter a description, if applicable.
- Take note of the issue number, it will be used later.
To request or implement a feature, please open an issue. This issue should contain:
- Meaningful title
- What is the goal / intention of your feature request?
- Description of your solution or result
- Alternatives or other features which are considerable
- Additional context if applicable
We will assign the Label enhancement
to it.
If you've encountered a bug, please check first our wiki and FAQ for a solution or workaround. If you cant find any, please open a issue. This issue should contain:
- A meaningful title, including the prefix
- Clear and concise description of what the bug is
- Steps to reproduce
- Expected behavior
- Screenshots if applicable
- System information
- Additional context if applicable
We will assign the Label bug
to it.
To contribute code please check out the Developers Guide. We are using Issues and Pull requests to implement new features and fix bugs. Please create an issue first, then fork and open a pull request, linking to your issue.
In GitHub, all work is typically done in a "fork". The fork is a private copy of the main repository. All changes will be published to the main repository once they have been reviewed and accepted by a main repository owner.
- Click on the "Fork" button in the top left area of the page.
- This will create and navigate you to a private copy of this repository (notice the URL is slightly different from the main repository).
- This is where all the work will be done, and reviewed before getting pulled/published to the main repository.
Once you are happy with the of your work and want to publish it, you will need to create a "Pull request". This is where the SPPmon team will have a chance to review the changes before accepting them into the public repository.
- Navigate to your fork.
- Switch to the "Pull requests" tab.
- Click the "New pull request" button.
- Click the "Create pull request" button.
- In the title, reference the issue number, prefixed with a pound sign.
- Optionally add comments.
- Click the "Create pull request".
- We will receive a notification, do the review and eventually accept the pull request into the main repository.
Please refer to our IDE and coding recommendations when implementing new features. We are using Visual Studio Code, including:
- Pylance
- Python Docstring