This repository contains an implementation of a Doubly-Stochastic Deep Gaussian Process (DGP) for analyzing biophysical data, with a focus on predicting the concentration of Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM). The DGP model is built using the gpflow
framework and is optimized for performance over different cases of water bodies (C1, C2A, C2S, C2AX, and C2SX).
This implementation focuses on predicting biophysical properties using Gaussian Processes. Specifically, it compares the performance of a DGP model to a Neural Network model (ONNS).
The model is trained on spectral reflectance data (Rrs) from various bands, using a dataset of simulated and real-world measurements from different water bodies. The primary target variable is CDOM (Colored Dissolved Organic Matter), which is predicted using a combination of DGP and traditional machine learning techniques.
Two datasets are used in this project:
: Contains the biophysical data.HL_20151110_Rrs_fn_realOLCIbands.txt
: Contains the corresponding spectral data in OLCI bands.
These datasets must be preprocessed and cleaned for missing values before being used for training the model.
To use this code, you need to install the following dependencies:
- Python 3.x
- numpy
- pandas
- matplotlib
- seaborn
- gpflow
- scipy
Install the required Python packages by running:
pip install numpy pandas matplotlib seaborn gpflow scipy
import os
import sys
import copy
import time
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from doubly_stochastic_dgp.dgp import DGP
from scipy.cluster.vq import kmeans2
from import loadmat
from gpflow.likelihoods import Gaussian
from gpflow.kernels import RBF, White, Constant
from gpflow.mean_functions import Constant
from gpflow.models.sgpr import SGPR, GPRFITC
from gpflow.models.svgp import SVGP
from gpflow.models.gpr import GPR
from import AdamOptimizer, ScipyOptimizer, NatGradOptimizer
from gpflow.actions import Action, Loop
from gpflow import autoflow, params_as_tensors
def scale_auto(X,Y):
Subtract mean and scale with std
mu_X = X.mean(axis=0); std_X = X.std(axis=0)
mu_Y = Y.mean(axis=0); std_Y = Y.std(axis=0)
Xscaled = (X-mu_X)/std_X
Yscaled = (Y-mu_Y)/std_Y
return (Xscaled, Yscaled, mu_X, mu_Y, std_X, std_Y)
def scale_manu(X,Y,mu_X, mu_Y, std_X, std_Y):
Subtract mean and scale with std
Xscaled = (X-mu_X)/std_X
Yscaled = (Y-mu_Y)/std_Y
return (Xscaled, Yscaled)
def make_DGP(X,Y,Z,L,nsam=1,mb=10000):
kernels = []
d = X.shape[1]
k = RBF(d) #+ White(1., variance=1e-5)
for l in range(1,L):
k = RBF(hidden) # + White(1., variance=1e-5)
m_dgp = DGP(X, Y, Z, kernels, Gaussian(), num_samples=nsam, minibatch_size=mb)
for layer in m_dgp.layers[:-1]:
layer.q_sqrt = layer.q_sqrt.value * 1e-5
return m_dgp
def dgp_batchpred(dgp,Xts,bsize,VAR=False):
M = Xts.shape[0]
batches = int(np.round(M/bsize))
starts = [n*bsize for n in range(batches)]
ends = starts[1:] + [M-1]
pred = np.zeros([M,1])
var = np.zeros([M,1])
for start, end in zip(starts,ends):
m,v = dgp.predict_y(Xts[start:end,:],50)
pred[start:end,0] = np.mean(m, 0).ravel()
var[start:end,0] = np.mean(v, 0).ravel()
if VAR:
The data is loaded and cleaned using the following script:
BIOPHYS = pd.read_csv('/home/daniel/data/DGP_DATA/C2X/C2X_ONNSv04_HL_20151110_Rrs_fn_OLCI.txt', delimiter='\s+')
OLCI = pd.read_csv('/home/daniel/data/DGP_DATA/C2X/HL_20151110_Rrs_fn_realOLCIbands.txt', delimiter='\s+')
cases = ['C1' for i in range(20000)] + ['C2A' for i in range(20000)] + ['C2S' for i in range(20000)] + ['C2AX' for i in range(20000)] + ['C2SX' for i in range(20000)]
BIOPHYS['Case'] = cases
# Clean for NaNs
nans = BIOPHYS.isna().any(1)
OLCI = OLCI[~nans]
N = OLCI.shape[0]
Use same train/test split as Hieronymi et al
# Extract indices
itest = pd.read_csv('/home/daniel/data/DGP_DATA/C2X/P_IDs_Not_used_for_NN_training.dat', sep='\n', header=None).values.ravel() - 1
itrain = np.array([i for i in range(0,N) if i not in itest])
# To boolean
booltrain = OLCI.index.isin(itrain)
booltest = OLCI.index.isin(itest)
martinbands = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,11,15,16]
X = OLCI.values[:,1:] # Unselect simulation index
X = X[:,martinbands] # Select same bands as used to train ONNS
Y = BIOPHYS['CDOM'].values.reshape([-1,1])
Xscaled, Yscaled, mu_X, mu_Y, std_X, std_Y = scale_auto(X,Y)
Xtr = Xscaled[booltrain]
Xts = Xscaled[booltest]
Ytr = Yscaled[booltrain]
Yts = Yscaled[booltest]
testcase = BIOPHYS['Case'].values.reshape([-1,1])[booltest].ravel().tolist()
Z = kmeans2(Xtr, 500, minit='points')[0]
To train the DGP model, follow these steps:
- Data scaling: The input data is scaled by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation.
- Kernel definition: An RBF kernel is used for each layer of the DGP.
- Model training: The model is optimized using the Adam optimizer for both inducing points and the overall model parameters.
Here's a sample of how the model is trained:
# define DGP
ultra_dgp = make_DGP(Xtr,Ytr,Z,3)
RMSE = []
# fix inducing points
dgp_inducings = [[ultra_dgp.layers[0].feature,ultra_dgp.layers[1].feature,ultra_dgp.layers[2].feature]]
for v in dgp_inducings[0]:
AdamOptimizer(0.01).minimize(ultra_dgp, maxiter=2000)
# 11 5
# 5 5
# optimize inducing
for v in dgp_inducings[0]:
AdamOptimizer(0.01).minimize(ultra_dgp, maxiter=10000)
AdamOptimizer(0.001).minimize(ultra_dgp, maxiter=10000)
Predictions are generated using the dgp_batchpred
function, which computes the model's predictive mean and variance. Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) is then calculated for the test set:
pred = pred_test
two_std = 2*np.sqrt(var_test)
colordict = {'C1':'C0', 'C2A':'C1', 'C2AX':'C2', 'C2S':'C3', 'C2SX':'C4'}
plt.scatter(Yts,pred,color = [colordict[case] for case in testcase],alpha=0.5)
print('rmse is ', std_Y * np.sqrt(np.mean( (pred-Yts)**2 )) )
# rmse is [0.09207479]
NNrmse = {'C1':0.0174, 'C2A':0.0234, 'C2AX':0.4356, 'C2S':0.0290, 'C2SX':0.0971}
Ntot = 0
SEtot = 0
for case in set(testcase):
ind = np.array(testcase)==case
Nsub = sum(ind)
Ntot += Nsub
SEsub = ( NNrmse[case]**2 )*Nsub
SEtot += SEsub
rmse = np.sqrt(SEtot/Ntot)
print('All-around RMSE of ONSS is', rmse)
# All-around RMSE of ONSS is 0.2019761796051002
cases = ['C1', 'C2A', 'C2AX', 'C2S', 'C2SX']
cm ='hot')
NNrmse = {'C1':0.0174, 'C2A':0.0234, 'C2AX':0.4356, 'C2S':0.0290, 'C2SX':0.0971}
backtrans_pred = (pred*std_Y)+mu_Y
backtrans_two_std = two_std*std_Y
backtrans_Yts = (Yts*std_Y)+mu_Y
for case in set(testcase):
ind = np.array(testcase)==case
print('rmse is for case ',case,' is', np.sqrt(np.mean( (backtrans_pred[ind]-backtrans_Yts[ind])**2 )),', compare to rmse for ONNS: ', NNrmse[case] )
sc = plt.scatter(backtrans_Yts[ind],backtrans_pred[ind],c=backtrans_two_std[ind],label=case,cmap=cm,vmin=0,vmax=1,alpha=0.9)
cb = plt.colorbar(sc); cb.set_clim([0.1,1]); cb.set_ticks([0.1,0.5,1])
plt.xscale('log'); plt.yscale('log')
plt.xlim([1e-3,1e2]); plt.ylim([1e-3,1e2])
The DGP model achieved the following RMSE for each case:
- C1: 0.0282 (ONNS: 0.0174)
- C2A: 0.0179 (ONNS: 0.0234)
- C2AX: 0.1998 (ONNS: 0.4356)
- C2S: 0.0145 (ONNS: 0.0290)
- C2SX: 0.0260 (ONNS: 0.0971)
A scatter plot comparing the predicted vs true values for each case is also generated.
The datasets and model architecture are inspired by the work of Hieronymi et al. (2016), which developed an ONNS model for the same biophysical properties.