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Convergence Tests

This week we are going to continue looking at isolated molecules. Specifically, we will be focusing on determining how well converged our results are. This is a necessary step to have any confidence in your results, and to make sure the result is meaningful. This should always be done before running calculations on new systems.

Before starting, if you can't remember how to do something from the command line, you can always refer back to Lab 1.

Plane Waves and Pseudopotentials

As will be discussed in lectures, pseudopotentials are used in DFT calculations to approximate the potential of the core region. The core is made up of tightly bound electrons close to the nucleus. In this region, the electrons are in a strong coulomb potential generated by the nucleus. This creates a strong oscillation in the electronic wavefucntions in the core region. If one wanted to express the electronic wavefunctions in a plane-wave basis, this rapid oscillation of the electronic wavefucntion would require a significant number of plane waves to describe. To reduce the number of plane-waves needed in the expansion of the Kohn-Sham wavefunctions, and thus reduce the computational load significantly, we approximate the core region. This is essentially 'freezing' the core electrons. The self-consistent calculations are therefore only done on the valence electrons.

The motivation for this is that most of the interesting chemistry we want to study is dictated by the valence electorns, and thus approximating the core is reasonable. A pseudopotential will therefore replace the exact core potnetial with an approximate potential that mimics the effects of the core electrons on the valence electrons, but is also a smooth, slowly varing potential. Diagramatically this looks like the following:

![Pseudopotential](assets/pseudopotential.png){ width="400" }

Pseudopotentials are created from DFT calculations of single atoms (so-called 'all electron' calculations). In these calculations, a certain exchange-correlation functional will have been chosen e.g. local density approximation (lda), pbe, etc. Thus, within the pseudopotential itself an approximation has been made to generate it.

The header of pseudopotential files contain valuable information about how the pseudopotential was generated, such as what states are included, and what approximations are used for exchange and correlation.

To start this lab, copy the /opt/MSE404-MM/docs/labs/lab03 to your MSE404 directory.

!!! example "Task 1 - Pseudopotential File"

Navigate to the `01_carbon_monoxide/01_convergence_threshold` directory. Here you will see an input file `` and two psedupotnetial files. Open the pseudopotential file for oxygen using the `less` command.

- What level of approximation are we using e.g. Local Density Approximation (LDA), PBE, etc..? Hint: This is usually stored at the top of pseudopotential files.

    ??? success "Answer"
        LDA. This is found at the top of the pseudopotential file:

        Info:   O LDA 2s2 2p4 RRKJ3 US

- What were the 'core' and 'valence' states used to generate the pseudopotential file??

    ??? success "Answer"
        The states listed in the PP file are the valence states, and thus these are:
        nl pn  l   occ               Rcut            Rcut US             E pseuo
        2S  0  0  2.00      0.00000000000      0.00000000000      0.00000000000
        2P  0  1  2.00      0.00000000000      0.00000000000      0.00000000000
        The core states are therefore 1S.
- What is the valence charge of the oxygen atom core consisting of the nucleus and the core electrons?

    ??? success "Answer"
        The valence charge is 4. Found by identifying the line `4.00000000000 Z valence` in the information below:
        0                      Version Number
        C                      Element
        NC                     Norm - Conserving pseudopotential
        F                      Nonlinear Core Correction
        SLA PZ NOGX NOGC PZ    Exchange-Correlation functional
        4.00000000000          Z valence
        0.00000000000          Total energy
        0.0000000  0.0000000   Suggested cutoff for wfc and rho
        0                      Max angular momentum component
        269                    Number of points in mesh
        2    1                 Number of Wavefunctions, Number of Projectors
        Wavefunctions          nl  l   occ
                               2S  0  2.00
                               2P  1  2.00

Total Energy Convergence Threshold

DFT is an iterative process. We self-consistenly solve the Kohn-Sham equations for the ground-state electron density, i.e. until we meet convergence. The criteria for convergence is defined as when the total energy between successive scf iterations is below a certain value, called the convergence threshold. This can play a crucial role in determining the accuracy and and stability of the results.

Let's look at a brief view of an example of the CO input file stored in 01_carbon_monoxide/01_convergence_threshold.

!!! tip annotate "Tip: In-code annotations" Click (1) to see notes on the input tags.

  1. This is an annotation
   calculation      = 'scf'
   disk_io          = 'none' #(1)!
   pseudo_dir       = '.' #(2)!

   ibrav            = 1 #(3)!
   A                = 30 #(4)!
   nat              = 2
   ntyp             = 2
   ecutwfc          = 20

   mixing_beta      = 0.7
   diagonalization  = 'david'
   conv_thr = 1e-4 #(5)!



O 15.999 O.pz-rrkjus.UPF #(6)!
C 12.011 C.pz-vbc.UPF 

K_POINTS gamma

O 15.0000000000 15.0000000000 16.1503400000
C 15.0000000000 15.0000000000 15.0000000000
  1. This specifies that we don't want any of the charge density or wavefunction information saved in a file. We specify this just to save disk space :-).
  2. Specifies that the pseudopotentials to use are in the current directory.
  3. ibrav=1 is the bravais lattice type 'simple cubic'.
  4. The lattice parameter for the bravais lattice.
  5. This is the convergence threshold. Successive scf iterations will have their total energy compared to one another. When this difference is less than this convergence threshold, we deem the total energy to be converged.
  6. The structure of this line is [element name] [element atomic mass] [name of pseudopotential].

!!! tip annotate "Tip: Running Quantum Espressso" Make sure to have loaded the quantum espresso module and its dependencies using the command:

`module load quantum-espresso`

!!! example "Task 2 - Convergence Threshold"

Make 4 copies of the `` input file named ``, where i should go from 5 to 8. In each of these files, reduce the order of magnitude of the conv_thr by 10 each time i.e. replace the `conv_thr = 1e-4` with `conv_thr = 1e-5` in ``, etc. 

- Run these 4 input files using `pw.x` e.g. `pw.x < > CO_5.out`.

- What does changing this convergence threshold do? What do you expect to happen?

    ??? success "Answer"
        After one scf cycle, a total energy is calculated. The calculation is converged when the difference in the total energy between two successive scf iterations is less than the convergence threshold. Therefore, reducing this convergence threshold is making our convergence tighter, meaning differences in successive iterations must be smaller for our calculation to be converged. This means the smaller the convergence threshold, the more iterations it should take for convergence.

Quantum Espresso outputs the number of scf cycles it took for convergence to be achieved. Look for this line in the output file: 
convergence has been achieved in ...

- How many iterations did it take each calculation to converge? Is this what you expected? 

    ??? success "Answer"
        CO_5.out:     convergence has been achieved in   6 iterations
        CO_6.out:     convergence has been achieved in   8 iterations
        CO_7.out:     convergence has been achieved in   9 iterations
        CO_8.out:     convergence has been achieved in  11 iterations
We could have taken advantage of the `grep` command here. If you don't remember how to use this command, refer back to [Lab 1](../lab01/ for documentation on `grep`. 

- Try this again using the `grep` command.

    ??? hint "Hint For Using Grep"
        `grep 'convergence has been achieved in' CO_5.out`. 

Plane-wave energy cut-off

In principle we expand the Kohn-Sham states in an infinite plane-wave basis. In practice however, we truncate this expansion by defining a maximum wavevector, $\bf{G_{\text{max}}}$. We specify this in Quantum Espresso through the variable ecutwfc which is the kinetic energy of the free electron with a wavevector $\bf{G_{\text{max}}}$.

Regardless of the type of system we are looking at, we need to check how well converged the result is (no matter what you are calculating) with respect to the plane-wave kinetic energy cutoff. As discussed above this cutoff governs how many plane-waves are used in the expansion of the Kohn-Sham states (and thus how many are in the calculation).

An example demonstrating the total energy convergence with respect to energy cutoff is shown in the 01_carbon_monoxide/02_ecutwfc directory. To converge the kinetic energy cutoff we are going to set up a series of input files which are all identical except we systematically increase only the value of ecutwfc and record the total energy.

!!! example "Task 3 - Kinetic Energy Cutoff"

Navigate to the directory `01_carbon_monoxide/02_ecutwfc`. Here, you will again see an input file for CO and two pseudopotential files. Make 10 copies of this file named `` where i is going to range from 20 to 65 in steps of 5. Edit the `ecutwfc` variable in these files to systematically increase from 20 to 65 i.e. set `ecutwfc` to be equal to the number i.

- Use `pw.x` to run a total energy calculation for each of these files.

- Check the output file `CO_20.out`. What is the converged total energy?

    ??? success "Answer"
        `!    total energy              =     -42.74125239 Ry`

- Check the output file `CO_30.out`. What is the converged total energy? Is this lower than `CO_20.out`?

    ??? success "Answer"
        `!    total energy              =     -43.00067775 Ry`.

        This is lower than the total energy in `CO_20.out`.

- Use `grep` to grep the total energy from all of these output files.

These energies are in Ry. Typically when doing convergence tests we report our convergece in eV.

- Create a text file named `data.txt`. Place your results here in the format [kinetic energy cutoff (Ry)] [Total energy (eV)]

Examine the file `data.txt`.

As you should see, the total energy decreases as we increase the plane-wave energy cutoff `ecutwfc`.

- At what plane-wave cutoff is the total energy converged to within 0.1 eV of your most accurate run (`ecutwfc = 65`)?

    ??? success "Result"
        ecutwfc = 55 Ry.

        $E_{T}^{\text{best}} = -586.30894733 \,\text{eV}$

        $E_{T}^{55} = -586.21615168 \,\text{eV}$

        $E_{T}^{\text{diff}} ~ 0.09279565 \,\text{eV}$

- Plot the total energy against the kinetic energy cutoff using the python script `` by issuing the command:

    ??? success "Result"
        <figure markdown="span">
        ![ecutwfc_plot](assets/co_ecut_conv.png){ width="500" }

We also discussed above that increasing `ecutwfc` increases the number of plane waves in the expansion of the Kohn-Sham states. This infomation is stored near the beginning of the output file, in a section that looks like:

 G-vector sticks info
 sticks:   dense  smooth     PW     G-vecs:    dense   smooth      PW
 Sum       20461   20461   5129              2201421  2201421  274961

The number of plane-waves in our calculation is in the final column PW. 

- Look for this line in the `` and the `` and verify that the number of plane-waves is significantly higher.

Note that:

  • Different systems converge differently. You souldn't expect diamond and silicon to be converged to the same accuracy with the same energy cutoff despite having the same structure and same number of valence electrons.

  • Different pseudopotentials for the same atomic species will also converge differently. Often pseudopotential files will suggest an energy cutoff as mentioned previously.

  • Different calculated parameters will converge differently.

    • If we want to calculate the lattice parameter of a material, don't expect it to be converged to the same accuracy as another parameter e.g. the bulk modulus.

!!! warning You should be particularly careful when calculating parameters that depend on volume, as the number of plane-waves for a given energy cut-off is directly proportional to the volume so this can introduce an additional variation.

Actually, we typically converge the total energy per atom (meV/atom) or per electron (meV/electron). This is due to the scaling of the total energy with system size (number of atoms/electrons).

If we have more atoms in our system, the magnitude of the total energy will naturally be larger i.e. the total energy scales with system size. However, the total energy per atom/electron is a normalised quantity, providing a measure of the total energy that is independent of system size, and thus can be compared between systems to make sure you are converged to the same accuracy.

Box Size

In this lab we have been dealing with isolated molecules. Quantum Espresso expands the Kohn-Sham states in a plane-wave basis, which are inherently periodic. Since the underlying basis is periodic, we have periodic boundary conditions. To model 'isolated' atoms, we make the unit cell very large compared to the size of the isolated molecule, effectively reducing any interaction with neighbouring periodic images. However, this is a parameter we should converge. A larger unit cell (volume) increases the computational cost, as the number of plane waves required scales with the unit cell volume.

!!! example "Task 4 - Unit Cell Size"

Navigate to the directory `01_carbon_monoxide/03_box_size`. Here, you will again see an input file for CO and two pseudopotential files. Make 10 copies of this file named `` where i is going to range from 10 to 30 in steps of 2. Edit the `A` variable in these files to systematically increase from 10 to 30 i.e. set `A` to be equal to the number i. This is systematically increasing the size of the unit cell, and thus increasing the distance between periodic images that we want to minimise.

- Use `pw.x` to run a total energy calculation for each of these files.

- Check the output file `CO_10.out`. What is the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO)?

    ??? success "Answer"
    The HOMO can be read from the Kohn-Sham eigenvalues, or alternatively is printed under `highest occupied level` in the output file.
        `highest occupied level (ev):    -9.0118`

- Check the output file `CO_26.out`. What is the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO)? How does this compare to the CO_10.out where the distance between periodic images is much smaller?

    ??? success "Answer"
        `highest occupied level (ev):    -9.2100`.

- Create a text file named `data.txt`. Place your results here in the format [Unit Cell Size (Å)] [Energy of HOMO (eV)]

- At what unit cell size is the HOMO converged to within 0.1 eV of your most accurate run (`A = 30`)?

    ??? success "Result"
        A = 14.
        This means that CO molecules need to be ~ 14 Å away from one another to have less than 0.1 eV effect on each others HOMO.

- Plot the energy of the HOMO against the unit cell size using the python script `` by issuing the command:

    ??? success "Result"
        <figure markdown="span">
        ![BoxConvergence](assets/Box_conv.png){ width="500" }

Bash Scripting

Now, running all of these pw.x commands manually is time consuming. To speed things up we can use a small bash script that will automate running these jobs for us. Bash is a programming language (the one we use to interact with the command line), like python. In the same 01_carbon_monoxide/03_box_size you will notice a bash script. Let's quickly examine it.

#!/bin/bash #(1)!

# Run pw.x for each input file sequentially
for i in {10..30..2}; #(2)!
	pw.x < CO_$ &> CO_$i.out #(3)!
  1. This tells the compiler that the commands below are bash commands.
  2. Entering a simple for loop going from i=10 to i=30 in steps of 2.
  3. Issue the command pw.x < CO_$ > CO_$i.out.

To use this script, just issue the command;


Redo Task 4 and verify that you get the same result.

Python Plotting

In Task 3 and 4, we used the code This code uses the matplotlib library to plot the results stored in data.txt to visualise the convergence of the total energy as the kinetic energy cutoff is increased. Later in this course you will use python scripts to plot band structures and density of states. You are encouraged to examine and play around with these python codes to develop your coding skills!

Let's take a quick look at from the 01_carbon_monoxide/02_kinetic_energy_cutoff directory.

#      	 This is a plotting code. Put your data into data.txt in column format. <column 1 = cutoff> <column 2 = total energy>               #
#      	 					To use this code, issue the command:							    #
#      	 						python3									    #
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def main():
	data = np.loadtxt("data.txt") #(1)!

	ecut, etot = data[:,0], data[:,1] #(2)!

	plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) #(3)!
	plt.scatter(ecut, etot) #(4)!
	plt.xlabel("Kinetic Energy Cutoff (Ry)")
	plt.ylabel("Total Energy (eV)")
	plt.title("Total Energy Convergence") #(5)!

if __name__ == "__main__":
  1. Loading in the data that is in column format in data.txt.
  2. The first column is the kinetic energy cutoff in Ry and the second column is the resulting total energy in eV.
  3. Initialising the size of our figure. Changing these will change the aspect ratio of the plot.
  4. Scatter plot of ecut vs etot.
  5. After giving python all of the plotting information, we tell it to plot.

Exchange & Correlation Functional

How we approximate the exchange and correlation between elections is a key part of DFT. The functional that we use determines how we approximate these many-body interactions.

By default, Quantum Espresso reads what exchange correlation functional to use from the header of the pseudopotential file, as we saw earlier in Task 1. It is possible to override this by using the input_dft variable in the &system section.

!!! Warning "Mixing Approximations" It is generally not a good idea to mix approximations. It is best to use the same approximation for the exchange correlation functional as was used to construct the pseudopotential.

As you might expect, the exchange correlation functional chosen can have a big impact on a number of parameters. When we change the exchange correlation functional, we are changing the level of theory our calculations are running at.

??? note "Levels of approximation" - Lowest level of approximation is the local density approximation (LDA) - Next highest level of approximation is the generalised gradient approximation (GGA) - More complicated functionals like 'meta-GGA', 'hybrid' etc.

This is usually depicted in 'Jacob's ladder' of approximations, where the higher on the ladder you are, the more accurate the more accurate the description of exchange and correlation between the electrons are.
<figure markdown="span">
![Jacobs-ladder](assets/Jacobs-ladder.png){ width="500" }

In 03_argon we are going to investigate the change in the binding energy as we vary the bond length between an argon dimer using two different levels of theory.

!!! example "Task 8 - Argon Dimer" Examine and run the scripts and in 03_argon/01_lda.

- What level theory is this at?

??? success "Answer"
    This is at the local density approximation (lda) level.

- What are these script doing?

??? success "Answer"
    The script is generating multiple input files of varying bond length for the argon dimer and running a total energy calculation on them. The end of `` is collecting the relevant data for us and outputting it into a file called data.txt.

Now examine and run the script ``.

- What is this script doing?

??? success "Answer"
    The script is looking through data.txt and finding the lowest energy. This is the 'optimal' distance between the two argon atoms.

- At what distance does the argon dimer have the lowest energy?

??? success "Result"
    a = 3.4 Å gives the minimum energy of -1172.70049957 eV
    <figure markdown="span">
    ![lda-dimer](assets/lda-dimer.png){ width="500" }

Do the same for `03_argon/02_pbe`. This is at the GGA level, specifically using the pbe functional.

- At what distance does the argon dimer have the lowest energy?

??? success "Result"
    a = 4.0 Å gives the minimum energy of -1173.066229 eV

    However, the minimum is not very well defined.
    <figure markdown="span">
    ![pbe-dimer](assets/pbe-dimer.png){ width="500" }

This is a known problem in DFT. LDA tends to 'overbind' and PBE tends to 'underbind'. In dimer situations like this Argon dimer, one may think van der Waals interactions are something important to consider. In fact, in this case it is very important. Van der Waals can be taken into account in different ways - an additional term added to the total energy or directly through the exchange-correlation potential.

Navigate to `03_vdw`.

- Run ``. Examine the input files. You will see a tag `vdw_corr = 'grimme-d3'`. This means that we are going to include van der Waals corrections (via a total energy correction term).

- At what distance does the argon dimer have the lowest energy?

??? success "Result"
    a = 3.8 Å gives the minimum energy of -1173.07559029 eV

    <figure markdown="span">
    ![pbe-dimer](assets/pbe-dimer-vdw.png){ width="500" }

More Convergence Parameters

Additionally, if we are dealing with crystals which are periodic, then we need to sample the Briouillin zone with 'k points'. This will be covered in Lab 4. The number of k points used to sample the Briouillin zone should also be converged when dealing with periodic crystals.


In this lab we looked at defining pseudopotentials, checking the convergence of the total energy with respect to the plane-wave energy cutoff, and the effect of exchange and correlation functional.

  • Convergence of any parameter is done by systematically varying the corresponding calculation parameter and looking at how the result changes.

We saw how we can use python and bash scripts to automate this process.

  • We can use python scripts to generate multiple input files with systematically varied parameters.
  • We can use a bash for loop to perform a calculation for a number of input files.
  • We can use grep or awk to parse results or parameters from our output files.
  • We can quickly generate a plot of a data file with pythons matplotlib.