Check this:
curr_range = xrange(GetFunctionAttr(ScreenEA(), FUNCATTR_START), GetFunctionAttr(ScreenEA(), FUNCATTR_END))
for i in range(999):
DelStruc(GetStrucIdByName('sc%d' % i))
Copy data from x64dbg dataview (pointer format), parse it and reconstruct import table structure
import clipboard # install package from pip
functions = [ line.split('!')[1].strip() for line in clipboard.paste().split('\n') ]
sid = AddStrucEx(0xffffffff, 'importable', 0)
for i, name in enumerate(functions):
AddStrucMember(sid, name.encode('ascii'), i * 4, FF_DATA | FF_DWORD, -1, 4)
def patch_mov_eax(addr, v):
PatchByte(addr, 0xb8)
PatchDword(addr+1, v)
def nop(addr, size=5):
for i in range(size):
PatchByte(addr + i, 0x90)
def remove_call(addr, use_nop=True):
if Byte(addr) in (0xe8, 0xe9):
if use_nop:
nop(addr, 5)
patch_mov_eax(addr, 0)
elif Byte(addr) in (0xff,) and Byte(addr+1) in range(0xd0, 0xd8):
if use_nop:
nop(addr, 2)
PatchWord(addr, 0xc031) # xor eax, eax
def remove_all_call(addrs, use_nop=True):
for i in addrs.split():
remove_call(int(i, 16), use_nop)
def tryMakeName(addr, name, i=0, suffix=''):
n = name + suffix
if LocByName(n) == addr:
while LocByName(n) != BADADDR:
n = '%s_%d' % (name, i)
i += 1
MakeName(addr, n)
This script requires function from
Replace following patterns with nop
jz $+3
jnz $+1
.db 0xe9 ; 0xe8
op_pairs = [ (0x70, 0x71), (0x72, 0x73), (0x74, 0x75), (0x76, 0x77), (0x78, 0x79), (0x7a, 0x7b), (0x7c, 0x7d), (0x7e, 0x7f) ]
for pair in op_pairs:
patterns = [
"%.2x 03 %.2x 01 %.2x" % (a, b, c)
for (a, b) in [ pair, pair[::-1] ]
for c in (0xe8, 0xe9)
for p in patterns:
for ea in Binaries((FirstSeg(), BADADDR), p):
PatchDword(ea, 0x90909090); PatchByte(ea + 4, 0x90)