Links to Web APP EasyCar or alternative link
🚀 This is my final project as a student of Digital House in the first track of Certified Tech Developer. I was mainly responsible for development of Front-end (React-JS, CSS modules) and Infrastructure (Gitlab/CICD-AWS) development, while also contributing actively to testing (manual testing-Selenium IDE) and backend development (Java-JWT-Spring). We used Scrum as an iterative methodology to work and Figma as base to create Front-end layout. To see all the libraries that we used, you can see dependencies in package.json file for Front-end and dependencies in pom.xml file for backend.
Open pom.xml file as a Project in the folder PI-Backend/booking, I recomend Intellij IDEA Java IDE
Verify if you already run sql script with Database easycar.sql in rute PI-Backend/booking/BBDD using MySQL Workbench or you could use H2 as a option to test it.
Wait until maven update dependencies, verified that you have MySQL workbench and put your password in file in rute PI-Backend/booking/src/main/resources/
run ''
Create a folder
cd <that folder's name>
git clone <Url this repo>
cd easycar-booking-react
cd PI-FrontEnd
npm i
remember change name .env.template file to .env or create a .env file equal to .env.template's information in PI-FrontEnd folder
npm run dev
MVP stage - In version 0.0.1