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This repo contains the proof-of-concept implementations described in the Master's Thesis "Attribute-Based Content Redaction in Large-Scale Data Systems".

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This is the 2022 Master thesis project of Jimmy Andersson and Claudio Aguilar Aguilar, which investigates attribute-based hypergranular access control in large-scale data settings.

Getting Started

The project consists of two main parts.

  1. The data generator that builds an SQLite3 database consisting of a made up company hierarchy.

  2. The GraphQL server that incorporates an access control mechanism that redacts response values according to an arbitrary set of rules.

Generating Mock Data

A new mock database can be generated by running the script found in the MockDataGenerator directory.

$ python

The script takes two optional parameters:

  • --database <path> specifies at which path the script should place the new database.
  • --workers <number> specifies the approximate number of workers to insert into the database.

Starting a GraphQL Server

Starting a graph-based server can be done by moving into the graphql-api folder and running the script, like so:

$ ./ <servertype> <database-path> <ruleset-path>

The above script takes three different arguments.

  1. <servertype> can be noac or abacredaction. This specifies whether to run the server using no access control (noac) or attribute-based redaction access control (abacredaction).

  2. <database-path> is the relative or absolute path to the mocked database. In the PoC, the path is either databases/test.db or databases/data.db.

  3. <ruleset-path> is the relative or absolute path to the mocked database. Get started by using the ruleset with path rulesets/ruleset.

GraphQL requests can now be made to http://localhost:8080/graphql according to the schema specified in src/main/resources/schema.graphqls.

Starting a REST Server


The REST server only serves the purpose of a comparison for the attribute-based redaction component in the GraphQL server. It has little to no use in any other situation.

Starting a REST server can be done by moving into the rest-api folder and running the script, like so:

$ ./ <database-path> <logfile-path>

The above script takes three different arguments.

  1. <database-path> is the relative or absolute path to the mocked database. In the PoC, the path is either ../graphql-api/databases/test.db or ./graphql-api/databases/data.db.

  2. <logfile-path> is the relative or absolute path to a log file in which the server records information about execution times. To get started, place the log file in the rest-api directory by passing logfile as the parameter.

REST requests can now be made to http://localhost:8080 according to the endpoints specified in the source files.

Running Measurement Collections

Measurements are collected using an automated script found in the root directory. Starting a collection run is as simple as executing:

$ python

The script takes four optional parameters:

  • --host <url> specifies the URL where the servers will be located. The default value is http://localhost:8080.
  • --warmups <number> specifies the number of warm up requests the server is sent before data collection begins. The default value is 30.
  • --requests <number> specifies the number of requests sent during data collection. The default value is 500.
  • --measurementfolder <path> specifies where the script should place the measurement results. The default value is measurements.

Results Analysis

The Likert Plots.R and Performance Analysis.ipynb files perform analysis of the collected results and generates plots that are saved to the result_plots directory.

Qualitative Results

Responses to the online survey can be found in CSV form in the measurements/survey.csv and measurements/qualitative_results.csv files.

  • qualitative_results.csv Contains the original data, as exported from Google Forms.

  • survey.csv contains a cleaned version of the data which makes it easier to work with in the analysis scripts.

Building with Gradle

The project uses Gradle to build and package the application. Therefore, producing a jar file is as easy as moving into the graphql-api directory and executing the following command:

$ ./gradlew clean build

A jar file can now be found in the build/libs directory.

Executing a Jar File

Executing the jar file produced in the precious section requires passing a few parameters.

  • graphql.server-type specifies the type of server to spin up. This takes any of the <servertype> arguments discussed in Starting a GraphQL Server (noac or abacredaction).

  • graphql.database-url specifies the path to the database, just like the <database-path> described in Starting a GraphQL Server.

  • graphql.ruleset-url specifies the path to the rule set, just like the <ruleset-path> described in Starting a GraphQL Server.

As an example, one can start a server by executing the following command while standing in the graphql-api directory:

java -jar -Dgraphql.server-type=abacredaction -Dgraphql.database-url=databases/test.db -Dgraphql.ruleset-url=rulesets/ruleset build/libs/graphql-api-0.0.1.jar

Configuring the Redaction Component

In this project, the DirectiveDataFetcherWrapper class is the entrypoint to the access control mechanism. It is injected as a global directive, where it wraps the data fetchers that produce real data for the application.

DirectiveDataFetcherWrapper is generic over the type one wants to use as a decision information context. The decision context in this PoC is the Employee type, and specifying that type within angle brackets gives the access control engine full access to evaluate its properties.

It is important to Jacksonize the chosen decision context type in order to open up all of its properties to the rule evaluator. To do so, simply mark your decision context with the following decorator:

@JsonAutoDetect(fieldVisibility = JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.ANY)

Defining Access Rules

This project uses a JSON file to define access rules. However, any format that can express tree-style relations can be used; this includes JSON, YAML, XML, and relational database tables, to name a few approaches.

Rules are built using Type - Property pairs. For example, to specify a rule for the salary property of an Employee, one can construct a JSON that looks like the following:

    "Employee": {
        "salary": {
            "read": "user.isAuthenticated && object.firstName.contains('Jane') && property < 5000"

The rule above uses three different constructs that are made available to the rule makers.

  • user is the decision context in this PoC. To make it more generic, the AccessRuleEvaluator could be re-programmed to name it decisionContext or something similar.

  • object is the object that encloses property one wants to control access to. In this case, it is the Employee which salary we are looking to place restrictions on.

  • property is the property that we are controlling access to at the moment. When the above rule executes, it will contain the salary value.

Sometimes, the property we want to restrict is a collection type, such as an array, a list, or a set. In such cases, the rule set supports two more rule types to control access.

  • collection_policy defines how a collection is shared. It takes any of the following values:

    • full: Shares the collection as-is, and says that the collection and its elements can be shared without any further evaluation. However, any nested properties inside each element will be evaluated on their own later.
    • redacted: Specifies that each element in the collection should be evaluated. If they fail, they are replaced by a null value.
    • partial: Specifies that each element in the collection should be evaluated. If they fail, they are removed from the collection.
  • element_filter defines a Boolean expression which the elements in a collection needs to fulfill in order to be included in the response. This expression is only evaluated for redacted and partial collection_policy values, since the full option short-circuits any further evaluation at this particular stage of the access control evaluation.

A rule set that restricts access to employee information of a corporate branch office could therefore look like:

    "Branch": {
        "employees": {
            "read": "true",
            "collection_policy": "partial",
            "element_filter": "user.isAuthenticated && element.title.contains('Manager')"

The rule above ensures that everyone can read the employees collection, but employees that do not fulfill the element_filter expression will not be included in the response.

The element filters give rule makers access to two different constructs:

  • user is the decision context in this PoC. To make it more generic, the AccessRuleEvaluator could be re-programmed to name it decisionContext or something similar.

  • element is the collection element that we are currently investigating. In this case, it is the Employee we may want to remove from the collection.


This repo contains the proof-of-concept implementations described in the Master's Thesis "Attribute-Based Content Redaction in Large-Scale Data Systems".






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