layout | title | citations | used_software | used_software_technical | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
page |
Credits |
The OSCAR project is based on the following mathematical software:
{% assign entries = page.used_software | sort_natural:"name" %}
{% for p in entries %}
- {{ }} {% endfor %}
The following software is used as technical components in the OSCAR project:
{% assign entries = page.used_software_technical | sort_natural:"name" %}
{% for p in entries %}
- {{ }} {% endfor %}
{% for p in page.citations %}
- {% if p.url != null %} {% assign link_open = true %} {% endif %} {{ }}{% if link_open %}{% assign link_open = false %}{% endif %} {% if p.authors != null %} ({{p.authors }}){% endif %} {% endfor %}