v1.1 beta New Features: BindList and BindMap #49
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I'm also experimenting with a
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@TeaDrivenDev: I think a |
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v1.1.0-beta.2 is released with a new experimental Here is the updated namespace AvaloniaExample.ViewModels
open ReactiveElmish
open ReactiveElmish.Avalonia
open App
open System
open Avalonia.Controls
module TodoApp =
open Elmish
type Model = { Todos: Map<Guid, Todo> }
and Todo = { Id: Guid; Description: string; Completed: bool }
type Msg =
| AddTodo
| RemoveTodo of id: Guid
| UpdateTodo of Todo
| Clear
let init() =
if Design.IsDesignMode then
{ Todos =
Map [
{ Id = Guid.NewGuid(); Description = "Todo 1"; Completed = false } |> fun todo -> todo.Id, todo
{ Id = Guid.NewGuid(); Description = "Todo 2"; Completed = false } |> fun todo -> todo.Id, todo
{ Id = Guid.NewGuid(); Description = "Todo 3"; Completed = true } |> fun todo -> todo.Id, todo
{ Id = Guid.NewGuid(); Description = "Todo 4"; Completed = false } |> fun todo -> todo.Id, todo
}, Cmd.none
{ Todos = Map.empty
}, Cmd.ofMsg AddTodo
let update (msg: Msg) (model: Model) =
match msg with
| AddTodo ->
{ Todos =
let number = model.Todos.Count + 1
let paddedNumber = number.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0')
let todo = { Id = Guid.NewGuid(); Description = $"Todo {paddedNumber}"; Completed = false }
model.Todos.Add(todo.Id, todo)
}, Cmd.none
| RemoveTodo id ->
{ Todos = model.Todos.Remove(id)
}, Cmd.none
| UpdateTodo todo ->
{ Todos =
model.Todos.Add(todo.Id, todo)
}, Cmd.none
| Clear ->
{ Todos = Map.empty
}, Cmd.none
open TodoApp
type TodoViewModel(store: IStore<Model, Msg>, todo: Todo) =
inherit ReactiveElmishViewModel()
let mutable completed = todo.Completed
let mutable description = todo.Description
member this.Id with get () = todo.Id
member this.Description
with get () = description
and set value =
description <- value
store.Dispatch(UpdateTodo { todo with Description = value })
member this.Completed
with get () = completed
and set value =
completed <- value
store.Dispatch(UpdateTodo { todo with Completed = value })
member this.RemoveTodo() =
store.Dispatch(RemoveTodo todo.Id)
//member this.Update(todo: Todo) =
// completed <- todo.Completed
// description <- todo.Description
type TodoListViewModel() =
inherit ReactiveElmishViewModel()
let store =
Program.mkAvaloniaProgram init update
|> Program.mkStore
member this.Todos =
this.BindMap(store, _.Todos
, transform = fun todo -> new TodoViewModel(store, todo)
, getKey = fun todoVM -> todoVM.Id
//, update = fun todo todoVM -> todoVM.Update(todo)
//, sortBy = fun todo -> todo.Completed
member this.AddTodo() = store.Dispatch AddTodo
member this.Clear() = store.Dispatch Clear
static member DesignVM = new TodoListViewModel()
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Notes on the new
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Well done, great additions. |
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I am not familiar with that command. |
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I just released a new beta v1.1.0-beta.1 to try out a new
feature.My goal, if possible, is to provide the same functionality as
, but to allow using a regularList
in theModel
instead of having to use aSourceList
.Here is the
updated so thatActions
is a simpleAction list
instead of aSourceList
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