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Conventions used for this changelog

  • keep it concise but human readable
  • keep the UNRELEASED section up to date with the develop branch
  • create a new subsection for each release version
  • each version should have the following information:
    • a release date in the format YYYY-MM-DD
    • a list of added new feature
    • a list of changed functionnality of existing features
    • a list of deprecated features (features that will be deleted in a future release)
    • a list of removed feature (previously marked deprecated)
    • a list of bug fixes

UNRELEASED (last updated: 2022-07-25)

Here we collect the list of added, changed, deprecated, removed and fixed features in preparation for the next release.


  • None


  • None


  • None


  • None


  • None

v3.6 (2022-07-25)


  • List of new run options:
    • write_npy (write files in npy format)
    • gflle_to_npy (write gflle file to npy instead of to gflle file)
    • decouple_spin_cheby (decouple spin matrices in Chebychev solver neglecting SOC and for collinear calculations only)
    • force_BZ_symm (force the use of BZ symmetries for k-integration even with SOC)
    • calc_onsite_only (calculate not the full Green function for the density but take the onsite part alone)
    • set_gmat_to_zero (set GMAT=0 in evaluation of density)
    • use_gmat_unity (set the structural GF to the unity matrix for test purposes)
    • write_double_precision (write out kkrflex files in double precision)
    • use_cheby_quadprec (use quadruple precision in Chebychev solver for irregular solution)
    • soc_no_spinflip (set spin-flip components of the SOC Hamiltonian to zero)
    • use_rllsll (switch to previous approach to compute wavefunctions in Chebyshev solver)
  • integrate NPY-for-Fortran for .npy file writeout (
  • godfrin inversion mode and block-partitioning utility (d2212b65f68848319aae6066a86f18c450b4b977)
  • Constraining and non-collinear external fields and torques
  • Add angles_cutoff parameter (threshold for the magnitude of the spin moment below which the angles stop being updated in linear mixing)
  • Allow to read npan_logfac from config.cfg input file of KKRimp (default was hard-coded value of 2, now changed to better default value)
  • Test options for KKRimp
    • read_double_precision test option for KKRimp (see corresponding writeout option of KKRhost)
    • calc_onsite_only test option for KKRimp
  • Run KKRnano reg tests
  • KKRnano tfqmr solver with GPU support
  • added Empty sphere program


  • renamed decouple_spins_cheby -> decouple_spin_cheby (could lead to mis-reading with INS keyword)
  • Improved version of Chebychev solver
  • lambda_xc atom dependent
  • renamed some module names for KKRimp code (e.g. mod_etotb1 -> mod_etotb1_kkrimp) to facilitate simultaneous compilation of KKRhost and KKRimp
  • Allow to control number of shapefunction radial points with NPOI input parameter (default is old value of 125)
  • allow Voronoi to optimize positions of NVAC vacuum positions
  • use python3 instead of 2.7 for CI tests


  • Bugfix orbital moment collection at the end of the iteration
  • various minor fixes

v3.5 (2021-01-18)

Some improvements and bugfixes to use with AiiDA-KKR plugin.


  • EFSET option for voronoi: read in whished value of Fermi level from inputcard (core state energies of starting potential is shifted accordingly)
  • <AFAC_RAD> input for voronoi: read in a factor of radial mesh (r(i)=b*(exp(a*(i-1))-1)) where b is determined from a and rmt. Default value (a=0.025) is obtained with setting AFAC_RAD to a negative number. If a is increased (decreased) the start of the radial mesh is shifted to a lower (higher) radius.
  • POT_NS_CUTOFF option for KKRhost and KKRimp (see issue #124)
  • add MKL patch for AMD hardware with ENABLE_PATCH_INTEL compile option (needs mpiifort, MPI+OpenMP parallelization and OPTFLAGS_AMD to be active)
  • add broyden spin mixing for nonco angles
  • add NSIMPLEMIXFIRST input to do some simplemixing steps before Broyden starts
  • add set_kmesh_large run option to force the largest k-mesh on all energy points
  • timing information for PKKprime
  • use '#' as comment sign in inputcard (see issue #128)


  • cutoff of potential components which are (almost) zero (see issue #124 and POT_NS_CUTOFF)
  • rename set_cheby_nosoc to decouple_spins_cheby (now set_cheby_nosoc again gives the expected behavior of setting SOCSCALE to 0, see issue #120)
  • print run and test options in the beginning to output.000.txt


  • mixbroydenspinangle in KKRimp that was unused and a copy of mixbroydenspin


  • writeout of test and run options which printed garbage becaus of missing initialization
  • behavior when VCONST and IVSHIFT are in input
  • open some output file of KKRimp only when necessary
  • small fixes for LDA+U
  • small bugfixes

v3.4 (2019-08-30)


  • allow up to LMAX=8 in voronoi code and KKRhost code


  • Renamed keywords that have files in the name to avoid clash with FILES keyword in inputcard
  • if GGA is used, set Vxc of empty cells to LDA (VWN)
  • remove a lot of unnessecary files written out by each rank running the KKRimp code. Now by default only the master writes the files (old behavior can be reactivated using the write_all_ranks test flag)


  • IMPURITY option of voronoi code, not working properly and thus commented out


  • Fix auto tests
  • Small bugfixes

v3.3 (2019-04-15)

Removed a lot of code duplicates among different codes.


  • script to check the wronskian (see PhD Bauer, p.48)
  • calc_wronskian option in KKRhost code to check single-site wavefunctions
  • auto tests for OpenMP and MPI functionality
  • xsf maker utility to create vesta input file
  • improved error handling of inputcard reading errors
  • generate code coverage report


  • more routines and modules in source/common directory
  • use static library for pkkprime file among different apps
  • use static library for kkrhost routines
  • use routines from common/radial_solver_Chebychev in KKRimp as well
  • rename lmsize to lmmaxd0 whenever the value is fixed (orbitalmoment.f90, rhoqtools.F90, rhovalnew.F90, tmat_newsolver.F90, rllsllsourceterms.f90)
  • replace lmmaxso with lmmaxd and old lmmaxd with lmmmax0d wherever no spin-doubling occurs. Now lmmax0d=(lmax+1)**2 and lmmaxd=(1+krel+korbit)*(lmax+1)**2
  • rename lmmax with lmmax0d or lmsize (in cases where the subroutine is called with different matrix sizes)
  • use mpiatom parallelization scheme by default if NATYP>=IELAST
  • moved wronskian from KKRimp to common to be used in KKRhost as well
  • added lmdos writeout mode for qdos
  • find NPRINCD to lowest possible divisor of NAEZ


  • removed code duplicates


  • header handling in complexdos3 tool
  • position of chebint in rhooutnew of KKRimp (probably) corrected
  • bug in SRA-trick usage (issue #108)
  • bug FERMIOUT option (issue #109)
  • fix for issue #113
  • fix for issue #114
  • fix for issue #115
  • fix for issue #116
  • gfortran compilation fixed for kkrhost, kkrimp, voronoi
  • fix debug compilation of kkrimp

v3.2 (2018-12-11)

Improved memory consumption for XCPL calculation and small bugfixes.


  • greatly reduced memory consumption for XCPL calculation and improved performance of loops in shellgen2k


  • issue #104 (voronoi-genpot mode broken for ASA)
  • issue #105 (kkrflex_green wirteout for single-atom cluster)

v3.1 (2018-11-21)

Start of large KKR repository holding voronoi, KKRhost, KKRimp, KKRsusc, and PKKprime with major refactoring of code structure.


  • cmake installation scripts
  • add rhoq repo (KKR-QPI)
  • introduced new keywords in KKRhost: , and <MPI_SCHEME>, as well as new style of runoptions.


  • script now deals with KKRhost, KKRimp, PKKprime, voronoi, and rhoq
  • updated documentation
  • restructured tests (see gitlab-ci.yml and tests/gitlab-ci/*.yml files)
  • directory structure following source, docs, utils, tests, etc.
  • mayor refactoring of the treatment of runoptions for KKRhost (new, descriptive keywords; no fixed format but style runoption= T/F; backwards compatibility is mostly ensured)
  • escaped keywords (like <ZATOM> as opposed to LMAX) are now allowed to be case-insensitive (in both, inputcard and source code).
  • refactoring of source/common/ioinput.f90 for more simplicity, readability and flexibility
  • total energy is also calculated and written out in case of non-scf calculation
  • change factor (2-korbit) to (nspin-korbit) for NOSOC with NSPIN=1


  • makefiles of PKKprime, voronoi, KKRimp, rhoq
  • duplicated files from KKRhost in rhoq
  • common/test.f90 and common/opt.f90

kkrimp-v1.3 (2018-10-31)

Some bugfixed and som new funcitonalities.


  • simple version of Lloyd's formula: LLYsimple option
  • use other XC functionals than VWN (other LDAs and PW91 GGA, no PBE yet!)
  • auto tests with gitlab-ci
  • ford documentation of source code


  • default behavior to use SRA-trick automatically
  • relaxed comparison between old and new mesh in cheb2oldgrid


  • doubling of allocations in rllsll
  • bugfix Jijsymmetries (string of wavefunctions did not work properly)

kkrhost-v3.0 (2018-10-30)

Major code refactoring getting rid of the inc.p files which eliminates the need to recompile the code for different system sizes.


  • MIT license
  • README, CHANGELOG, CONTRIBUTING files and better documentation
  • use cmake to auto-generate dependencies and makefile
  • use FORD for automatic source code documentation
  • read-in of things for Bogoliubov-de-Gennes formalism
  • test cases for ASA, Dirac, CPA, SOC, godfrin, LDA+U, XCs
  • test option noserial to omit writing serial number to kkrflex_* files (for backwards compatibility)


  • convert all files to Fortran 90, including putting everything into modules
  • polish code using NAG compiler, gfortran and ifort with debug options
  • change NOSOC test option such that now is explicitly does a spin-loop with decoupled (i.e. a factor 2 smaller) matrices. The old behavior can be triggered by setting the <SOCSCL> values to 0.


  • inc.p dependecy for array dimensions
  • old versions of the source code (*.f and *.F files) moved to old_src subdirectory


  • makefile (use cmake instead)


  • gfortran compilation
  • interfaces to Dirac routines (now also work in debug mode)
  • wrong symmetrization of shells for Jij calculation without inversino symmetry (issue #64)

pkkprime-v1.1 (2018-10-24)

Major update of Fermi surface and scattering code.


  • ford source code annotations
  • masked integration for lifetime
  • feast library
  • optimized memory footprint
  • MIT license
  • different weights of multiple impurities
  • torkance calculation


  • kfixstart==kfixstop option
  • signchange spinflux


  • some small bugs corrected

kkrhost-v2.4 (2018-10-16)

Include Godfrin slab inversion, rhoq-writeout and more digits in alat writeout.


  • output for QPI tool (activated with rhoqtest option)
  • merged godfrin branch for sparse-matrix inversion in 2D mode
  • added Options in makefile for hazelhen cluster in Stuttgart


  • increased number of digits in alat writeout of potential file


  • bugfix in Dirac solver, introduced earlier due to code modernization
  • writeout of energy-intrgrated DOS in last line of dos.atom files
  • array size of DEN in wrldos routine corrected
  • bugfix MPI communication in rhovalnew for den_out array

kkrhost-v2.3 (2018-05-30)

Major changes merging branches qdos_parallel, and develop_auto_tests with some code cleanup.


  • RLL-SLL option which speeds up computation of wavefunctions
  • PBEsol GGA functional
  • MPI parallel version of qdos
  • WRTGREEN and GREENIMP run options
  • automatic tests (continuous integration with gitlab-ci)


  • nonco_angles_imp now has default values (theta=phi=0)


  • GGA bugfix
  • NCLS=1 bug in WRTGREEN option
  • case sensitivity of CPP_HYBRID preprocessor flag

rhoq-v1.1 (2018-01-30)

First working (beta) version of the rhoq module (KKR-QPI) functionality. Needs writeout of files from host code (use rhoqtest test option).


  • hybrid parallelization (MPI+OpenMP)
  • timing and version info
  • kmask selective integration
  • exclude region (C_M-term)

kkrhost-v2.2 (2017-04-21)

Some corrections, in particular change of sign in DMI vector calculation (with SOC).


  • writeout files for FS code (run options FERMIOUT)


  • try to use either md5 or md5sum commands to generate MD% checksum for potential and shapefun files
  • use 3D Madelung sum also for 2D systems (only use 2D sum with option ewald2d). Needed since 2D sum seems to be buggy.
  • sign change is changed to be consistent with KKRdoku, i.e. -Dij.(SixSj) is used


  • MPI communication in XCPL + SOC
  • MPI bug that set angles to 90 degree
  • kkrflex writeout for DOS contour
  • corrected readin for shapefunction if LMAX is smaller than LMAX of shapefun file
  • idreals had a hard-coded system size
  • orbital moments were not reinitialized in rhoval routines

kkrhost-v2.1 (2016-09-08)

Some bugfixes and full Jij-tensor calculation (using new solver).


  • XCPL option for full Jij tensor (newsolver with SOC)
  • GGA (PBE) and LDA+U for both versions with and without SOC by Long
  • storing of wavefunctions
  • writeout of MD5 sums for potential and shapefun files
  • automatically guess if MPIatom or MPIenerg parallelization scheme should be used


  • removed common blocks for optc and testc, now in derived data type
  • Jij energy dependent files only written for NPOL=0 or Jijenerg test option


  • writeout for green file of XCPL corrected
  • MPI communication of nonco_angles fixed
  • initialization in LLY for more than one iteration

voronoi: 2016-08-18

Corrected a bug in the convolution of the starting potentials (concerning the convolution of the 2Z/r term).

Added the possibility of CPA preparation (NATYP>NAEZ). Then, the keyword & column must be added next to the .

Added input parameter = (integer) in order to be able to limit the number of neighbours of the polyhedron that are examined for faster processing.

Moved all inputcard reads to readinput12 and readimpatoms12. Other small points improved in the standard output.

voronoi: 2016-06-20

The starting potentials are now convoluted fully with shapes (also the l>0 components). Gives improved results in some cases. Does not apply to the case of interpolated potentials from previous KKR runs.

voronoi: 2016-06-16

The starting potentials (l=0 component) are now convoluted with shapes. Changes on this were done mainly in Subr. JELLSTART. Does not apply to the case of interpolated potentials from previous KKR runs.

kkrhost-v2.0 (2016-03-24)

Major improvement to MPI parallelization.


  • 2-level MPI parallelization
  • MPI parallelization for Lloyd, Dirac, and exchange coupling constants
  • hybrid version of rllsll
  • writeout verbosity levels


  • bzirr3d can now use up to 500x500x100 kpoints
  • change accuracy for kpoints (now more than single precision is kept)
  • include compile flags and libs to version info


  • t-matrix writeout for KKRimp was in done in local frame (needed to be in global frame)

kkrimp-v1.2 (2016-02-22)

New version tag, now everything is faster because wavefunctions are not always recalculated and hybrid parallelisation (explicit OpenMP parallelism in rllsll) is implemented.


  • OpenMP parallel version of rllsll by Sachin


  • bugfix usespinorbit

rhoq-v1.0 (2016-02-01)

Initialized rhoq module and started development of KKR-QPI feature.

kkrimp-v1.1 (2015-11-20)

Version which prints build information and has minor improvements


  • version information


  • case sensitivity of run/test options removed
  • default behavior of storing more wavefunctions


  • bug in spinorbitperatom

kkrhost-v1.4 (2015-11-13)

Improvement to MPI parallelization and new version of Lloyd.


  • ouput moved to it's own file (output.myrank.txt, unit 1337)


  • change some static to allocatable arrays (makes -mcmodel=medium flag obsolete)
  • Updated version of Long's implementation for LLOYD (based on codeLLY_10_08_2015)


  • bugfix for serial run
  • LLOYD with MPI
  • energy MPI parallelization for qdos
  • MPI parallelization CPA

kkrimp-v1.0 (2015-10-19)

First version of KKRimp that is tracked with git. Started from kkrimp_source_2014_10_01.

voronoi: 2015-05-16

Added a print-out of the nearest-neighbor distance, dist(NN), per site and the ratio Rout/dist(NN). Written out in file radii.dat.

Attention, in case of shifted atoms, dist(NN) refers to the unshifted positions. In order to find it for the shifted positions, re-run with the parameter NBSHIFT=0 and also declaring "0" in the proper position under the IMPINFO inplying there are no shifted positions. This will make the program treat the shifted positions as if they were unshifted. The problem arises because the dist(NN) is calculated in the clsgen_voronoi and clsgenimp routines that use the unshifted positions to calculate the voronoi cells, and the shift is introduced only later for the shape calculation. The Rout on the other hand is defined from the shifted center.

kkrhost-v1.3 (2015-04-29)

First version with MPI parallelization and Long's implementation of Lloyd's formula


  • Long's version of LLOYD implementation
  • MPI parallelization

voronoi: 2015-04-29

Change in subr. suggestpts.f fixing a problem that occured if all panels had NMIN points. Then (NPAN-1)*NMIN points were suggested, which was creating a problem in subr. mesh0. Now at least (NPAN-1)*NMIN+1 points are suggested fixing the problem. Added a write-out in subr. mesh0.

Added in subr. ritesone.f the option to write out in the potential file a number of radial points larger than 999 (was formatted to i3, now format i4 is used for NR>999).

kkrhost-v1.2 (2015-04-21)

Got rid of unformatted files for data transfer between 1a, 1b, 1c parts of the code.


  • storing of gmat, gref, tmat, in t_tgmat


  • renamed fort.37 to tmat.qdos for qdos option

kkrhost-v1.1 (2015-04-17)

First version with a single executable.


  • Single executable with common makefile

kkrhost-v1.0 (2015-04-15)

Started version control with git based on KKR code JMcode_2015_03_10 This version is the JM code containing Long's addition of David's routine for FP+SOC and Philipp's addition of qdos with SOC. All changes mentioned below are included.

Old versions of kkrhost (before version control with git)

kkrhost: 2015-03-10

Fixed a bug in rhovalnew.f that was causing erroneous results when calculating qdos.

kkrhost: 2015-01-22

Again: Fixed a bug in rinput13.f90 that did not allow the runopt XCPL to work properly. (Was not working with NPOL=0)

kkrhost: 2015-01-11

Fixed a bug in rinput13.f90 that did not allow the runopt XCPL to work properly.

voronoi: 2014-12-12

Fixed a bug with KAOEZ by setting NATYP --> NAEZ in readinput (for old-type input of surf. calculations).

voronoi: 2014-12-11

Introduced running option (RUNOPT) called "findsize" or "FINDSIZE". When this is used, the weights of the atoms are automatically calculated from their touching muffin-tin radii rmt (weight=rmt**2), where rmt is defined as the half-distance of the atom to the nearest neighbour. Tested fot graphene on Co. Works also for impurity (not tested yet). Option "findsize" overrides all other weight definitions, e.g. .

Introduced keywords , and , for the weights of the embedded atoms (outside the physical region) in slab calculations.

Introduced keywords for reading in tolerance from inputcard: for subroutine halfplane; for minimum acceptable vertex distance; for minimum acceptable face area.

pkkprime-v1.0 (2015-01-07)

Initial version of git tracking.


pkkprime-untracked (2014-11-19)

The output of the atom resolved torque for bulk systems is now implemented (but not tested though).

kkrhost: 2014-11-13

Fixed a bug that would not allow using the REFPOT information for the left/right region in 2D if ATOMINFO was used (the routine clsgen_tb was finding its own rmtref).

Changed the calculation of rmtrefat in clsgen_tb to round up to 2 digits after the decimal point.

pkkprime-untracked (2014-11-10)

Implemented the atom resolved torque (set LTORQATOM=1 in the input file). The output for bulk systems is not yet implemented though.

kkrhost: 2014-11-06

inc.cls not needed any more. Parameters NCLSD, NACLSD transfered to inc.p, with default NACLSD = NAEZD + NEMBD Cluster info found automatically.

voronoi: 2014-10-29

readinput changed to comply with new inputcard keywords of JM code (concerning the left/right basis in 2D mode).

pkkprime-untracked (2014-10-24)

  • Implemented writeout of Pkk' for option SCATTFIX and LLIFETIME.
  • For option SCATTFIX, changed the implementation such that the INCOMMING k-vector is fixed (before it was outgoing k-vector).
  • To solve memory-issues with very large slab calculations, the paramter NROOTMAX can be set in the inputcard. If NROOTMAX= 0 assumes the maximal possible value.
  • Included checks whether actually TBKKR_torq or TBKKR_rhod-files are present when they shall be used.

kkrhost: 2014-10-13

IQAT(NAEZD,NATYPD) is changed to IQAT(NATYPD) because only the IQAT(1,*) was ever used.

Array NAT(NATYPD) removed (was=1 always)

Changes in startb1.f to incorporate array fpradius.

ICC and IGREENFUN are automatically set to 1 if OPT('KKRFLEX ') is used.

voronoi: 2014-10-10

Fixed a bug that was giving FPRADIUS not scaled with latt.parameter.

kkrimp: 2014-10-01

Further corrections for running with lower lmax than given in the host GF. Changes mainly in dysonviratom.f90 (again) and in rhooutnew. Now the lmax-per-atom (lmaxatom) is given to rhooutnew (before it was only lmaxd) and some according changes were made in the routine. Works when all atoms have the same lmax (lower-or-equal than the host), but crashes in rhooutnew when lmax is different per atom. However, different-lmax-per-atom runs in case of no-spin-orbit (old radial solver).

kkrimp: 2014-07-31

Corrected a bug in dysonviratom.f90 that was causing problems when lmax of impurity was smaller than lmax of host and spin-orbit of host was on.

Small change in cheb2oldgridc.f90 for improved numerical accuracy.

Change in rllsll.f90 so that the subr. inverse defined within this file is commented out, because the subr. inverse of the module rllslltools.f90 is used when inverse is called from rllsll.

Change of record length definition (recl) in direct-access files. Defined parameter wlength=1 (or 4 depending on compiler) in nrtype.f90 and included this in all places where a direct-access file is opened. The changed files are: gdyson.f90, utrafo.f90, wavefunctodisc.f90, energyloop.F90, preconditioning.F90

voronoi: 2014-07-31

Corrected a bug arising from DSORT when sorting the polyhedron faces at the end of VORONOI12 that resulted in giving slightly different shape function mesh for symmetry-equivalent cells. Introduced new routine DSORT_COMP (in file dsort.f) that sorts arrays according to increasing value of 1st component , then 2nd, then 3rd etc.

kkrhost: 2014-07-25

Philipp's OMP parallelization is included. Lloyd's formula is included for non-relativistic non-cpa calculations.

voronoi: 2014-07-25

Info on clusters and RMT of embedded region is now calculated and written out. File atominfo.txt augmented with this information. With this, the reference-system atom type in the embedded region is automatically found.

Proposed full-potential radius is written out in atominfo.txt (under keyword ""), correspinding to IRNS of each atom.

Corrected some bugs.

voronoi: 2014-06-11

If the potential filename given in inputcard (under the FILES keyword, position I13) is not found, then the program switches automatically to database starting potentials (should be like this since 2 Oct 2013 but was not working). Fixed by Benedikt Schweflinghaus in routine maindriver12.

Keyword FILES not needed any more. Then database starting potential is assumed. Change was done in routine rinput12.

voronoi: 2014-06-05

Added a header at the beginning of each shape-function in the shape file. E.g. 4 135 NPAN,MESHN; Shape number 1 instead of just 4 135

voronoi: 2014-03-18

Added parameter for nuclear number. (Default=29) Added parameter for (wished non-rouching) RMT. (Default=1.E10, reduced automatically to touching-2% later) These override ATOMINFO. Using these, ATOMINFO is made obsolete.

Also, a file "atominfo.dat" is created containing the ATOMINFO information for the KKR code.

voronoi: 2014-03-05

Most parameters are now default. Only the following are needed: ALATBASIS,BRAVAIS,NAEZ,RBASIS,RCLUSTZ

voronoi: 2013-10-02

If potential filename is given in inputcard but not found in run-directory then program does not stop but switches to jellium potentials automatically.

kkrhost: 2013-09-27

rinput99 is changed to rinput13.

  • everything useless was thrown out
  • for most variables, default values are used (given in rinput13 routine)
  • file inputcard_generated is created contains most read-in values

ioinput now can read in 5000 lines x 200 columns and symbols "<" and ">" in addition to capitals, numerals and "-".

Keyword LAMBDA_XC (default=1.) is introduced to mix the magnetic part of the xc potential. LAMBDA_XC=0 corresponds to non-magn. calculation, LAMBDA_XC=1 to magn. calculation, and 0<LAMBDA_XC<1 to suppression of moments. Result of xc-energy difference writter out as EXCDIFF.

voronoi: 2013-09-04

Added option to choose the muffin-tin radii of the atoms. Place a keyword "" (do not forget < and >) meaning "Muffin tin weight in alat units " or "" meaning "Muffin tin weight in atomic units " that represents the wished muffin-tin radius. Under it should be all muffin tin radii (one under the other). Most convenient place the whole column next to RBASIS. Then these rmt's are squared and set as weights, w(i)=rmt(i)**2, and the weight(i) in atominfo is overridden. This results in a voronoi construction with these rmt radii.

For impurity atom weights: Here, in the place reserved for the weight place the desired MT-radius in the same units as in the normal atoms.

voronoi: 2013-03-31

Routine clsgen2000 was polished, now in file clsgen_voronoi.f Calling of clsgen list changed (also in maindriver12). In maindriver12: Dimension of RMTCL fixed to NSHAPED

New routines clsgen_tb, clustcomp_tb introduced. These distinguish the clusters also based on the MT-radius of the reference potential. For Voronoi this is irrelevant, but it gives useful info for setting up the TB calculation. For this new (optional) variables are introduced in inputcard: RMTREF, LEFTMTREF, RIGHMTREF (the last two for 2D-systems). Result on clusters with clsgen_tb written in standard output.

voronoi: 2012-10-22

Bug fixed in maindriver12.f where in case of 2D the TLEFT and TRIGHT basis were not rationalized creating a problem with clusters.

Added keyword "CARTESIMP= " (T or F) in scalevecimp (see inputcard_example)

Added keyword "TOLIMP= ..." in clsgenimp12 (see inputcard_example)

voronoi: 2012-09-12

Two bugs fixed in writing out file "radii.dat". No new version issued since the bugs did not affect shape-function or potential calculation.

voronoi: 2012-03-25

A subroutine "dividepanels" was added that divides large panels into smaller ones keeping the exact same radial points. The purpose is to reduce the panel size for tests with the new integral solver. The size of the new panels is determined by "NSMALL" which one can place as a keyword in the inputcard: e.g., NSMALL=10 makes panels of 10-points each. If the original panels have left-over points after division, these are placed in the last of the new panels.

Also: Parameters NMIN and NRAD (minimum number of points per panel and muffintinization points) can now be read in from the inputcard. If they are not, then default values are used.

voronoi: 2012-03-02

Furhter simplifications:

Now the code recognises the necessary number of radial points in the shape-region before calculating the shapes and pre-sets the value NMESH accordingly. This is done by finding the critical points once before entering the subroutine "shape". A parameter is used for this, "DENPT" (set as a DATA statement in maindriver12) which declares the wished density of radial points in the shape-function region. The panels are then assumed to have this density of points, unless they are too small, when they have NMIN points.

Also the code suggests a full-potential radius per atom, controlled by the DATA-statement parameter STARTFP (again in maindriver12). This is the ratio of the starting radius for full-potential to the muffin-tin radius. From this, the parameter IRNS is calculated.

The number of radial points in the muffin-tin region is also set as a DATA-statement (NMT).

Other changes: INS=1 and KSHAPE=0 means calculation of geometrical information, shifting the centers, finding the panels etc, but avoiding the actual calculation of shape functions ("spherical" shape functions are calculated instead, same as option "SIMULASA").

A few bugs were removed.

The inc.geometry file was rationalized, unnecessary parameters removed.

voronoi: 2012-02-01

Additional option "SIMULASA" was added. Fake shape functions are generated in order to simulate an ASA calculation if full-potential mode. Only the (0,0) component of the shape function is written out in a panel that extends from Rmt until Rws (ASA radius).

voronoi: 2012-01-30

The new version has a couple of new features:

  1. It can give the shape function for impurity clusters.
  2. It can expand the shape functions around "shifted" positions, different from the cell center, both for impurities and for host.

When in impurity mode, the code does not write out the host shape functions, only the impurity ones.

In the directory there is a file "inputcard_example" where the new features are explained (look for comments preceded by the symbols #####). From the inputcard_example I have omitted all input that would be redundant in a voronoi calculation. In an actual calculation you can use directly the inputcard that you prepared for the KKR code, just as before.

The impurity atoms are read in from the inputcard, just as the host atoms. Older inputcards should be compatible with this.

A short description of further changes in the code follows:

*** Changes concerning the end-user ***

  • The read-in of the inputcard was rationalised, omitting all redundant parameters. In some cases default values are used if a keyword is not found (e.g., cartesian=.f. or kshape=2 are default).

  • If you want to perform only a cell construction but not a calculation of the shape functions, set KSHAPE=2. (kshape=1 is equivalent to =2 for the voronoi prog. but not for the host kkr code). For full calculations put INS=1 and KSHAPE=1 or 2.

  • You can now write out the shapes for all atoms, as required by David's code, or the shapes of only the representative atoms, as required by the KKR host-code. Just use running option "WRITEALL" (with obvious meaning).

-The shape header is now included automatically by the program in the shape-file.

  • Two new test-options were introduced, "verb0" and "verb1" (to be placed in the TESTOPT part of the inputcard). If you use none, then only little information is written out in the standard output, compared to what was happening so-far. "verb0" gives more, and "verb0" together with "verb1" even more.

  • New files are written out to help some checks, plots, or post-processing: verices.dat for plotting the cells e.g. with gnuplot, radii.dat for comparing the ratio of inner to outer radius, shows if the cell is too asymmetric, cellinfo.dat is the full set of face-equations and vertices, to be read in e.g. by a future version of the KKR program so that the shapes are constructed on-the-fly.

*** Changes concerning the developer ***

  • A routine creating the impurity clusters was added (clsgenimp12). It accounts for host positions, impurity positions, and "killed" sites, i.e. host sites that are to be completely removed in the impurity calculation (e.g. when substituting more than one host atoms by only one impurity).

  • The basis vectors are rationalised by a new routine. If a basis atom is too far away from the (0,0,0) lattice position, and close to another lattice position, it is translated by a lattice vector back close to (0,0,0). This was important for considering the impurity clusters.

  • The write-out of the shape functions was moved from subr. "mtmesh" into routine "writeshape" which is called from the main program.

  • All shapes are kept into the main memory, so that the code is easier to handle internally. As a result there is a ceiling of approx. 2000 different shape functions, then the required memory exceeds 2GB. This can be improved and perhaps doubled by a reduction of array-size parameters, in particular IBDMAXD (beginning of maindriver12) and NFACED,NVERTD.

  • The subroutine shape.f (now called shape12.f) has only minor modifications: the NFACED and NVERTD parameters have been moved to the inc.geometry file so that they are uniquely defined in the code, and some write-out statements are only given with "verb0" or "verb1" into the standard output (but I saw to it that error messages are not restrained by "verb0" or "verb1").