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File metadata and controls

373 lines (314 loc) · 13.6 KB


The functions signatures of this project differ from those described here. This is for basically three reasons:

  1. the DB headers allow to simplify encrypting the query (see this comment),
  2. the clear query allows to simplify decrypting the result
  3. some internal parameters for WopbsKey and ServerKey are private (or can only be accessed by consuming the variables), so they are accessed once, then forwarded to other parts of the code that need them.

This README is an edited version of the crate's documentation. See there for more.

Computes encrypted queries homomorphically.

Main logic


  1. A provided query is parsed and converted to a structure named U64SyntaxTree. The only type handled by this structure is u64: strings are considered to be of type [u8; 32], and are converted to [u64; 4]. See Encoding value for more details.
  2. The query is then optimized using the egg crate, so as to remove "pathological" queries such as some_uint < 0.
  3. The result is encoded into a vector Vec<EncodedInstruction>, which transforms binary operators like <, =, >=, != into formulas where only the two operators =, <= are used. See Encoding op for more.
  4. The output vector is then encrypted and sent to the server.
  5. When receiving the response from the server, the client decrypts only the necessary records and columns based on the two attributes encrypted_result.is_record_in_result and encrypted_result.projection. Then the initial (clear) query sent to the server is used to rearrange the columns as requested by the query. See decrypt_result_to_hashmap.


A provided database is handled as a structure Database, which is a list of Tables. Each table is then used to build a TableQueryRunner, which provides the run_query method. This method:

  1. runs the encrypted query on the table, ignoring the optional DISTINCT flag,
  2. post-process the result to make it compliant with that flag.

This two-step process allows for parallel computation of each table record at step 1. Step 2 is mainly a cmux tree of depth equals to the number of columns: the only other operations done during this step are computing sums of ciphertexts, which should not be too expensive (in terms of cpu load). See the docs for TableQueryRunner::is_record_already_in_result.

After each TableQueryRunner finished its computations, the result of which is roughly stored as a Vec<Vec<RadixCipherText>>, they are combined into one:

  • each table result is resized to the maximum table length / maximum column width,
  • each of its element is multiplied by an encryption of current_table == selected_table,
  • all Vec<Vec<RadixCiphertext>> are summed element-wise.

See DbQueryRunner::run_query.


As much of this project's logic is dictated by how a query is encrypted and how computations over booleans are handled, both are described here. See the paragraphs:


Comments on the chosen architecture

Handling only u64s

One could choose to handle only u256s so that ShortString are simply cast into that type. However, every other types would also be cast into u256, resulting in a big performance hit if most values are not ShortString.

On the other hand, casting ShortString as four u64 means that conditions like some_str = "something" are cast into

s0 = "<something0>" AND s1 = ... AND s3 = "<something3>"

which means evaluating 7 instructions:

  • 1 for each s0, ..., s3, and
  • 1 for each AND.

Thus this choice is less performant when the database has mostly ShortStrings.

Encoding the WHERE condition

This condition is a boolean formula, represented as a syntax tree. When trying to encrypt such a syntax tree, one stumbles on a problem: representing structured data in an encrypted form is hard.

One could try to transform such data into a canonical, unstructured one (like a Conjunctive/Disjunctive Normal Form), but such transformation can blow up the size of the query.

One way around it is to define new variables, but this is equivalent to storing the structured data and saving the output of each boolean gate in a temporary register. This is the approach taken in this project.

Once again, if the queries are assumed to be "small" when written in Conjunctive/Disjunctive Normal Form, then this choice is less performant, and better otherwise.


As performing arbitrary boolean circuit and using registers to store values sounds a lot like a minimal processor, each element of an EncryptedSyntaxTree is called an "instruction".

Structure of the project

This project is divided in the following modules:


Handles converting a sqlparser::ast::Select into an internal representation of the syntax tree, as well as encoding it into a vector of tuples:

type EncodedInstruction = (bool, u8, bool u64, bool)

and encrypting the result.


Defines a simple QueryLanguage to be used by the egg crate. Also adds methods to U64SyntaxTree to convert it to an instance of QueryLanguage, and to convert it back to the initial type.


Primitives for encoding different types to u64, or [u64; 4].


Handles the representation of tables, records, and cells.


Provides the TableQueryRunner and DbQueryRunner types for running the FHE query.


Implements methods for handling the DISTINCT flag.


Contains the definition of a few structures handling encrypted data. Here are the structures defined there:


A lookup table for handling FHE computations of functions u8 -> u64.


A wrapper for Ciphertext which implements the Add, Mul, Not traits. A boolean is represented by an integer modulo 2, and as a Ciphertext encrypts an integer modulo 4, we remove the degree checks on addition/multiplication, but keep the noise checks. See FheBool implementation of add_assign and its method binary_smart_op_optimal_cleaning_strategy.


A lookup table for handling FHE computations of functions u8 -> FheBool. This requires rewriting quite a few methods from tfhe::integer::WopbsKey and tfhe::core_crypto modules. The modified methods from WobsKey are put in the query_lut module, while those from core_crypto are put in the recursive_cmux_tree module.

Query encoding and encryption

A query is internally represented by the U64SyntaxTree structure. It's designed to represent essentially two cases:

  1. an atom, which is a statement of the form column_id op value where column_id is an identifier, op is a comparison operator like =, <, !=, and value is of type u64.
  2. a node n1 op n2 where bot n1 and n2 are of type U64SyntaxTree, and op is one of AND, NAND, OR, NOR.

The result of encoding such queries is a Vec<EncodedInstruction>, where

type EncodedInstruction = (bool, u8, bool, u64, bool);

Let (is_node, left, which_op, right, negate) = instr be an EncodedInstruction. The boolean is_node is for specifying wether instr encodes a node or an atom.

Node encoding

A node is a boolean operator of arity two, where:

  • which_op encodes the choice between OR (true) and AND (false),
  • negate encodes negation of the resulting boolean, ie the choice between AND and NAND, or OR and NOR,
  • its two arguments are encoded as two indices i1 and i2, which refer to other encoded instructions in the vector.

For example:

let encoded_query = vec![
  todo!(), // encoding of first atom
  todo!(), // encoding of second atom
  (true, 0, true, 1, false), // encoding of "encoded_query[0] OR encoded_query[1]"

Here the last element of encoded_query refers to two atoms at index 0 and 1 in encoded_query.

All in all, an EncodedInstruction of the form:

(true, i1, which_op, i2, negate)

encodes the following instruction:

(encoded_query[i1] OP encoded_query[i2]) XOR negate

where OP is either AND or OR depending on which_op.

Atom encoding

An atom is an expression of the form column_id op value where:

  • column_id: u8 is the index of a column in a table,
  • op is one of <, <=, =, >=, >, !=,
  • value is a value of type one of bool, u8, u16, u32, u64, i8, i16, i32, i64, ShortString.

Encoding column_id

To each column identifier is associated a single index of type u8 (except those of type ShortString which define four indices). This is done by the method TableHeaders::index_of.

Encoding op

We define the boolean which_op to encode the choice between <= (true) and = (false). We then use basic logical equivalences to encode op with only two booleans which_op, negate:

  • $a &lt; b \iff a \leq b-1$
  • $a &gt; b \iff \neg(a \leq b)$
  • $a \not= b \iff \neg(a = b)$
  • $a \geq b \iff \neg(a \leq b-1)$

We thus encode the pair (op, value) as a tuple (which_op, negate, encoded_val) as follows:

let (which_op, negate, encoded_val) = match op {
     "="  => (false, false, value),
     "!=" => (false, true,  value),
     "<=" => (true,  false, value),
     ">"  => (true,  true,  value),
     "<"  => (true,  false, value - 1),
     ">=" => (true,  true,  value - 1),


Modifying the value fails in essentially two corner cases:

  1. when processing column_id < 0 where column_id is an unsigned integer,
  2. when processing column_id >= 0 where column_id is an unsigned integer.

Thus simplifying such trivial queries is required before encoding. See simplify_query.

Encoding value

Every value in an encoded instruction is of type u64. Casting unsigned integers and booleans to u64 is straightforward.

Encoding a ShortString

The type ShortString is a vector of 32 bytes, ie [u8; 32]. During encoding, a value of type ShortString is cast as four u64s, so as a value of type [u64; 4].

Casting a signed integer to an u64

An i64 can be cast to an u64, however such a casting is not compatible with boolean expressions like -1 < 0 (this evaluates to true, but (-1 as u64) < 0_u64 doesn't). So to obtain an embedding compatible with the order on signed and unsigned integers, we simply negate the most significant bit:

let cast_to_u64 = |i: i64| (i as u64) ^ (1 << 63);

Encrypting an EncodedInstruction

We just encrypt each element of the tuple. The output type is then:

(Ciphertext, RadixCiphertext, Ciphertext, RadixCiphertext, Ciphertext)

The first RadixCiphertext has 4 blocks, while the second has 32.

Evaluating an encrypted syntax tree

Hidden lookup tables

When performing a SQL query homomorphically, we run the encrypted query on each record.

Let n be the length of the encoded query. The TableQueryRunner::run_query_on_record method first creates a vector query_lut: Vec<Ciphertext>, of size n, then write the (encrypted) result of each instruction into it.


Strictly speaking, query_lut is of type QueryLUT.

As an instruction can refer to other instructions in the encoded query, we need to homomorphically evaluate a function u8 -> Ciphertext, also called a "hidden lookup table". This is done in the query_lut module.

Replacing boolean operators with addition and multiplication mod 2

We note the following:

  1. Addition of ciphertexts is much faster than doing a PBS,
  2. Let $a,b \in \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$. Then:
    • $a+1 = \text{NOT } a$,
    • $a+b = a \text{ XOR } b$,
    • $a \times b = a \text{ AND } b$.

However, tfhe::FheBool uses lookup tables for its implementation of BitXor. So we recreate our own FheBool in the cipher_structs module. Then we rewrite:

$(a \text{ OR } b) \rightarrow (a + b + a \times b)$

and simplify the resulting formulas. This reduces the number of PBS performed.


Let's give the boolean formula for evaluating an instruction of the form:

(true, i_l, which_op, i_r, negate)

This thus encodes a node. Let left, right be the two booleans that i_l, i_r refer to. The result boolean is then:

(which_op       AND (left OR  right)) XOR
((NOT which_op) AND (left AND right)) XOR

Which requires 7 PBS. When written using +, *, we obtain:

which_op       * (left + right + left * right) +
(1 + which_op) * (left * right) +

which simplifies to:

result = left * right + which_op * (left + right) + negate

This requires two multiplications (thus 2 PBS), plus 3 additions.

One can reduce to only one multiplication using de Morgan's law:

$$a \text{ OR } b = \neg (\neg a \text{ AND } \neg b),$$

which can also be written as:

$$a + b + ab = (a+1)(b+1) + 1 \; (\text{mod } 2)$$


  • $a$ by left,
  • $b$ byright,
  • $1$ by which_op,

we get:

result = (left + which_op) * (right + which_op) + which_op + negate

which means 1 PBS, 4 additions. This implicitly uses that:

which_op * which_op = which_op    (mod 2)


This analysis is not complete, because two additional PBS are necessary to get the values of left, right.

See the docs at run_query_on_record for a full analysis.