There is an introduction video on http://bit.ly/wp7-test
There are some Wiki Pages now on https://github.com/Expensify/WindowsPhoneTestFramework/wiki
##General setup
Before you try the general steps, consider using NuGet!
For adding BDD to a class library project, see https://github.com/Expensify/WindowsPhoneTestFramework/wiki/Writing-a-new-SpecFlow-test-project-for-WindowsPhoneTestFramework
For adding the test client to a WP7 project, see https://github.com/Expensify/WindowsPhoneTestFramework/wiki/Adding-testing-to-an-application
##NuGet setup - wp7 app
Use the "App - Windows Phone Test Framework" installer on nuget.org/List/Packages/WP7TestClient
Once you have installed from NuGet into your WP7 App, then:
in the App.xaml.cs constructor, add
#if DEBUG WindowsPhoneTestFramework.AutomationClient.Automation.Instance.Initialise(); #endif // DEBUG
##NuGet setup - Class Library test project (BDD)
Use the "BDD - Windows Phone Test Framework" installer on nuget.org/List/Packages/WP7Test
Once you have installed from NuGet into your test class library, then:
Change the project Build from "Any CPU" to "x86" only
Edit app.config to provide the necessary configuration values for your app
Be especially careful about the paths
For finding the ProductId, see the WMAppManifest.xml file.
Add a new feature:
Feature: App Test In order to test my app As a WP7 Developer I want to see it start and take a picture of it Scenario: Start the app Given my app is uninstalled And my app is installed And my app is running Then I wait 5 seconds Then take a picture
Run the tests
To get this to work, you need to install:
wp7 7.1 mango dev tools - so far not tested on the free Express versions
#Some possible problems:
For non-English setups (outside of US, UK, AU, etc) you may find you are not able to create the emulator - this is due to internationalised emulator device names (currently I'm looking for a list).
There is now some code to help work around this - but if the emulator does not start in your SDK, then please get in touch.
If you want to try fixing this yourselves, take a look at the device name in DriverBase.cs and EmulatorDriver.cs
For some script runners, then you may need to change script runner to have the 32-big flag set - try to find a 32-bit alternative (e.g. nunit-console-x86.exe) - or (at worst) use CorFlags.exe to change your test-runner.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin\CorFlags.exe" "your target.exe" /32BIT+
The server part of the code opens a WCF service on http://localhost:8085 - it needs permission to do this - use:
netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:8085/ user=<domain>\<user>
#Source code build
To start:
Open and build the whole solution - Debug configuration
Open a command prompt and run "cscript runspec.js" inside the Example directory - this will run all the specflow features
Try running the emuHost command line tool, then try commands like:
help install launch click Go! setText TextBoxInput=hello world getText TextBoxOutput doSwipe LeftToRight
#Source code - using the test platform
To work out how to use the test platform in your own apps:
Try looking at the code for ExampleApp - there's only one line that's added to enable testing -
in App.xaml.cs -
Try looking at the gherkin code in the ExampleApp.Spec features
Please ask them on http://www.stackoverflow.com
Please do dive on in and help :)