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Michael Cashmore edited this page Jan 21, 2015 · 19 revisions

ROSPlan Framework

The ROSPlan framework provides a generic method for task planning in a ROS system. ROSPlan encapsulates both planning and dispatch. It possesses as a simple interface, and already includes interfaces to common ROS libraries.


Get the prerequisites:

(for Indigo)

sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-mongodb-store

(for Hydro)

sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-mongodb-store

Select a catkin workspace or create a new one:

mkdir -p ROSPlan/src
cd ROSPlan/

Get the code:

git clone src/

Compile everything:

source /opt/ros/hydro/setup.bash
catkin_make -j1

Running a demo with the turtlebot

The turtlebot demo is now a simple exploration mission. The turtlebot will visit randomly generated waypoints around a map.

The domain for this demo is in the rosplan_planning_system package, as common/domain.pddl.

To run the demo first follow the installation instructions and quick-start guide for the turtlebot simulation: (indigo) (hydro)

Then source the ROSPlan workspace and run:

roslaunch rosplan_demos turtlebot.launch
sh src/rosplan_demos/scripts/turtlebot_explore.bash

turtlebot.launch will start the turtlebot simulation, rviz, and ROSPlan.

turtlebot_explore.bash calls a ROSPlan component service to generate a roadmap (you can see in rviz); adds exploration goals; and then calls the planning system service.

The turtlebot will move around the waypoints, exploring the environment. You should output from the planning system, something like:

KCL: (PS) Dispatching plan
KCL: (PS) Dispatching action [0, goto_waypoint, 10.024417, 10.000000]
KCL: (MoveBase) action recieved
KCL: (PS) Feedback received [0,action enabled]
KCL: (MoveBase) action finished: SUCCEEDED
KCL: (PS) Feedback received [0,action achieved]
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