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Oreo: High-Performance and Scalable Transactions across Heterogeneous NoSQL Data Stores

License: MIT


## Oreo

Oreo: High-Performance and Scalable Transactions across Heterogeneous NoSQL Data Stores

This repository is dedicated to sharing the implementation of Oreo for the ASPLOS 2025 paper entitled: Oreo: High-Performance and Scalable Transactions across Heterogeneous NoSQL Data Stores.

Oreo Structure

Project Structure

Project Structure

  • ./benchmarks:所有关于 Benchmark 测试的代码
  • ./executor:Stateless Executor 的代码
  • ./integration:集成测试的代码
  • ./internal:一些自己使用的内部类
  • ./pkg:所有关于 Oreo 的代码


Command Line Parameters

下面给出 benchmark 应用程序中所有命令参数的说明

你可以切换到./benchmarks/cmd路径下, 通过 go build . 生成对应的二进制文件,或者通过 go run . 直接编译运行

Usage of ./benchmarks/cmd:
  -d string
        DB type
        Show help
  -m string
        Mode: load or run (default "load")
  -ps string
        Preset configuration for evaluation
  -read string
        Read Strategy (default "p")
        Run in remote mode (for Oreo series)
  -t int
        Thread number (default 1)
        Enable trace
  -wc string
        Workload configuration path
  -wl string
        Workload type



  • redis:原生的 Redis 数据操作

    • 适配的工作负载为 ycsb
    • 使用的数据库地址为 RedisDBAddr
  • oreo-redis:Oreo 框架下的 Redis 数据操作,支持分布式 ACID 事务

    • 适配的工作负载为 ycsb
    • 使用的数据库地址为 OreoRedisAddr
  • mongo:原生的 MongoDB 数据操作

    • 适配的工作负载为 ycsb
    • 使用的数据库地址为 MongoDBAddr1
  • oreo-mongo:Oreo 框架下的 MongoDB 数据操作,支持分布式 ACID 事务

    • 适配的工作负载为 ycsb
    • 使用的数据库地址为 OreoMongoDBAddr1
  • native-rm:原生的数据操作,数据库组合为 Redis-MongoDB

    • 适配的工作负载为 multi-ycsb
    • 使用的数据库地址为 RedisDBAddrMongoDBAddr1
  • native-mm:原生的数据操作,数据库组合为 MongoDB-MongoDB

    • 适配的工作负载为 multi-ycsb
    • 使用的数据库地址为 MongoDBAddr1MongoDBAddr2
  • oreo-rm:支持分布式 ACID 事务,数据库组合为 Redis-MongoDB

    • 适配的工作负载为 multi-ycsb
    • 使用的数据库地址为 OreoRedisAddrOreoMongoDBAddr1
  • oreo-mm:支持分布式 ACID 事务,数据库组合为 MongoDB-MongoDB

    • 适配的工作负载为 multi-ycsb
    • 使用的数据库地址为 OreoMongoDBAddr1OreoMongoDBAddr2

-m :必要参数,设定本次执行的模式,可以为 load 或者 run

  • load 指令给对应的数据库类型加载对应数据
  • run 指令开启性能基准测试

-ps:可选参数,默认值为空,设置预定的参数,具体的参数可以在 main.go 中查看

  • cg:Cherry Garcia 协议对应的参数,如果想要测试 Cherry Garcia,请务必指定此选项
  • native:原生数据操作对应的参数

-read:可选参数,默认值为 p,设定 Oreo 框架下事务读的策略

  • p:采用悲观读的策略
  • ac:采用 Assume-Committed 的策略
  • aa:采用 Assume-Aborted 的策略

-remote:是否使用 Stateless Executor 进行数据操作,Executor 的地址可以在 ./benchmarks/pkg/config 中配置


-trace:是否启用 Golang 自带的 trace 分析



# Load data to redis using 100 threads
go run . -d redis -wl ycsb -wc ./workloads/workloada.yaml -m load -t 100
# Load data to oreo-redis using 100 threads
go run . -d oreo-redis -wl ycsb -wc ./workloads/workloada.yaml -m load -t 100

# Running with native-rm under workload A
go run . -d native-rm -wl multi-ycsb -wc ./workloads/workloada.yaml -m run -ps native -t 128
# Running with oreo-mm under workload F
go run . -d oreo-mm -wl multi-ycsb -wc ./workloads/workloadf.yaml -m run -remote -t 128
# Running with oreo-mm under workload F in Cherry Garcia
go run . -d oreo-mm -wl multi-ycsb -wc ./workloads/workloada -m run -ps cg -t 128

Getting Started

本节将介绍如何从零开始运行一个 Benchmark。


git clone


  1. 数据库地址,用户名以及密码,位于 ./benchmarks/cmd/main.go
  2. Stateless Executor 地址,位于 ./benchmarks/pkg/config/config.go

第三步,编译 Stateless Executor

cd ./executor
go build .

第四步,将 Executor 分发到数据库节点上并运行

Executor 也有几个简单的命令行参数:

  • -p:设置 HTTP 服务器的端口
  • -r1:指定 redis1 数据库的地址
  • -m1:指定 mongo1 数据库的地址
  • -m2:指定 mongo2 数据库的地址
./executor -m1 mongodb://localhost:27017 -m2 mongodb://localhost:27018

第五步,确定自己要运行的工作负载,检查其配置,工作负载的配置文件在 ./benchmarks/cmd/workloads 路径下,采用 yaml 格式编写,下面是一份工作负载的模版

# Total number of records to be generated
recordcount: 1000000

# Total number of operations to be performed
operationcount: 100000

# Number of operations in each transaction group
txnoperationgroup: 6

# Proportions of different operations
readproportion: 0.5 # Proportion of read operations
updateproportion: 0.5 # Proportion of update operations
insertproportion: 0 # Proportion of insert operations
scanproportion: 0 # Proportion of scan operations
readmodifywriteproportion: 0 # Proportion of read-modify-write operations

# Proportions of operations on different databases
redis1proportion: 0.5 # Proportion of operations on Redis instance 1
mongo1proportion: 0.5 # Proportion of operations on MongoDB instance 1
mongo2proportion: 0 # Proportion of operations on MongoDB instance 2
couchdbproportion: 0 # Proportion of operations on CouchDB


注意,数据库组合类型如 oreo-mmoreo-rmnative-mmnative-rm 不支持直接加载数据,请手动分为两个数据库独立运行加载指令,如 oreo-rm 请运行

# Load data to redis
go run . -d oreo-redis -wl ycsb -wc ./workloads/workloada.yaml -m load -t 100
# Load data to mongo
go run . -d oreo-mongo -wl ycsb -wc ./workloads/workloada.yaml -m load -t 100
# Load data to redis using 100 threads
go run . -d redis -wl ycsb -wc ./workloads/workloada.yaml -m load -t 100
# Load data to oreo-redis using 100 threads
go run . -d oreo-redis -wl ycsb -wc ./workloads/workloada.yaml -m load -t 100

第七步,运行 Benchmark,下面提供了一些例子以供参考

# Running with native-rm under workload A
go run . -d native-rm -wl multi-ycsb -wc ./workloads/workloada.yaml -m run -ps native -t 128
# Running with oreo-mm under workload F
go run . -d oreo-mm -wl multi-ycsb -wc ./workloads/workloadf.yaml -m run -remote -t 128
# Running with oreo-mm under workload F in Cherry Garcia
go run . -d oreo-mm -wl multi-ycsb -wc ./workloads/workloada.yaml -m run -ps cg -t 128
# Running with oreo-redis under purewrite workload using Assume-Abort strategy
go run . -d oreo-redis -wl ycsb -wc ./workloads/purewrite.yaml -m run -remote -read aa -t 128

第八步,等待 Benchmark 完成,你应该会得到类似于下面的输出:

DBType: oreo-mm
Mode: run
WorkloadType: multi-ycsb
ThreadNum: 128
Remote Mode: true
Read Strategy: p
ConcurrentOptimizationLevel: 2
AsyncLevel: 2
MaxOutstandingRequest: 5
MaxRecordLength: 3
HTTPAdditionalLatency: 3ms ConnAdditionalLatency: 0s
LeaseTime: 100ms
ZipfianConstant: 0.9
Start to run benchmark
Run finished, takes 9.403273025s
COMMIT - Takes(s): 9.4, Count: 9528, OPS: 1017.9, Avg(us): 25863, Min(us): 8296, Max(us): 100223, 50th(us): 24175, 90th(us): 37567, 95th(us): 42975, 99th(us): 56383, 99.9th(us): 77183, 99.99th(us): 99391
COMMIT_ERROR - Takes(s): 9.4, Count: 7112, OPS: 759.9, Avg(us): 20556, Min(us): 4516, Max(us): 91903, 50th(us): 19151, 90th(us): 31583, 95th(us): 35839, 99th(us): 47615, 99.9th(us): 65535, 99.99th(us): 87999
READ   - Takes(s): 9.4, Count: 97334, OPS: 10355.1, Avg(us): 7597, Min(us): 6, Max(us): 85631, 50th(us): 5951, 90th(us): 13351, 95th(us): 16975, 99th(us): 25935, 99.9th(us): 39359, 99.99th(us): 57951
READ_ERROR - Takes(s): 9.3, Count: 2666, OPS: 285.3, Avg(us): 12612, Min(us): 3968, Max(us): 79039, 50th(us): 9943, 90th(us): 23375, 95th(us): 29071, 99th(us): 40735, 99.9th(us): 60511, 99.99th(us): 79039
Start  - Takes(s): 9.4, Count: 16768, OPS: 1782.8, Avg(us): 58, Min(us): 20, Max(us): 5515, 50th(us): 32, 90th(us): 62, 95th(us): 82, 99th(us): 593, 99.9th(us): 2723, 99.99th(us): 4759
TOTAL  - Takes(s): 9.4, Count: 247132, OPS: 26280.6, Avg(us): 11487, Min(us): 1, Max(us): 186879, 50th(us): 4119, 90th(us): 50623, 95th(us): 70079, 99th(us): 91391, 99.9th(us): 115391, 99.99th(us): 139519
TXN    - Takes(s): 9.4, Count: 9528, OPS: 1017.8, Avg(us): 71551, Min(us): 31552, Max(us): 166399, 50th(us): 69695, 90th(us): 91135, 95th(us): 98687, 99th(us): 114687, 99.9th(us): 136447, 99.99th(us): 153343
TXN_ERROR - Takes(s): 9.4, Count: 7112, OPS: 760.0, Avg(us): 68862, Min(us): 27232, Max(us): 157567, 50th(us): 66815, 90th(us): 88959, 95th(us): 96831, 99th(us): 113663, 99.9th(us): 134527, 99.99th(us): 155775
TxnGroup - Takes(s): 9.4, Count: 16640, OPS: 1773.8, Avg(us): 70293, Min(us): 22240, Max(us): 186879, 50th(us): 68607, 90th(us): 90623, 95th(us): 98559, 99th(us): 115327, 99.9th(us): 140415, 99.99th(us): 162431
UPDATE - Takes(s): 9.4, Count: 97334, OPS: 10353.6, Avg(us): 7, Min(us): 1, Max(us): 3601, 50th(us): 4, 90th(us): 6, 95th(us): 7, 99th(us): 17, 99.9th(us): 1314, 99.99th(us): 2675
Error Summary:

  Operation:  COMMIT
       Error   Count
       -----   -----
prepare phase failed: Remote prepare failed
  version mismatch  6281
prepare phase failed: Remote prepare failed
rollForward failed
  version mismatch  515
prepare phase failed: Remote prepare failed
rollback failed
  version mismatch  315
prepare phase failed: Remote prepare failed
  read failed due to unknown txn status  1

                             Operation:   READ
                                  Error  Count
                                  -----  -----
  read failed due to unknown txn status   1333
rollForward failed
  version mismatch  826
rollback failed
  version mismatch  507


  • 本次测试的配置信息

  • 性能测量信息

    • 这部分统计了测试中每个操作的用时数据,包括平均值/最大值/最小值/50分位/95分位/99分位/99.9分位/99.99分位的数据
  • 错误记录信息

    • 这部分统计了本次测试中所有事务操作出错的次数和原因


  • 如果需要测试 Cherry Garcia,请使用 -ps cg 参数
  • 程序默认的模拟延迟为 3ms,如果你需要调整模拟延迟,请修改 ./benchmark/pkg/config/config.go 中的数值


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.