- WASD = Move
- Mouse = Aim
- Click = Throw
- Space = Dash
- Boosting protects you from damage.
- Buy items to help you survive.
- You don't lose money when you die!
- There are only 10 levels.
- Lost boomerangs show up big on the map.
- Enemies are slowed by sand.
- Yellow boormang can grab pickups.
- Blue boomerang does double damage.
- Win to unlock speed run mode.
- Boomerang physics & boost ability
- Procedural level generation
- 3 Enemy types
- 7 types of pickups
- Giant and invisible enemy variants
- Final boss battle
- Saves gems earned and max level reached
- Shop system for buying items
- Minimap
- Footsteps, blood, and persistant effects system
- 16 Different sound effects with zzfx
- Procedurally generated music
- Speed run mode doesn't effect normal save
- Low health warning system
- Level transition effect
- Engine is separated from game code
- Object oriented architecture
- 2D game object system with pseudo 3D
- Physics and level tile collision
- Tile rendering system
- Cached level rendering
- Particle system
- 3D shadows
- Input processing system
- Debug rendering system
- Debug console
- Debug rendering
- Debug controls
- Save snapshot
- The official release is under 13k for the game, engine, art and music!
- The tile.png file has 14 color palette exported from Gimp with all extra save data disabled
- First combine all javascript together
- Remove all debug code, godMode, soundEnable, and controls description
- Use Google Closure on Advanced https://closure-compiler.appspot.com/home
- Use terser with extra compression turned off https://xem.github.io/terser-online/
- Put eveything into the same html file and remove any whitespace
- Zip the index.html and tiles.png files
- Zip the zip with advzip using the settings "-z -4 -i 1000" https://github.com/amadvance/advancecomp
- Say a small prayer to the gods of JavaScript
- The final result should hopefully be under 13k!