Social RSS is a web server that allows you to receive updates from your social network accounts via RSS.
For now it supports VK and Twitter social networks.
Note: social-rss requires Python 3
# Clone the source code
$ git clone
$ cd social-rss
# Install all requirements
$ sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# Run the server
$ ./social-rss 8888
Attention: by using VK RSS you violate VK Terms of Service, so do this on your own risk!
Go to and create a standalone VK application.
Go to,friends,offline&response_type=code&redirect_uri= and grant the requested permissions. You will be redirected to
Go to and save access_token from its response.
Just type in browser http://:YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN@localhost:8888/vk.rss
or pass this URL to your favourite RSS reader (it must support HTTP Basic Access Authentication).
Go to and create an application (fill only required fields). You will be redirected to your application's page. Press "Create my access token" button on it.
Just type in browser http://${CONSUMER_KEY}_${CONSUMER_SECRET}:${ACCESS_TOKEN}_${ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET}@localhost:8888/twitter.rss
or pass this URL to your favourite RSS reader (it must support HTTP Basic Access Authentication).