option added (thanks @jnothman)
- Refactor all the things!
- pagination now uses
100 (thanks @boneskull)
- consolidating duplicate wiki and github contributors corrected (thanks @boneskull)
- Ensure Python 3 by adding blockers in
- project is now a module, which allows for easier local debugging
- removed duplicate wiki contributors from main repo contributors
- confirm git is available within the environment before using (thanks @rogeriopradoj)
- Ability to parse and add custom contributors based on a specially formatted CONTRIBUTORS file
- Relabelled report; was "Code/Non-Code Contributors", now "GitHub/All Contributors" (thanks @ossanna16)
- Note: "All" is a superset of the old Code + the old Non-Code (hence, "all").
- Wiki contributions are always checked, and nicely fails if there's no wiki associated on the repo
- All old flags removed from the help. Kept for backward compatibility, though (thanks @mjec)
- Wiki Contributions are now included in the report, based on a list of authors of the username/repo.git repo
- Note: This uses local git repo cloning, as there is no github wiki API
- HTML Output. Deprecated in favour of the web-based HatRack
- Corrected pagination logic for GitHub contribution endpoint.
- Flag to disable local cache (thanks @edunham)
- Local caching of API results
- Project rename.
. read more
- Notification if GitHub rate limit has been exceeded.
- Appropriate use of sessions (thanks @lukasa)
- Improved HTML output (thanks @stewart-ibm and @freakboy3742)
- Prevent hard failure on incomplete GitHub profiles (thanks @tclark)
- Python 3 compatibility and requirements install properly (thanks @davidjb and @krockode)
- correct error handling when finding 404 errors on single user API responses
- initial functionality: insert githubuser/repo, receive statistics.
- basic html generation
- limiting to most recent x pull requests/issues