Gets the assemblies in the GAC. Assemblies can be filterd by Name, Version, Culture, PublicKeyToken or ProcessArchitecture.
Get-GacAssembly [[-Name] <String[]>] [[-Version] <String[]>] [[-Culture] <String[]>] [[-PublicKeyToken] <String[]>] [[-ProcessorArchitecture] <ProcessorArchitecture[]>] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-GacAssembly [-AssemblyName] <AssemblyName[]> [<CommonParameters>]
-Name <String[]>
Filter on the Name part. Supports wildcards.
-Version <String[]>
Filter on the Version part. Supports wildcards.
-Culture <String[]>
Filter on the Culture part. 'neutral' or '' can be used to filter on assemblies without cultures. Supports wildcards.
-PublicKeyToken <String[]>
Filter on the PublicKeyToken part. Supports wildcards.
-ProcessorArchitecture <ProcessorArchitecture[]>
Filter on the ProcessorArchitecture part. Supports wildcards.
-AssemblyName <AssemblyName[]>
Filter on AssemblyName
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer and OutVariable.
This example returns all assemblies in the GAC
C:\PS>Get-GacAssembly -Name System* -Version
This example returns all assemblies in the GAC with a name starting with System and version