This is a repo for all the code reviewed in the Learn to Code LA intro to java 4-week class.
The original posting for this meetup is here:
The class structure is based heavily on the free online book:
We read the material, a demo is given, then we work in pairs to practice what we've learned.
This class was designed to give beginner adults a quick overview of the basics of the java programming language.
Here's the class sequence:
###Session 1
Lecture: Variables and datatypes
Reading: All sections in chapter 2
###Session 2
Lecture: Intro to loops with while-loops
Reading: Sections 1 to 3 in chapter 3
###Session 3
Lecture: More on loops with for-loops and if-else statements
Reading: Sections 4 to 6
###Session 4
Lecture: Review topics and start intro to arrays
####The first cohort: