A bridge between LDtk and DragonRuby
Documentation in progress too !
First you need to init your map
my_world = LDtk.create_world('path_to_your_file', 'your_ldtk_file.ldtk')
my_world is a Hash
and has this structure :
folder: 'path_to_your_file/',
levels: {}, # Hash with all levels
definitions: {} # some useful information about tilesets
If in your LDtk file, your level is named "Level_1" in LDtk, LDtkBridge converts it to a symbol :Level_1
This level can be load like this
my_level = LDtk.level(my_world, :Level_1)
Each level is a hash with keys :
identifier: # Symbol name of the level
uid: # Integer Unique integer identifier
iid: # String Unique instance identifier
px_hei: # Integer height of the level in px,
px_wid: # Integer width of the level in px,
world_x: # Integer x position of the level in the world in px,
world_y: # Integer y position of the level in the world in px,
layers: # Hash hash of layer with layer identifier as key
field: # Array<Hash> array of field hash`
In the same way, you can load a layer named "Ground" in "Level_1" with
my_layer = LDtk.layer(my_world, :Level_1, :Ground)
Each layer is a hash with keys
cell_width: # Integer width in cells
cell_height: # Integer height in cells
grid_size: # Integer cell size in px
identifier # Symbol name of the layer
type: # Symbol Layer type
# (possible values: :IntGrid,:Entities, :Tiles or :AutoLayer)
iid: # String Unique instance identifier
tileset_def_uid: # Integer definition id of the layer's tileset
tileset_rel_path: # String relative path of tileset
grid_tiles # Array<Hash> array of tiles's hash (dr friendly)
entities # Array<Hash> array of entity's hash
int_grid # Array<Integer> array of int in 'dr-friendly' orientation
When the layer is a tiles layer (id type: :Tiles),
grid_tiles` key link to an array of tile.
LDtkBridge make DR friendly tiles (plus some useful fields). So tiles have this format :