Deploy your projects with this easy & simple tool. Install it on your server and configure the repositories and the commands to be executed per branch.
- PHP 7.1+
- Web server Apache or Nginx
- SSH Key authorization for private repositories
- Bitbucket
- Github
Copy the configuration/example.repositories.php
, rename it to repositories.php
and configure it to your
repository needs. For example my personal blog
return [
'secret-token' => [
'repository' => '',
'service' => \Deployer\Services\Github\GitHubService::class,
'branches' => [
'master' => [
'path' => '/var/www/', // path where the master branch is deployed
'commands' => [
'git pull origin :branch',
'COMPOSER_HOME=":path" composer install',
'php artisan cache:clear',
'messengers' => [
'slack' => [
'token' => 'slack-secret-token',
'channel' => 'deployments',
'username' => '',
'avatar' => ':bot:',
You need to add a Webhook to your GitHub or Bitbucket repository, following the previous example, the url for the
repository would be
If you work with private repositories, you'll need to allow SSH access to perform deployment tasks such as git pull
If you discover a security vulnerability within Deployer, please send an e-mail to David Llop at All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
Deployer is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license.