This document describes some more complex controls from Bootstrap available as reusable shapes.
Displays an accordion using shapes passed to its Children
property as content. Other properties are optional.
<shape type="BootstrapAccordion"
Displays a split button with multiple name-URL pairs as optional links in a dropdown and the first one as button action. It has a tag helper with one required attribute (options
) and many optional ones.
<bootstrap-split-button options="IEnumerable<(string Url, string Text)>"
type="string : btn-type suffix like primary (default), secondary, danger, etc"
text="string : main button text, if null or empty the first option text is used"
class="string : HTML class attribute for the wrapper element"
button-classes="string : HTML class attribute for the main button"
toggle-classes="string : HTML class attribute for the [▾] button"
dropdown-classes="string : HTML class attribute for the dropdown menu list" />