For further reference, please consider the following sections:
- Official Apache Maven documentation
- Spring Boot Maven Plugin Reference Guide
- Create an OCI image
- Deploying SpringBoot apps
- Spring Web
- Spring Data Redis (Access+Driver)
- Spring Data JPA
- Spring Configuration Processor
- Spring Session
- Spring Security
- OAuth2 Client
- Validation
The following guides illustrate how to use some features concretely:
- Building a RESTful Web Service
- Serving Web Content with Spring MVC
- Building REST services with Spring
- Messaging with Redis
- Accessing Data with JPA
- Accessing data with MySQL
- Securing a Web Application
- Spring Boot and OAuth2
- Validation
- Braintree Payments
- JPA Buddy - ✨ useful extension for IntelliJ Ultimate IDE, when working with JPA + Hibernate
This is the primary database. All DateTimes are stored and queried in UTC only. (Hint: USE java.time.Instant
as Type
for all Datetime fields). Handle timezone conversion on your Frontend! For your convenience, I have included a
mysqldump file which contains sample data for testing.
CREATE new schema called
(any name is OK), with charsetutf8mb4
. -
Springboot will create all tables and indexes automatically on the Very First launch.
To maintain consistent time-zone (UTC) with your Java server, ensure your JDBC connection URL has parameter
. See example below. For native @Query's, use UTC_TIMESTAMP() or UTC_DATE().spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/wedemy?connectionTimeZone=UTC # OR, set this
Here is the ERD Diagram for MySQL Db used in the project:
This project uses Redis for 2 main tasks: Caching, and Storing login sessions. You can download latest Redis (macOS & Linux) from Windows users may download the latest native installer (.msi) from this GitHub repo. Alternatively, you could pull its official Docker image. Another option you could try is Redis Cloud at: Remember to replace Redis credentials inside application.yml (or in your ENV variables).
Tip 💡 | Redis now has an OFFICIAL cross-platform desktop GUI client: RedisInsight. Download it free here |