This Python script extracts cocnepts and mappings from a json file downloaded from OCL.
- Python 3.x
- datetime
- pandas
Clone this repository and navigate into the project directory:
# Clone the script
git clone
cd ocl_data_extractor
# Add your json content to export.json. Ideally this should be the json file in the zipped folder dwoloaded from your versioned collection in OCL.
# ensure you have an updated version of your collection published.
# Downlaod the zip file and extract the json file therein.
# The json file should be names export.json, or copy the files of your json file to the empty export.json file provided. This is important as the script only parses a file with this name.
# Run the script to generate the excel file witht he errors
# You will get an excel output file with concepts on the first sheet and mappings on the other sheet.