#How to contribute?
Fork this repo. If you are using mac, fork directly in the directory:
/Users/YOURUSER/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/User/MagentoSnippets/
it will "automatically" install and enable the plugin in your ST editor; -
Install in your Sublime Text, via Package Control the plugin Scope Hunter;
If you already have the MagentoSnippets installed, remove it by the command palette Package Control: remove package/repository;
Create your own snippets following the directory structure or create a new directory;
Test the snippets that you have createad, mainly the right scope using the Scope Hunter plugin;
After all tests, create a new pull request for this repository.
Don't forget to remove the forked repo in the Packages directory, or just keep it updated with master :)
I will create new tags for each 5 new snippets added.
If you have any question please comment it here, for suggestions create an new issue.