To use telegram-cli in Windows, you should compile with Cygwin which has POSIX API functionality.
Install Cygwin and cygwin's package manager, apt-cyg.
In Cygwin Terminal, install compiler and tools :
apt-cyg install cygwin32-gcc-core cygwin32-gcc-g++ gcc-core gcc-g++ make wget patch diffutils grep tar gzip
Now you have a compiler, but no libraries. You need readline, openssl, libconfig, liblua, python and libjansson to use telegram-cli's full functionality.
Then Clone GitHub Repository in Cygwin Terminal
git clone --recursive
In Cygwin Terminal, type:
apt-cyg install libevent-devel openssl-devel libreadline-devel lua-devel python3
(Install package 'python' to use Python 2.7, or install package 'python3' to use Python 3)
libconfig and libjansson is not in cygwin's package, so you should compile yourself.
Compile libconfig
tar xvf libconfig-1.5.tar.gz && cd libconfig-1.5
make && make install && cd ..
Compile libjansson
tar xvf jansson-2.7.tar.gz && cd jansson-2.7
make && make install && cd ..
Then, go to tg directory then generate Makefile.
cd tg
We need to patch Makefile and loop.c to compile in cygwin. Download this patch then untar. Then, patch in tg directory.
patch -p1 < telegram-cli-cygwin.patch
Then make
After compile is done, telegram-cli.exe will be generated in bin directory.
To run telegram-cli, type
bin/telegram-cli -k
Caution: A binary compiled with Cygwin should be run in Cygwin Terminal.