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Writing Tests

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Testing with RSpec

Testing with RSpec involves specifications (files containing tests), and examples within these specifications (the actual tests). In order to get the most out of this tutorial, it is recommended that you follow along in the spec folder, which is located in the Markus root folder.

Note: Better Specs is another resource that illustrates best practices using RSpec (you will notice most of our style uses their suggestions). Refer to this guide for anything not explicitly covered here. It is also a great resource for more examples on most of what is covered.

How to Run Specifications

Note: The following commands assume you are within the Markus root folder. If you running MarkUs with Docker, you must be in a shell in the rails Docker container.

To run all specifications:

bundle exec rspec

To run a specific specification:

bundle exec rspec <file-path>

For example, to run the group model specification, run bundle exec rspec spec/models/group_spec.rb.

Naming Conventions


The name of the folder which holds the specifications should have the same name as the folder storing the files being tested. For example, model files are stored in the folder app/models, so model specifications are stored in spec/models.


The name of the specification for the file being tested is the name of the file followed by '_spec'. For example, the group model file is named group.rb, so the group model specification will be group_spec.rb.

Helper Gems


FactoryBot is used to create instances of Models for testing. A great introduction to FactoryBot can be found here.

Within the spec folder (found in the Markus root folder), you will find a folder called factories. This is where all current factories being used for testing are stored. The filename of each factory should be the plural form of the filename of the Model it refers to (because there are multiple factories of the same kind in one file). For example, the Group Model is contained in a file called group.rb and so the factory filename is groups.rb. Another example would be a model filename of criterion.rb and a factory filename of criteria.rb.

Look through a few of them to get a sense of what the template looks like. Each factory corresponds to one of Markus's Models.

FactoryBot's create method is used to make and save instances of Models. The create method should only be used when absolutely necessary. It creates instances that will persist within the database making it a culprit to extremely slow tests. It may be difficult to avoid using them in Model specifications because you are testing interactions with the database (Active Record queries).

Not using create means using build_stubbed, another Factory Girl method that makes a mock object (meaning an object that does not persist in the database). We will go into more detail about mock objects in the Controller Specifications section.

As an example, say we want to create a Group instance that will persist within the database, we would use create:

@group = create(:group)

If the instance does not need to persist within the database we use build_stubbed:

@group = build_stubbed(:group)

It is also possible to explicitly assign a value to attributes of the object you are creating. A Group instance has an attribute group_name and we'd like to make sure it has the value 'g2markus'. This is done like so:

@group = create(:group, group_name: 'g2markus')


While exploring the files within the factories folder you probably noticed the Faker gem being used. We use Faker alongside Factory Girl to easily create fake data. Faker calls are placed within curly braces to ensure when an instance is created using Factory Girl it has unique values for its attributes. Types of data available to fake can be found here.

Model Specifications

Open the models folder within the spec folder, and explore the files. All model specifications have the following template:

describe ModelName do

We will explore the code that would replace attribute_examples, and method_examples above. Code from the group_spec.rb file, which tests the Group model, will be used as reference throughout the Model specification section of the guide. Open that file, and look through it as you follow along below.

Attribute Examples

The first set of examples in our model specification will be for the Model’s attributes. Shoulda-matchers are used to test common rails attribute validators. It makes for simple, elegant one-liners.

For example, recall the model Group has an attribute group_name. This attribute must be present in order for a group to be successfully created. Now look in the group_spec.rb, and notice the first example is testing that requirement:

it { validate_presence_of(:group_name) }

We use shoulda-matchers because the examples are easily understood just by reading them. As seen in the file, there are other matchers available to test for uniqueness, length, etc. More available shoulda-matchers can be found here.

Method Examples

As you have probably noticed in the group_spec.rb file, all method examples are written within their own describe block. If the method is an instance method, the description of the block will be a hash followed by the method’s name:

describe '#method_name' do

If the method is a class method, the description of the block will be a dot followed by the method name:

describe '.method_name' do

The example for this method will be contained within the block, replacing method_example. Most examples will need instances of Model's to run. There are various ways instances can be initialized. One is within a before block:

before :each do
  @group = create(:group, group_name: 'g2markus')

The code within the before block will be executed before every example. Before blocks should only be used if there is something other than initializing variables that needs to be done before each test.

Another way to Initialize instances is by using let, or let!. This is the preferred method. let and let! allow for lazy and eager evaluation of an instance, respectively:

# This will evaluate the instance when `group` is first called in the example.
let(:group) { create(:group, group_name: 'g2markus') }

# This will evaluate before the example is executed.
let!(:group) { create(:group, group_name: 'g2markus') }

The initialization can be placed in various places depending on need. If all methods will need the instance, it would make sense to place it at the beginning of the Model's describe block. If only a certain method needs it, place it at the beginning of that method's describe block (this would also work for other types of blocks described below).

You almost certainly want to wrap initialization code in either let or before as it guarantees they are run before each enclosed example is run. If your initialization is outside of let and before, then they will only be (eagerly) evaluated once before the enclosed examples capture the variables in the closures of their blocks. This is often undesired in unit testing.

All examples should be contained within it blocks, all of which must be accompanied by a description written in third person present tense (avoid the use of "should" in the description):

it 'does ...' do
it 'is ...'

Each example is limited to one expectation. Bad:

it 'does ...' do
  expect(something).to be_something
  expect(another_thing).to be_another_thing


it 'does ...' do
  expect(something).to be_something

it 'does ...' do
  expect(another_thing).to be_another_thing

This improves readability and ensures all aspects are tested even in the case of a failure (whereas with multiple expectations per example, later expectations won't be run if an earlier expectation fails).

For a simple example of this, within group_spec.rb, scroll down to the method repository_name. An instance is created using Factory Girl, and used within the it block. Looking through the different examples within the specification files is a great resource for learning how to test. A starting point for understanding how to use the expect syntax can be found here. A great introduction, but not free, resource is Aaron Sumnor's Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec.

As you scrolled down to repository_name examples, you probably noticed another set of examples testing the set_repo_name method. Some methods may have different states in which a different set of instructions will be executed based on the state. This is the case for the set_repo_name method which can be called on an instance of Group. When the instance was created a repository name may have been specified if it was specified that group names should be automatically generated (if it was not specified an auto generated name will be created). In these cases the context block is used to distinguish the different states. Context descriptions begin with when or with, and the template for this is usually:

describe '#method_name' do
  context 'when in this state' do

  context 'when in this other state' do

You can use as many context blocks as needed to represent the possible states the method can be called in.

All methods within the model being tested, should be tested. If you feel a method should not be tested, leave a comment explaining your reasoning above the method's describe block:

# This method is not being tested because...
describe '#method_name'

This will inform other developers that the method was not accidentally forgotten, but instead, just reasoned to not be tested.

Controller Specifications

Controller specifications will have the following template:

describe ControllerName do
  context 'some type of user' do

  context 'some other type of user' do

some type of user and some other type of user describing the context blocks usually correspond to someone who has authorization to perform certain tasks (usually an instructor) and someone who does not.

Code from the groups_controller_spec.rb file, which tests the GroupsController controller, will be used as reference throughout the Controller specification section of the guide. Open that file, and look through it as you follow along below.

Method Examples

Controller methods are placed within describe blocks with the description as a hash followed by the method name. Before the hash, the description also has the request type the method will make.

For example, the GroupController has a method called index, which sends out a GET request, so:

describe 'GET #index' do

Controller testing is not concerned with states of objects, and so mocking instances is preferred (the tests are a lot faster). Also, because we would have already tested the Model methods within the Model specification, we do not need to be retesting them when they are called within a Controller method.

A stub is used to create the illusion that a method was called, returning a specified result. A mock is a stub expecting a specified method to be called. A starting point for learning to stubbing and mocking can be found here. If you want another resource on mocking and stubbing, check out Code School’s Testing with RSpec videos (Level 5 is on Mocking and Stubbing).

Controller specifications will have both mocks and stubs, so when do you use which? As the examples will illustrate below, you stub a method when you need to prevent it from accessing the database. And you mock a method when you need to ensure it is called.

Lets start with mocking objects (which is different than mocking methods). As seen in the FactoryBot section above we make a mock object like this:


If we wanted to create a mock grouping object:

grouping = build_stubbed(:grouping)

Now grouping is a mock instance that does not persist in the database. All methods called on grouping that requires database access would fail. This is why we need stubs.

Open the groups_controller_spec.rb file (if you haven't already). Both mock grouping, and assignment objects are created at the start using let. The before block just under these mocks contains a whole bunch of stubs. The first few are to ensure we have administrative privileges. Many of the methods tested within this file call the Assignment model’s find method. This method takes an id belonging to an assignment and returns the assignment. To make sure this method isn’t actually executed, we stub it (remember we don’t actually have an assignment so this search will fail). This is what the stub for the Assignment’s find method looks like:

allow(Assignment).to receive(:find).and_return(assignment)

The above stub will make sure when find is called the mocked assignment will be returned.

All Model methods called within the controller should be mocked. This is a test that ensures the methods that should be called, will be called. For example, the method new within the GroupsController calls Assignment model’s method add_group. It is called using the mock assignment we have, and returns a grouping. To make sure this method is called we create the mock, and call the controller method being tested:

expect(assignment).to receive(:add_group).with(nil).and_return(grouping)
get :new, assignment_id: assignment

System Specifications

System specifications will have the following template:

describe Action do
  context 'some type of user' do

  context 'some other type of user' do

Notice that the template is similar to controller specifications. some type of user and some other type of user still generally describe context blocks that correspond to someone who has authorization to perform certain actions. The difference however, is that system tests are used to describe and test actions performed via the UI. These tests use Capybara, an acceptance test framework that simulates user interaction. For more information, documentation about Capybara can be found here. These simulated user interactions are run and tested on a chrome browser running on your local machine.

Writing System Tests

System tests are written using the Capybara Design Specification Language. These tests revolve around finding elements on a given page and performing certain actions on that element; similar to how you would interact with the page as a normal user. Also like a normal user, you can only find and perform actions on elements that can be visibly seen via the UI. For a helpful quick start on learning the Capybara Design Specification Language, see the documentation on the Capybara DSL. This cheatsheet is also a helpful guide in learning what basic actions you can perform.

Running System Tests

System tests require extra setup steps in order for you to run them locally. As a result, they are disabled by default. If you wish to run system tests on your machine you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Download Chrome on your machine. This is the browser with which we will use to test UI actions.

  2. Download ChromeDriver. This will allow our System Tests to perform actions on the Chrome browser.

  3. In a terminal on your machine, run ChromeDriver by typing the command chromedriver --whitelisted-ips. The --whitelisted-ips flag is used to let ChromeDriver know to allow the connection with a docker terminal.

    🗒️ Note: On Windows ensure ChromeDriver is run from a Command Prompt or Windows Powershell.

  4. In a separate terminal, start a bash shell within the Docker Rails environment by running docker compose run -p 3434:3434 --rm rails bash. Notice that we exposed port 3434 by adding the argument -p 3434:3434. Port 3434 is the port with which Capybara will use to serve the test MarkUs instance for Chrome to use.

  5. Run system tests by running RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT=/ rspec spec/system in the bash shell you created in step 4. Currently, Capybara does not support applications with a different relative url root which is why you must set RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT=/. You will also notice that due to the additional setup for system tests, they are ignored by default and must be explicitly defined in order for rspec to run them. Simply running RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT=/ rspec will not run the system test suite.

    Optional: By default system UI tests are run headless and cannot be viewed using a browser window. While this is generally faster, if you wish to view the tests in a browser window (such as for debugging), you can set and add the environment variable DISABLE_HEADLESS_UI_TESTING=true when running system tests.


  • If you see a test failing with the following message near the top:
Failure/Error:, conn_port, @local_host, @local_port)

        Failed to open TCP connection to localhost:9515 (Cannot assign requested address - connect(2) for "localhost" port 9515)

This means that Capybara cannot connect to the ChromeDriver running on your machine from the docker container it is running from. Check to ensure you have ran the commands above with the proper arguments. They are all necessary to allow Capybara and Chromedriver to communicate with each other. If you are still having trouble, it may be your running docker containers are configured incorrectly to communicate with Chromedriver. In this case, you may find it helpful to rebuild your docker containers.

General Tips

Code Duplication

Sometimes you will find yourself writing very similar specs for different models or controllers. If you smell such code duplication (e.g., when you are copying and pasting a lot of old spec to create new spec without changing much of the spec code structure), you should probably use shared examples. Shared examples give you a way to specify the abstract common behavior of some objects (a model or a controller in most cases) in a single place, and apply the behavior to multiple specs of concrete objects. Shared examples that logically belong to the same group are given a name appropriate for the concrete objects they are describing. Usually, the name would be a noun starting with an article (e.g., a duck, an apple), but that might not always be the case. Think of the use case of your shared examples -- how does it read when you say it_behaves_like 'your_shared_examples_name' (or any other alias of it_behaves_like)?

Shared examples are usually placed in its own file under spec/support, unless they are only shared by specs in one file, in which case they can placed within the same file. Name the file using the shared examples name without the article (e.g., duck.rb, apple.rb). Don't append _spec in the filename of shared examples, as that causes RSpec to double load the file (first by RSpec itself and later by spec_helper.rb) and generate warnings.

# spec/support/duck.rb

shared_examples 'a duck' do
  # You can write RSpec code like normal in a `shared_examples` block.

  describe '#swim' do
    # ...

  describe '#quack' do
    # ...

# spec/model/swan.rb

describe Swan do
  it_behaves_like_a 'duck'

# spec/model/goose.rb

describe Goose do
  it_behaves_like_a 'duck'

In Markus, one use case of shared examples is a criterion, which specifies the common behavior of RubricCriterion and a FlexibleCriterion.

You can also use an alias for the method it_behaves_like_a to make the spec code read better. For example, it_has_behavior 'enumerability'. The aliases should be defined in spec/support/it_behaves_like_aliases.rb.

Testing with Jest

Jest is a JavaScript testing framework focused on simplicity. It works well with multiple popular frameworks, such as Node, Angular, Vue, and of course React. It provides a test runner and several handy functions; however, to fully use its capability, Jest is often combined with some other testing libraries. As of now, both React Testing Library (RTL) and Enzyme are being used alongside Jest in Markus.

On a high level, RTL allows you to test from the user's perspective, while Enzyme gives you access to the internal states/implementation of the components.

Similar to RSpec, Jest also involves specifications. It is recommended that you follow along the __tests__ folder, under app/assets/javascripts/Components/, for this tutorial.

How to Run Jest Specifications

Note: The following commands assume you are within the Markus root folder. If you running MarkUs with Docker, you must be in a shell in the rails Docker container.

npm is the package manager we use in Markus.

To run all specifications:

npm run test

To run all specifications with the test-coverage table shown:

npm run test-cov

To run a specific specification:

npm run test <filename>

For example, to run the StudentTable specification, run npm run test student_table.test.jsx.

These commands are specified in package.json, under Markus root.

Jest Configurations

There are a lot of configurations within Jest. The main source of configuration is jest.config.js under the Markus root. Most of the settings are left as default, and each setting has a comment explaining what they are for. Make sure you update the respective settings when needed. We'll cover 3 important ones below.


This setting points to a list of files that are run to set up the testing environment. For instance, the imports of JQuery and I18n would be in it.


This setting points to a list of files that are run immediately after the setup of testing environment, before the actual tests. This is a great place for your global imports in the test files, such as the import of React, the configuration of Enzyme.


This setting points to a list of patterns that entails directories/modules you want Jest to look at to find your tests. For instance, **/__tests__/**/*.[jt]s?(x) would include the path app/assets/javascripts/Components/__tests__/student_table.test.jsx.

Jest Naming Conventions


Currently we use a centralized __tests__ folder under components. The folder is intended to include tests for all the React components.


The name of the file should have the format <component>.test.jsx. For instance, the test file for the StudentTable component would be student_table.test.jsx.

It is also recommended to make sure a file focuses on testing one specific component. If a component makes use of other child components with sufficient complexity, you could make a test file for each of those child components in addition to the parent component.

Example tests

From student_table.test.jsx:

React Testing Library

describe("For the StudentTable component's rendering", () => {
  beforeEach(() => {
    render(<StudentTable ... />);

  describe("the parent component", () => {
    it("renders a child StudentsActionBox", () => {

This code snippet illustrates a commonly used Jest structure alongside several RTL methods.

The describe block is a global in Jest used to group tests together. In general we aim to make sure the test cases read like complete sentences (i.e. For the StudentTable component's rendering the parent component renders a child StudentsActionBox).

The beforeEach block is a global in Jest that is executed before every example. Similarly, the beforeAll block is a global in Jest that is executed before all examples. If a beforeEach or beforeAll is inside a describe block, it runs at the beginning of the describe block.

Individual test cases are written with an it block, which consists of a description of the test case followed by the code as a callback - notice its structure is essentially the same as a describe block.

getByTestId("...") is a method used to find an element using its data-testid attribute. In React we can declare such attribute in the form of

<ElementName ... data-testid={"some string"}/>

render is RTL's render method, which renders an element into a container (i.e. attaching to document.body). After calling this method we can use screen.<query_method> (such as screen.getByTestId) to locate elements. Reference the testing library API and documentation for a complete list of queries.

toBeInTheDocument is a matcher utility provided by Jest-DOM. This matcher allows you to assert whether an element is present in the document or not.

Again, this is only a snippet. The libraries and Jest have much more to show.


describe("each filterable column has a custom filter method", () => {
    let wrapper, filter_method;
    beforeAll(() => {
      wrapper = mount(<StudentTable ... />);

    describe("the filter method for the section column", () => {
      beforeAll(() => {
        filter_method =

      it("returns true when the selected value is all", () => {
        expect(filter_method({value: "all"})).toEqual(true);

The overall structure is practically the same as the RTL snippet. The differences lie within the implementation of the test cases.

Recall the Enzyme allows you access to the internal states of a component/element.

mount is a render method of Enzyme that deep renders a component. Its counterpart shallow shallow renders a component. On a high level, the former renders a component's children while the latter does not.

wrapper.instance() gives you this returned React component, from which you can dig deeper to find specific internal states to test/modify.


While writing tests you might find mocking useful. It allows you to manipulate the mocked function's calls' return value.

Consider the following code for the StudentTable component from student_table.jsx (it wraps around the RawStudentTable component so we look at this component's code):

class RawStudentTable extends React.Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      data: {
        students: [],
        sections: {},
        counts: {all: 0, active: 0, inactive: 0},


  fetchData = () => {
        method: "get",
        url: ...,
      }).then(res => {
          data: res,

It would be useful to mock this fetchData function so that we can test whether the component behaves as we expect it to under different scenarios:

describe("For the StudentTable's display of students", () => {
  let wrapper, students_sample;

  describe("when some students are fetched", () => {

    beforeAll(() => {
      students_sample = [...];
      // Mocking the response returned by $.ajax, used in StudentTable fetchData
      $.ajax = jest.fn(() =>
          students: students_sample,
          sections: {1: "LEC0101"},
          counts: {all: 2, active: 2, inactive: 0},
      wrapper = mount(<StudentTable ... />);


  describe("when no students are fetched", () => {
    beforeAll(() => {
      students_sample = [];
      // Mocking the response returned by $.ajax, used in StudentTable fetchData
      $.ajax = jest.fn(() =>
          students: students_sample,
          sections: {},
          counts: {all: 0, active: 0, inactive: 0},
      wrapper = mount(<StudentTable ... />);

Here we're mocking the $.ajax function so that instead of its own implementation, in this test whenever it's called, it would return what we told it to. We know the function should return a promise consisting of some data that can be used to fill in the component's data state by reading through fetchData's own implementation. In addition, we can use the react developer tools (explained below in the Tips section) to examine the component's props and states too.

In this case, we want to test how the component behaves when some students are fetched vs no students are fetched, and we easily achieve this through mocking the return value of the $.ajax function.

Note: in situations like this, reading through the documentation for the specific function(s) could be helpful as well.


  1. Consider installing the React Developer Tools (linked to the chrome extension) extension. If you aren't using chrome, there should be an equivalence for your browser. It allows you to select and view a component's rendering tree and states/props, and is useful in many situations, such as learning the behavior of a component, debugging, etc.
  2. Make use of Jest's globals to counter code duplication.