For details, please refer to our paper in the Journal of Computational Chemistry and the documentation (still in progress).
Parts of the program were inspired by the psi4numpy package.
To install the newest PSI4 version run (see also the PSI4 manual)
conda create -n psi4-new psi4 python=3.10 cmake eigen pybind11 boost gcc gxx gfortran -c conda-forge
conda activate psi4-new
To install and use PSIXAS, you will need PSI4 already installed on your computer. You can then checkout the repository:
cd /path/to/psi4Plugins/
git clone
then compile the Plugin:
cd psixas
$(psi4 --plugin-compile)
To run the plugin you just have to set the PYTHONPATH variable:
export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/psi4Plugins
The following input file will perform first a ground state and then a transition potential calculation.
import psixas
molecule {
O 0.27681793323501 0.00000014791107 0.00000000000000
H 0.86159097690242 0.76505117501585 0.00000000000000
H 0.86159108986257 -0.76505132292693 0.00000000000000
symmetry c1
set {
basis def2-TZVP
set scf {
reference uks
scf_type MEM_DF
set psixas {
prefix WATER
ORBS [0 ]
OCCS [0.5]
SPIN [b ]
DAMP 0.8
You will find a file named "WATER_b.spectrum" which can be used to plot the spectrum.