This project welcomes contributions, suggestions, and feedback. All contributions, suggestions, and feedback you submitted are accepted under the Project's license. You represent that if you do not own copyright in the code that you have the authority to submit it under the Project's license. All feedback, suggestions, or contributions are not confidential.
Contributors must abide by the Mixed Reality Toolkit Organization's code of conduct, trademark policy, and observe the following procedures:
- Project Tenets
- Code Contributions
- Opening and Assessing Issues
- Approving Pull Requests
- Versioning and Releases
Project roles are assigned by Maintainers via procedures outlined in the fileContributors may have one for the following roles:
- Read Read and clone repositories. Open and comment on issues and pull requests.
- Triage Read permissions plus manage issues and pull requests.
- Write Triage permissions plus read, clone and push to repositories.
To obtain the write role, a contributor must meet several of the following requirements:
- Must enable 2FA on your GitHub account
- Must have read and accepted the contributor guidelines.
- Must have shown a consistent pattern of helpful, non-threatening, and friendly behavior towards other community members in the past.
- Should have opened and successfully run medium to large PR’s in the past 6 months.
- Should have participated in multiple code reviews of other PR’s, including those of other Maintainers and Contributors.
- Should be active on the Project's community forums.
To obtain the triage role, a contributor must meet several of the following requirements:
- Must enable 2FA on your GitHub account
- Must have read and accepted the contributor guidelines.
- Must have shown a consistent pattern of helpful, non-threatening, and friendly behavior towards other community members in the past.
- Should be active on the Project's community forums.
By default all Contributors have read access to the public repository.
Maintainers have the maintain role, which grants write permissions plus manage issues, pull requests and some repository settings. Maintainers must meet several of the following requirements:
- Must enable 2FA on your GitHub account
- Must have read and accepted the contributor guidelines in the Contributors section.
- Must be part of the one of the Organization's affiliated organizations.
- Must have shown a consistent pattern of helpful, non-threatening, and friendly behavior towards other community members in the past.
- Should have opened and successfully run medium to large PR’s in the past 6 months.
- Should have participated in multiple code reviews of other PR’s, including those of other Maintainers and Contributors.
- Should be active on the Project's community forums.
Maintainers are added and removed via procedures outlined in the file.
Part of MVG-0.1-beta. Made with love by GitHub. Licensed under the CC-BY 4.0 License.