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Developers wiki: Pull requests

Algiane Froehly edited this page Mar 15, 2016 · 9 revisions

Pull requests

mmg is an open source project so your contributions are welcome. You can help us to improve the mmg applications through:

  • bug fixes;
  • features development.

The steps to contribute to the mmg project are detailed in the next paragraphs.

I/ Read carefully and agree the following paragraph

To see your work included in the project, please:

  • ask first before implementing any features;
  • do not perform code refactoring;
  • adopt our coding conventions:
    • use our indentation convention (2 spaces instead of tabulations);
    • write accurate Doxygen comments (see for example the documentation of the API_functions.c file);
    • write accurate commit messages;
    • run the continuous integration test before opening any pull request.
  • agree to license your work under the GNU Lesser General Public License.

II/ Software contribution

To contribute to the mmg software:

    1. fork the project on GitHub and clone your fork:
git clone<username>/mmg
    1. checkout the develop branch and assign the original mmg repository to a remote named upstream:
git checkout develop  
git remote add upstream
    1. get the last changes from branch develop of the upstream in your own develop branch:
git checkout develop  
git pull upstream develop
    1. create a new branch to develop your feature:
git checkout -b myFeature
    1. merge the upstream develop branch into your feature branch:
git pull upstream develop
    1. if you want, you can push your feature branch up to your repository:
git push origin myfeature
    1. contribute to the code. Don't forget to regularly merge the upstream develop branch into your feature branch:
      git pull upstream develop to avoid painful merge after huge modifications;
    1. open a pull request with title and detailed description.