The term in Fibonacci Series is defined as the sum of the previous 2 terms' values, i.e: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,...
Define fib/2
, where the first parameter is the term index (starts from 1), the second parameter is the term value.
% Sample Queries:
?- fib(4, Res)
Res = 3
?- fib(5, Res)
Res = 5
?- fib(6, Res)
Res = 8
Given a directed graph like the following:
% facts
link(node1, node2).
link(node1, node3).
link(node2, node3).
link(node2, node5).
link(node2, node6).
Define connection_valid/2
, to check if there is a connection between two nodes.
% Sample Queries:
?- connection_valid(node1, node6).
?- connection_valid(node3, node5).
killo_2_meter(Killo, Meter) :- Meter is Killo * 1000;
calc_distance(Speed, Time, Distance) :- Distance is Speed * Time.
car_speed(blue_car, 50).
elapsed_time(blue_car, 10).
calc_distance(Car, Distance) :- car_speed(Car, Speed), elapsed_time(Car, Time),
calc_distance(Speed, Time, Distance).
% ?- calc_distance(blue_car, Distance).
Distance = 500.
sqrt/2 is predefined, try ?- sqrt(25, X). in the command-line.
distance(point(X, Y), point(X1,Y1), Res) :-
Z1 is X-X1, Z2 is Y-Y1,
Z3 is Z1*Z1, Z4 is Z2*Z2,
Z5 is Z3+Z4,
% ?- distance(point(0, 0), point(3, 4), X).
% X = 5.
is_natural(X):- X > 0, X1 is X - 1, is_natural(X1).
Definition: GCD of two non-zero integers is the largest positive integer that divides the numbers without a remainder. if a=b, then GCD is a. If b=0, then GCD is a. Else, GCD(a, b) = GCD(b, c), where c = a modulo b
gcd(X1,X2,Y) :- X1<X2 , gcd(X2,X1,Y).
gcd(X1,X2,Y) :- X3 is mod(X1, X2), gcd(X2,X3,Y), !.
% ?- gcd(25, 20, Res).
% Res = 5.
% ?- write('Enter the first number: '), read(FirstNumber).
run :- write('Enter the first number: '), read(FirstNumber),
write('Enter the second number: '), read(SecondNumber),
Plus is FirstNumber + SecondNumber,
format('~w + ~w = ~w', [FirstNumber, SecondNumber, Plus]), nl,
Minus is FirstNumber - SecondNumber,
format('~w - ~w = ~w', [FirstNumber, SecondNumber, Minus]), nl,
Mult is FirstNumber * SecondNumber,
format('~w x ~w = ~w', [FirstNumber, SecondNumber, Mult]), nl,
Div is FirstNumber / SecondNumber,
format('~w / ~w = ~w', [FirstNumber, SecondNumber, Div]).
% ?- run.
?- L = [mia, [vincent, jules], [tom, wife(tom)], 2, true, []].
?- [Head|Tail] = [mia, tom, julie, mike].
?- [_,X,_,Y|_] = [[], dead(z), [2, [b, c]], [], Z].
?- is_list([ahmad]).
?- reverse([ahmad, khaled, 1, 2]).
?- member(ahmad,[1,2,3, ahmad]).
?- member(X,[1,2,3, ahmad]).
?- length([1,2,3, ahmad], X).
?- same_length([1,2,3], [1,2,a]).
?- append([1,2,3], [a, b, c], X).
?- append(Left, [1,2,3],[a,b,1,2,3]).
?- append(Left, Right ,[a,b,1,2,3]).
?- sort([1,3,2], X).