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By Stefan Verhoeven, Faruk Diblen, Jurriaan H. Spaaks, Adam Belloum, and Christiaan Meijer.

Interact with your C++ web app using React forms

In a previous blog post, we compiled the C++ algorithm into WebAssembly. In the current blog post, we will create a web application using React. The web application will have a web form that allows us to change the parameters of the algorithm.

We feel your pain: there are too many things to learn, too many skills to get, but too little time available--which reminds me of our extraordinary friend Napoleon Dynamite. This blog post will guide you through the process of making a React web application without getting lost.

dynamite_gosh.png If you haven't met Napoleon yet, click here to see how he was struggling with his skills. Screenshot from Napoleon Dynamite movie.

React web application

The web application we developed so far needs to update the entire page to display the results. Even for small changes in the web page, this has to happen. Thanks to modern web browsers and JavaScript, Single Page Applications (SPAs) can update only required elements in the web page. We will use one of the most popular web frameworks, React, to develop the SPA. We chose React over vanilla JavaScript because building a web application is made easier by letting React deal with all the magic behind the scenes. This blog post may help you to understand why we made this choice.

The form in the web application will collect the user inputs and uses them to initialize the algorithm. When the form is submitted, a WebAssembly code starts the calculation and the result is rendered. With this architecture, the application only needs cheap static file hosting to host the HTML, JavaScript, and WebAssembly files. The algorithm will be running in the web browser on the end-user's machine instead of a server.

The HTML code

To render the React application we need an HTML element as a container. We will give it the identifier container which will use later when we implement the React application.

We will keep the HTML code very minimal. The code will contain three essential elements:

  • <head> element to set the title and to load the required external dependencies (javascript libraries).

      <title>Example React application</title>
      <script src="" crossorigin></script>
      <script src="" crossorigin></script>
      <script src=""></script>
  • <div> element to display the result

    <div id="container"></div>
  • <script> elements to load the Javascript application and the NewtonRaphson class.

      <script type="text/javascript" src="newtonraphson.js"></script>
      <script type="text/babel" src="app.js"></script>

Note: We use the same newtonraphson.js and newtonraphson.wasm files as in the first post of this series. Make sure you download newtonraphson.js and newtonraphson.wasm files from GitHub.

The complete HTML code will look like this:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>Example React application</title>
    <script src="" crossorigin></script>
    <script src="" crossorigin></script>
    <script src=""></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="newtonraphson.js"></script>
  <script type="text/babel" src="app.js"></script>
  <div id="container"></div>

Javascript code (React)

Similarly, we will split the JavaScript code into sections and build up the React application from React components.

Let's start with the header part. We will define a JavaScript function that returns the header element which will be rendered by the web browser when the user visits the page.

function Heading() {
  const title = 'Root finding web application';
  return <h1>{title}</h1>

The return statement of this function looks weird, right? It is indeed not HTML. React uses a syntax extension called JSX to describe the UI. With the magical conversion of Babel we can convert JSX into JavaScript code. After this conversion the generated JavaScript code will look like:

function Heading() {
  const title = 'Root finding web application';
  return React.createElement('h1', null, `{title}`);

In order for the header element to be rendered we need to tell ReactDOM which element it should render and where it should be displayed. Do you still remember the container div we defined in the HTML part?


The complete code should look like this:

function Heading() {
  const title = 'Root finding web application';
  return <h1>{title}</h1>


When the page is rendered, the generated HTML code will be like:

<h1>Root finding web application</h1>

Adding the web form

The web application in our example should have a form with tolerance and initial_guess input fields, as well as a submit button. The form in JSX can be written in the following way:

<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
    <input name="tolerance" type="number" value={tolerance} onChange={onToleranceChange}/>
    Initial guess:
    <input name="initial_guess" type="number" value={initial_guess} onChange={onGuessChange}/>
  <input type="submit" value="Submit" />

The form tag has an onSubmit property, which is set to a function (handleSubmit) that will handle the form submission. The input tag has a value property to set the variable (tolerance and initial_guess) and it also has an onChange property to set the function (onToleranceChange and onGuessChange) which will be triggered when the user changes the value.

Let's implement the value and onChange for the tolerance input. To store the value we will use the React useState hook.

const [tolerance, setTolerance] = React.useState(0.001);
const [initial_guess, setGuess] = React.useState(-4);

The argument of the useState function is the initial value. The tolerance variable contains the current value for tolerance and setTolerance is a function to set the tolerance to a new value. The same logic is also used for the initial_guess variable.

The input tag in the form will call the onChange function with an event object. We need to extract the user input from the event and pass it to setTolerance or setGuess. The value should be a number, so we use Number() to cast the string from the event to a number.

function onToleranceChange(event) {

function onGuessChange(event) {

We are now ready to implement the handleSubmit function which will process the submitted form data. The function will get an event object, similar to the onChange of the input tag. Normally when you submit a form, the form fields will be sent to the server, but we want to perform the calculation in the browser, so we have to disable the default action with preventDefault(). We will then construct a WebAssembly module as we did in a previous post.

function handleSubmit(event) {
  // Wait for module to initialize,
  createModule().then(({NewtonRaphson}) => {
    // Perform computation
    const newtonraphson = new NewtonRaphson(tolerance);
    const root = newtonraphson.solve(initial_guess);

We need a place to store the result of the calculation (root value), we will use useState function again. The initial value of the result is set to undefined as the result is only known after the calculation has been completed.

const [root, setRoot] = React.useState(undefined);

When the calculation is done it will store the result value (root) using setRoot.

To render the result we can use a React Component which has root as a property. When the calculation has not been done yet, it will render Not submitted. We will show the root property value once it is set.

function Result(props) {
  const root = props.root;
  let message = 'Not submitted';
  if (root !== undefined) {
    message = 'Function root is approximately at x = ' + root.toFixed(2);
  return <div>{message}</div>;

Finally we can render the App component to the HTML container with id equal to container.


We can combine the heading, form and result components and all the states and handleSubmit function into the App React component and its rendering and save it as app.js. You can find the resulting code here.

Like before, we also need to host the files in a web server with

python3 -m http.server 8000


The final page if everything works.

Visit http://localhost:8000/app.html to see the root answer, or go to GitHub pages to see a hosted version of the example app.

Extra notes

The code supplied here should not be used in production as converting JSX in the web browser is slow. It's better to use Create React App, which gives you an infrastructure to perform the transformation offline.


By writing React components we were able to create an interactive page with a form that executes the WebAssembly module compiled from the C++ code we introduced in the first blog of the series.

We went over JSX, props, state, and components, which together constitute the core building blocks of a React web application.

In other blogs of the series that might be of interest we cover

We'll wrap up the series in a final blog that combines the topics of the whole series in a full-featured web application.

Get in touch with us

This blog was written by the Generalization Team of the Netherlands eScience Center. The team consists of Stefan Verhoeven, Faruk Diblen, Jurriaan H. Spaaks, Adam Belloum and Christiaan Meijer. Feel free to get in touch with the generalization team at

If you enjoyed this article, leave a comment and give us a clap!

These blogs were written as part of the "Passing XSAMS" project. To learn more about the project, check out its project page.

Thank you to our proof reader Daan Boer.