Noid4Php allows for creation of Nice Opaque Identifier (NOID), specifically ARKs. Noid4Php is a feature equivalent implimentation of the original perl based Noid.
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Before you can use Noid4Php, you need to make sure that dba extension is installed. To check:
php -m
To install
apt-get install php-7.#-dba
- We can use the executable to execute noid commands. Note that you need to use
ubuntu:~/Desktop/Noid4Php$ ./noid -help
PHP Warning: array_shift() expects parameter 1 to be array, string given in /home/nat/Desktop/Noid4Php/noid on line 317
noid [-f Dbdir] [-v] [-h] Command Arguments
noid -h (for help with a Command summary).
noid [-f Dbdir] [-v] [-h] Command Arguments
Dbdir defaults to "." if not found from -f or a NOID environment variable.
For more information try "perldoc noid" or "noid help Command". Summary:
- We need a database/minter to start creating noids. For example:
ubuntu:~/Desktop/Noid4Php$ noid -f /home/nat/Desktop/Noid4Php/test dbcreate s.zd
A more complex minter
./noid -f /home/nat/Desktop/Noid4Php/test2 dbcreate f5.reedeedk long 13030
- Once we have minter setup. We can begin creating identifiers.
./noid -f /home/nat/Desktop/Noid4Php/test2 mint 1
id: 13030/f5wd3q12m
- Binding
ubuntu:~/Desktop/Noid4Php$ ./noid -f /home/nat/Desktop/Noid4Php/test2 bind set 13030/f5wd3q12m locations ''
Id: 13030/f5wd3q12m
Element: locations
Bind: set
- Fetching/checking
ubuntu:~/Desktop/Noid4Php$ ./noid -f /home/nat/Desktop/Noid4Php/test2 fetch 13030/f5wd3q12m
id: 13030/f5wd3q12m hold
Circ: i|20200807144822|nat/nat|3
- Is default BerkelyDB sufficient? Is it scalable? If not, how to specify another db?
- Can we execute the php based script via Web UI/URL in the same way as perl script? Not sure.
- How to provide as well as look up additional metadata as suggeted by NOID/ARk such as who/what/when etc?