Just run the below command
bash ./setup.sh
This will install all the required packages.
Create a new project for this tool to access your Google drive
- Visit https://console.developers.google.com/ , create project, name it anything you like, ex: gdcmdtools.
Enable the following Google APIs in "APIs & auth/APIs"
- Drive API
- Fusion Tables API
- Drive API
Make sure your application has an application name in "APIs & auth/Consent screen"
- Find "PRODUCT NAME" field. Make sure it's not blank.
Grant access to Google Drive for gdcmdtools in "APIs & auth/Credentials"
- Click "Create new Client ID", APPLICATION TYPE: Installed application, INSTALLED APPLICATION TYPE: Other
- Check the section "Client ID for native application", click at the "Download JSON".
- Execute gdauth.py in a terminal and give the downloaded secret file just downloaded as parameter: $ gdauth.py client_secrets.json
- You will see message like: INFO:gdcmdtools.base:Please visit the URL in your browser: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?scope=....
- Visit the URL with browser and allow the app accessing your Google Drive.
- Copy the code you see in your browser, then back to the terminal, paste the code and hit enter.
- Done, you won't be asked for the code again unless the credential expired.
Use the tool to pass the OAuth2 authentication
usage: gdauth.py [-h] [-r {local,oob}] secret_file gdauth v0.0.1 - Google Drive OAuth2 authentication tool - gdcmdtools (Google Drive command line tools) positional arguments: secret_file the secret file in JSON format, ~/.gdcmdtools.secrets will be overwritten optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -r {local,oob}, --redirect_uri {local,oob} specify the redirect URI for the oauth2 flow, could be: local: means "http://localhost" oob: (default) means "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"
% gdauth.py /tmp/client_secrets.json # Use the /tmp/client_secrets.json as secret file
That' all.
You can see this demo video in Tamil with English Subtitles to setup the gdcmdtools. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PH9TnD67oj4&feature=youtu.be