A toolchain to help with localization in aurelia projects.
npm i -D @netatwork/aurelia-i18n-tools
The configuration is usually defined in an es module called i18n-config.mjs in the package root directory. All relative file paths are resolved relative to the config files directory.
// i18n-config.mjs
import { defineConfig } from "@netatwork/aurelia-i18n-tools";
// "defineConfig" helps with auto completion, but is not required:
export default defineConfig({
// This object contains all the config options.
// All fields are optional with the defaults specified below unless specified otherwise.
// The root directory for template and resource files:
src: "./src",
// The filename of the translation data file:
translationData: "./i18n.json",
// The filename template for compiled locale data.
// The "[locale]" placeholder is replaced with the locale name.
output: "./dist/[locale]/translation.json",
// A prefix for translation ids.
// Default is an empty string.
prefix: "example.",
// An array of locales.
// The first one is the locale used in source files.
// Default is `[en]`
locales: ["en", "de"],
// An array of rules to control what is not localized:
// By default, nothing is ignored.
// Matching patterns can be strings, regular expressions or functions.
ignore: [
// Matches <not-localized-example> elements and it's children:
{ element: "not-localized-example" },
// Matches the complete text content "Hello World!":
// Text content with interpolation is ignored automatically.
{ textContent: "Hello World!" },
// Matches attributes with the value "example":
{ attributeValue: "example" },
// An object to specify what elements and attributes are localized:
// By default, nothing is localized.
localize: {
"example-element": {
// Element content is not localized (default):
content: "none",
// Localize the element content as inner html:
content: "html",
// Localize the element content as inner text.
content: "text",
// An array of localized attribute names:
attributes: ["value", "title"],
// "*" matches all elements:
"*": { ... },
// An object to specify how whitespace is handled when extracting localized fragments:
whitespace: {
"example-element": {
// An object to specify how whitespace is handled for specific attributes:
attributes: {
// Extract whitespace as is:
value: "preserve",
// Only trim leading and trailing whitespace:
value: "trim",
// Collapse leading, trailing and whitespace in between text to a single space:
value: "collapse",
// Trim and collapse:
value: "trim-collapse",
// "*" matches all attributes:
"*": "preserve",
// Specify how whitespace is handled for element content:
content: "preserve",
// "*" matches all elements:
"*": {},
// Specify how diagnostics are handled:
// By default, all diagnostics are treated as warnings.
// Values can be "ignore", "warn" or "error".
// See "src/diagnostics.ts" for a list of possible diagnostics.
diagnostics: {
"invalid-json-data": "error",
// "all" is a fallback for unconfigured diagnostics:
all: "warn",
// An object with locales and patterns to include external locale data:
externalLocales: {
en: ["./node_modules/@some-namespace/*/dist/en/translation.json"],
en: ["./node_modules/@some-namespace/*/dist/de/translation.json"],
Configuration options can be imported from other packages using imports:
export default defineConfig({
localize: {
// Import an es module:
...(await import("my-package/i18n-elements.mjs")).default,
// or a json file:
...(await import("./my-package/i18n-elements.json", { assert: { type: "json" } })),
naw-aurelia-i18n [...args]
# Usage examples:
# Specify a different config file:
naw-aurelia-i18n -c ./my-config.mjs
# Run the production workflow once:
# Run the development workflow and watch for changes:
naw-aurelia-i18n -d
# Run the development workflow once:
naw-aurelia-i18n -d --no-watch
Specify the configuration file to use.
- Default is
. - Supported extensions are
.js, .mjs, .cjs, json
. - If the config is a javascript file, it's default export is used as configuration options.
Enable development mode.
- This actively updates the translation data file and translation IDs in any included sources.
- This also watches for changes by default.
Enable or disable watching for changes.
- Watching is enabled by default in development mode and disabled otherwise.
- When not watching for changes, the process will exit with a non-zero exit code if any error diagnostics have been raised.
Show verbose information like the effective configuration options.
If specified, external locales are not included in the output.
Disable colored command line output.