The Windows distribution of .NET contains files that are provided under multiple licenses. This information is provided to help you understand the license terms that apply to your use. By using any or all of these files you agree to their associated license terms.
The following binaries are licensed with the Windows SDK License:
- api-ms-*.* (used by .NET runtime, .NET 6 and earlier)
- ucrtbase.dll (used by .NET runtime, .NET 6 and earlier)
- D3DCompiler_47_cor3.dll (used by WPF)
The following binaries are licensed with the .NET Library License
- Microsoft.DiaSymReader.Native.{x86|amd64|arm|arm64}.dll (used by .NET runtime and SDK)
- PresentationNative_cor3.dll (used by WPF)
- wpfgfx_cor3.dll (used by WPF)
The following binaries are licensed with the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Software License:
- vcruntime140_cor3.dll (used by WPF)
All other binaries and files are licensed with the MIT license
This document is provided for informative purposes only, and is not itself a license.