Implementation of WebAuthn API for server side and client side. Users register with a username and choose from one of the supported authenticators. The login process requires a matched username and authenticator pair.
The original codes are derived from tonijukica/webauthn. I've just extracted the core functions so that you can apply them on Express, Koa, or any other framework.
This is just a demonstration for WebAuthn, and it aims for ease of use. Not really optimized for production use yet. PRs are welcome.
The demo link is available here: coming soon
You can also launch from the example folder. The server example is built with Koa.js, and the client example is built with Next.js.
npm install webauthn-server webauthn-clt
- Packed
- Fido-U2F
- Android SafetyNet
- Android Key store (Needs testing)
Again, sourced here: tonijukica/webauthn.