This describes the kinds of persons we want the website to work with, we can use these as shorthands
Hanna (_H_obbyist - Not interested in commercial products, cannot use it. Skilled in Python. Goal: Getting a deployment done)
Billy (_B_eginner) - Python Beginner, created a first program wanted to deploy. No skills in C or anything. Maybe saw Markdown and reST before. Causes a lot of noise, need to be redirected to the support chat
Marina - (_M_edium) - Python Intermediate, has done a bunch of programs, but is not necessarily fluent in all the areas. Might be part of a bigger team that does create programs, but doesn't really know how it all works. Stimulates a documentation update. Goal: Improve application performance, reduce runtime overhead, enhance user experience.
Laura - Seasoned Python veteran with lots of experiences in the Python ecosystem and is capable of understanding Everything Python, and beyond.Tend to be skeptical. Researching Nuitka as an alternative, comparing Nuitka with competitors like Cython and PyArmor. Goal: Improve application performance, reduce runtime overhead, enhance user experience.
Netty - (_N_newsreader) - Netty follows IT news. Goal: Follow IT trends.
Cesar - (IT Manager, _C_ level) - Executive making the purchase decision and was asked by its engineering department or person if get Nuitka, and now wants to know what it is, and the implications and benefits of using it. Goal: Reduce costs, improve efficiency, ensure compliance and security.
Preston - (_P_ress, Blog Author) - Writes the articles to InfoWorld, etc.