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Releases: ORNL-AMO/AMO-Tools-Desktop

AMO Tools Desktop v0.3.0-beta

14 Aug 19:28
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A software tool for calculating energy efficiency for a variety of industrial and manufacturing applications.

The Department of Energy (DOE) Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) has undertaken an effort to refactor legacy tools that were written for the Windows platform into a modern environment. The legacy tools were written in a variety of programming languages, and the source code considered proprietary. This meant that updating them was a difficult task.

AMO’s tools help manufacturers increase industrial energy efficiency at the plant-level and in specific systems. Learn step-by-step ways to identify opportunities, monitor progress, and improve efficiency in any facility. Some tools help facilities implement an energy management system and prepare to become ISO 50001 and Superior Energy Performance certified.


  • Enhanced: Added background image to several pages
  • Fixed: PHAST and PSAT summaries no longer show up in Printed rollup reports if there are no assessments of that type
  • Updated: List of contributors to tool
  • Fixed: Bug causing application crash for imported or copied assessments in rollup report
  • Added: Pump and Process Heating Assessment and Dashboard Tutorials to Tutorials Page


  • Fixed: Bug relating to electricity cost label
  • Fixed: Bug relating to printing Sankey in rollup
  • Fixed: Bug relating to Annual Energy displayed value

Process Heating:

  • Fixed: Bug relating to Auxiliary Equipment unit conversions


  • Added: Added Fans to the Folder Summary
  • Fixed: Bug relating to Annual Cost and Cost Savings displayed values


  • Added: Several calculators from the Steam System Modeling Tool (boiler, turbine, etc.)
  • Added: Stack Loss calculator for Steam Assessments
  • Added: Pressure-Enthalpy graphs for Steam Properties and Saturated Properties calculators
  • Enhanced: Combined the Pump and System Curve calculators to show both on one graph
  • Enhanced: Combined the Fan and System Curve calculators to show both on one graph
  • Updated: Operating Points Calculator name changed to Fan Analysis Calculator
  • Fixed: Added "Annual Compressed Air Leakage" in Leak Loss Estimator - Bag Method
  • Fixed: Bug relating to Volume unit labels in System Capacity Calculator
  • Enhanced: List of related calculators now appears in the sidebar while in a calculator

Known Issues:

  • The Mac and Linux releases have significantly slower app start times than in previous builds
  • Renaming an export in Windows Download menu can delete the file extension (.json)
  • Assessments made in a previous release may experience errors
  • Import files made in a previous release will not be useable

AMO Tools Desktop v0.2.9-beta

23 Jul 15:56
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A software tool for calculating energy efficiency for a variety of industrial and manufacturing applications.

The Department of Energy (DOE) Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) has undertaken an effort to refactor legacy tools that were written for the Windows platform into a modern environment. The legacy tools were written in a variety of programming languages, and the source code considered proprietary. This meant that updating them was a difficult task.

AMO’s tools help manufacturers increase industrial energy efficiency at the plant-level and in specific systems. Learn step-by-step ways to identify opportunities, monitor progress, and improve efficiency in any facility. Some tools help facilities implement an energy management system and prepare to become ISO 50001 and Superior Energy Performance certified.


  • Enhanced: Added absolute temperature scales (Kelvin and Rankine) to unit converter
  • Added: Ability to rename an export within the export box to reduce possibility of deleting the .json from the file name in windows
  • Updated: Top bar navigation. The House Icon directs to the home screen; the folder icon directs to "All Assessments"


  • Fixed: General bug and text fixes
  • Enhanced: Added results to the right side of System Setup - Field Data

Process Heating:

  • Fixed: General bug and text fixes
  • Fixed: Navigation - Next button on "Other Losses" page of System Setup now directs to "Aux Equipment"
  • Enhanced: Added % Savings graphs to Executive Summary


  • New Feature: Fan Assessment Tool- similar to the pump tool, this allows users to compare current fan setups to modification scenarios to analyze potential savings
  • Added: Popup calculators for estimating fan inlet/outlet pressures based on estimations of system losses
  • Added: Popup calculator for the calculation of fan inlet and outlet pressures and flow based on a pitot tube traverse in accordance with AMCA 203
  • Added: Fan Reports and Sankeys


  • Added: Replace Motor Calculator - Calculate the energy savings, cost savings, and payback period for replacing an existing motor with a higher efficiency motor.
  • Added: Replace vs. Rewind Calculator - Compare the cost and energy expenditure of rewinding a failed motor versus replacing it with a new energy-efficient model.
  • Added: Operating points calculator - Calculation of fan inlet and outlet pressures, flow, and energy use based on a pitot tube traverse in accordance with AMCA 203
  • Added: Fan curve calculator - Develop fan curves, adopted from pump curve calculator
  • Added: System curve calculator - to develop fan system curves, adopted from pump system curve calculator
  • Enhanced: Steam Properties and Saturated Properties graphs - smoothed constant temperature lines
  • Enhanced: Added popup modals to many calculator graphs to enlarge graphs
  • Enhanced: Added ability to click on line graphs and create a table with the data

Known Issues:

  • The Mac and Linux releases have significantly slower app start times than in previous builds
  • Renaming an export in Windows Download menu can delete the file extension (.json)
  • Assessments made in a previous release may experience errors
  • Import files made in a previous release will not be useable

AMO Tools Desktop v0.2.8-beta

14 Jun 15:46
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A software tool for calculating energy efficiency for a variety of industrial and manufacturing applications.

The Department of Energy (DOE) Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) has undertaken an effort to refactor legacy tools that were written for the Windows platform into a modern environment. The legacy tools were written in a variety of programming languages, and the source code considered proprietary. This meant that updating them was a difficult task.

AMO’s tools help manufacturers increase industrial energy efficiency at the plant-level and in specific systems. Learn step-by-step ways to identify opportunities, monitor progress, and improve efficiency in any facility. Some tools help facilities implement an energy management system and prepare to become ISO 50001 and Superior Energy Performance certified.


  • Enhanced: Made facility info more prominent and collapsible
  • Fixed: Problems with Import/Export Functionality
  • Added: The ability to Import/Export pre-assessments
  • Added: The ability to copy assessments (with or without scenarios)
  • Enhanced: Pre-assessments can now be used for pumps or process heating
  • Enhanced: Pre-assessments energy source is non-exclusive (can be both fuel and electricity)
  • Enhanced: Ease of creating new scenarios and a “quick add” for Explore Opportunities
  • Added: Custom Material Management page and ability to import/export custom materials
  • Fixed: Various Bug fixes


  • Disabled: Ability to optimize with a not-fixed specific speed
  • Fixed: Various Bug fixes


  • Updated: PHAST Explore Opportunities page
  • Enhanced: Unit choices and decimal places shown
  • Added: Various warnings for invalid data entry
  • Added: Fuel composition to Input Data Report
  • Enhanced: Verbiage relating to reactions
  • Enhanced: Electrotechnology Energy Input Results now calculate amount of electrical power requred in addition to fuel input
  • Enhanced: Electrotechnology Sankey's include breakdown of electricty and chemical inputs
  • Enhanced: Added label to Sankey if there is added energy via an exothermic reaction
  • Enhanced: Metered and Design Energy can model hybrid energy sources
  • Returned: Ability to add multiple cooling losses
  • Fixed: Various Bug fixes


  • Added: Steam and Saturated Fluid Properties Calculators
  • Added: Motor Drive Comparison Calculator
  • Added: New method for Load Estimation Calculator
  • Added: Power Factor Correction Calculator
  • Fixed: Various Bug fixes

Known Issues:

  • The Mac and Linux releases have significantly slower app start times than in previous builds
  • Assessments made in a previous release may experience errors
  • Import files made in a previous release will not be useable

AMO Tools Desktop v0.2.7-beta

13 Apr 19:03
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A software tool for calculating energy efficiency for a variety of industrial and manufacturing applications.

The Department of Energy (DOE) Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) has undertaken an effort to refactor legacy tools that were written for the Windows platform into a modern environment. The legacy tools were written in a variety of programming languages, and the source code considered proprietary. This meant that updating them was a difficult task.

AMO’s tools help manufacturers increase industrial energy efficiency at the plant-level and in specific systems. Learn step-by-step ways to identify opportunities, monitor progress, and improve efficiency in any facility. Some tools help facilities implement an energy management system and prepare to become ISO 50001 and Superior Energy Performance certified.


  • Enhanced: Badges in PHAST and PSAT to give more details, try hovering over them
  • Enhanced: Managing of modifications in PHAST and PSAT
  • Updated: Assessment examples on startup
  • Added: Starting tutorial
  • Changed: Now using "Scenario" instead of "Modification"
  • Enhanced: Report graphs
  • Added: Selecting data wanted for the reports
  • Changed: MEASUR branding
  • Enhanced: Various Pre-Assesment enhancements


  • Added: Different result units for PHAST
  • Added: Totals for PHAST losses


  • Added: Compressed Air Calculators

Known Issues:

  • The mac and linux releases have significantly slower app start times than in previous builds

AMO Tools Desktop v0.2.6-beta

16 Feb 17:59
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A software tool for calculating energy efficiency for a variety of industrial and manufacturing applications.

The Department of Energy (DOE) Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) has undertaken an effort to refactor legacy tools that were written for the Windows platform into a modern environment. The legacy tools were written in a variety of programming languages, and the source code considered proprietary. This meant that updating them was a difficult task.

AMO’s tools help manufacturers increase industrial energy efficiency at the plant-level and in specific systems. Learn step-by-step ways to identify opportunities, monitor progress, and improve efficiency in any facility. Some tools help facilities implement an energy management system and prepare to become ISO 50001 and Superior Energy Performance certified.


  • Added: Ability to edit Explore Opportunities Modification name (PSAT/PHAST)
  • Enhanced: Explore Opportunities styling (PSAT/PHAST)
  • Added: Date to list view of assessments/folder
  • Added: Facility information to folders
  • Added: Scroll bar in various locations
  • Added: Button navigation (PSAT/PHAST)
  • Changed: Styling for tabs and legends for more content space
  • Changed: Saving data on changes without delay
  • Added: Functionality for moving and renaming Assessments and Folders
  • Added: Ability to add Pre-Assessment to folder
  • Added: Rollup graphs to print view
  • Enhanced: Printing process
  • Added: Ability to export graphs as images
  • Added: Working grid view for assessment dashboard


  • Updated: Export CSV functionality with new inputs
  • Added: Saving Head Tool, Pump Curve, and System Curve data within assessments
  • Added: Ability to model Premium Efficient motors
  • Changed: Use Premium Efficiency motors for optimization instead of Energy Efficient


  • Changed: Wording from "Furnace" to "Process Heating" (PH)
  • Enhanced: Various areas of help text
  • Enhanced: Handling of Endothermic/Exothermic heat
  • Changed: Disclaimer text
  • Added: Indication for invalid results if losses have warnings or errors
  • Added: Report graphs to print view


  • Added: Compressed Air - Bag Method
  • Enhanced: General calculators styling
  • Added: Icons for calculators list

Known Issues:

  • The mac and linux releases have significantly slower app start times than in previous builds

AMO Tools Desktop v0.2.5 Beta

18 Jan 23:21
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A software tool for calculating energy efficiency for a variety of industrial and manufacturing applications.

The Department of Energy (DOE) Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) has undertaken an effort to refactor legacy tools that were written for the Windows platform into a modern environment. The legacy tools were written in a variety of programming languages, and the source code considered proprietary. This meant that updating them was a difficult task.

AMO’s tools help manufacturers increase industrial energy efficiency at the plant-level and in specific systems. Learn step-by-step ways to identify opportunities, monitor progress, and improve efficiency in any facility. Some tools help facilities implement an energy management system and prepare to become ISO 50001 and Superior Energy Performance certified.


  • Enhanced: Home page styling
  • Added: Cash flow diagram for cash flow calculator
  • Added: Percent load estimation calculator
  • Fixed: Many bug fixes, mostly in PHAST


  • Added: Results panel for assessments screen comparing baseline modification
  • Added: Sankey tab


  • Fixed: add new materials modals and updated styles
  • Added: Indicator for required losses that are completed
  • Added: Support for Metric/Imperial unit logic for Furnace Calculators
  • Enhanced: Graphs and styling for Furnace Calculators
  • Fixed: Work flow for heat balance
  • Added: Naming losses functionality
  • Added: Additional button navigation
  • Added: Help text for new material modals.
  • Added: Calculators tab with furnace calculators
  • Added: Input Data tab to furnace reports


  • Added: Rollup Reports for Furnace and Pump assessment comparisons
  • Fixed: Sidebar navigation
  • Added: Collapse top summary functionality
  • Improved: Performance for gathering assessments and data

Known Issues:

  • Incomplete furnace assessments will cause instability due to new input fields being required. To ensure stability, make sure to save the assessment before attempting to view the Report / Diagram / Sankey.
  • Old assessment data from previous app versions in general may cause issues, it is safest to delete old data and create new assessments after each update

AMO Tools Desktop v0.2.4 Beta

12 Dec 18:30
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A software tool for calculating energy efficiency for a variety of industrial and manufacturing applications.

The Department of Energy (DOE) Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) has undertaken an effort to refactor legacy tools that were written for the Windows platform into a modern environment. The legacy tools were written in a variety of programming languages, and the source code considered proprietary. This meant that updating them was a difficult task.

AMO’s tools help manufacturers increase industrial energy efficiency at the plant-level and in specific systems. Learn step-by-step ways to identify opportunities, monitor progress, and improve efficiency in any facility. Some tools help facilities implement an energy management system and prepare to become ISO 50001 and Superior Energy Performance certified.

Added for v0.2.4-beta:

  • Redesigned landing page and tab setup
  • Show proper error messages in PHAST when user input doesn't make sense
  • Add view factor graph image under view factor calculation on the Opening Losses screen
  • Remove enforcement of various PHAST temperature minimums

Changes for v0.2.4-beta:

  • PHAST Sankey diagrams in the report are now stacked vertically rather than horizontally, and are better designed to more easily show small losses
  • Enhance the D3 visuals / labels with respect to existing graphs in PSAT / Pumps
  • Improve default help text accuracy
  • Other UI Style Enhancements

Known Issues:

  • Incomplete furnace assessments will cause instability due to new input fields being required. To ensure stability, make sure to save the assessment before attempting to view the Report / Diagram / Sankey.
  • Old assessment data from previous app versions in general may cause issues, it is safest to delete old data and create new assessments after each update

AMO Tools Desktop v0.2.3 Beta

22 Nov 19:20
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A software tool for calculating energy efficiency for a variety of industrial and manufacturing applications.

The Department of Energy (DOE) Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) has undertaken an effort to refactor legacy tools that were written for the Windows platform into a modern environment. The legacy tools were written in a variety of programming languages, and the source code considered proprietary. This meant that updating them was a difficult task.

AMO’s tools help manufacturers increase industrial energy efficiency at the plant-level and in specific systems. Learn step-by-step ways to identify opportunities, monitor progress, and improve efficiency in any facility. Some tools help facilities implement an energy management system and prepare to become ISO 50001 and Superior Energy Performance certified.

Added for v0.2.3-beta:

  • New PSAT belt types
  • PSAT Fluid dropdown menu, auto-calculation of kinematic viscosity and specific gravity
  • Calculate View Factor button added to Opening Losses page

Changes for v0.2.3-beta:

  • Add kinematic viscosity input form to the pump & fluid page, remove it from optimization form
  • Update Sankey Diagram formatting
  • Default Help Text enhancements
  • Pump Head diagram & PSAT report updates
  • Other UI Style Enhancements

Known Issues:

  • Incomplete furnace assessments will cause instability due to new input fields being required. To ensure stability, make sure to save the assessment before attempting to view the Report / Diagram / Sankey.

AMO Tools Desktop v0.2.2 Beta

03 Nov 19:46
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A software tool for calculating energy efficiency for a variety of industrial and manufacturing applications.

The Department of Energy (DOE) Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) has undertaken an effort to refactor legacy tools that were written for the Windows platform into a modern environment. The legacy tools were written in a variety of programming languages, and the source code considered proprietary. This meant that updating them was a difficult task.

AMO’s tools help manufacturers increase industrial energy efficiency at the plant-level and in specific systems. Learn step-by-step ways to identify opportunities, monitor progress, and improve efficiency in any facility. Some tools help facilities implement an energy management system and prepare to become ISO 50001 and Superior Energy Performance certified.

Added for v0.2.2-beta:

  • PHAST Reports
  • Printing for multiple assessments
  • Conversions for PHAST Calculations in metric
  • Implementation costs for PSAT

Changes for v0.2.2-beta:

  • O2 Enrichment graph updates, now makes more sense and gives more information
  • Other UI Enhancements

AMO Tools Desktop v0.2.1 Beta

26 Sep 17:39
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A software tool for calculating energy efficiency for a variety of industrial and manufacturing applications.

The Department of Energy (DOE) Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) has undertaken an effort to refactor legacy tools that were written for the Windows platform into a modern environment. The legacy tools were written in a variety of programming languages, and the source code considered proprietary. This meant that updating them was a difficult task.

AMO’s tools help manufacturers increase industrial energy efficiency at the plant-level and in specific systems. Learn step-by-step ways to identify opportunities, monitor progress, and improve efficiency in any facility. Some tools help facilities implement an energy management system and prepare to become ISO 50001 and Superior Energy Performance certified.

Added for v0.2.1:

  • New furnace diagram
  • Sankey diagram for furnaces
  • Simple report for furnaces
  • More help text, including minimum and maximum values

Changes for v0.2.1:

  • Moved motor calculators to their own section
  • Updated print styles
  • Modifications to the calculators for electrotechnology furnaces
  • General bug fixes