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Releases: OSGeo/PROJ

PROJ 9.0.0

01 Mar 19:31
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9.0.0 Release Notes

Breaking Changes


  • Database updates:
    • ESRI projection engine db to version 12.9 (#2943)
    • EPSG v10.054 (#3051)
    • Vertical grid files for PL-geoid-2011, Polish geoid model (#2960)
    • Belgian geoid model hBG18 to grid alternatives (#3044)
  • Add new option to proj_create_crs_to_crs_from_pj method to force +over on
    transformation operations (#2914)
  • Specify CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH for macOS; use -rpath LDFLAGS for tests (#3009)
  • Implement Geographic3D to Depth/Geog2D+Depth as used by ETRS89 to CD Norway depth (#3010)
  • Allow PROJ_LIB paths wrapped with double quotes (#3031)
  • Use external gtest by default when possible (#3035)
  • CMake: make BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON the default even on Windows (#3042)
  • proj.ini: add a ca_bundle_path variable (#3049)

Bug fixes

  • Fix extremely long parsing time on hostile PROJ strings (#2968)
  • CMake: fix warning with external googletest (#2980)
  • proj_get_crs_info_list_from_database(): report PJ_TYPE_GEODETIC_CRS for IAU_2015 -ocentric geodetic CRS (#3013)
  • peirce_q: rename +type parameter wrongly introduced in 8.2.1 to +shape (#3014)
  • Set more precise error code for parsing errors in proj_create() (#3037)
  • createOperations(): fix transformations from/to a BoundCRS of a DerivedGeographicCRS coming from WKT (#3046)
  • Better deal with importing strings like +init=epsg:XXXX +over (#3055)
  • Fix importing CRS definition with +proj=peirce_q and +shape different from square or diamond (#3057)

PROJ 8.2.1

01 Jan 15:40
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8.2.1 Release Notes


  • Database updated with EPSG v. 10.041 (#2974)

Bug fixes

  • BoundCRS WKT import: fix setting of name (#2917)

  • PROJStringFormatter::toString(): avoid invalid iterator increment (#2932)

  • Ensure CApi test are cross-platform (#2934)

  • createOperations(): do not stop at the first operation in the PROJ namespace or vertical transformations (#2937)

  • createOperationsCompoundToCompound(): fix null pointer dereference when connection to proj.db doesn't exist. (#2938)

  • Fix windows.h conflict with Criterion::STRICT (#2950)

  • Cache result of proj_get_type() to help for performance of proj_factors() (#2967)

  • createOperations(): improvement for "NAD83(CSRS) + CGVD28 height" to "NAD83(CSRS) + CGVD2013(CGG2013) height" (#2977)

  • WKT1 import: correctly deal with missing rectified_grid_angle parameter (#2986)

  • Fix and additional options for Peirce Quincuncial projections (#2978)

  • Fix build with Intel C++ compiler (#2995)

PROJ 8.2.0

01 Nov 17:36
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8.2.0 Release Notes


From PROJ 9.0.0 and onwards CMake will be the only build system bundled
with the PROJ package. As a consequence support for Autotools builds will
stop when the 8.2 branch of PROJ reaches end of life. We encourage
everyone to adjust their build workflows as soon as possible and report
any discrepancies discovered between Autotools and CMake builds.

Details about the build system unification can be found in PROJ RFC 7.


  • Added the S2 projection (#2749)

  • Added support for Degree Sign on input (#2791)

  • ESRI WKT: add support for import/export of (non interrupted) Goode Homolosine (#2827)

  • Make filemanager aware of UWP Win32 API (#2831)

  • Add proj_create_conversion_pole_rotation_netcdf_cf_convention() to address netCDF datasets using a pole rotation method (#2835)

  • Emit better debug message when a grid isn't found (#2838)

  • Add support for GeodeticCRS using a Spherical planetocentric coordinate system (#2847)

  • PROJJSON: support additional properties allowed in id object (version, authority_citation, uri) for parity with WKT2:2019 (#2850)

  • Database layout modified to include "anchor" field to geodetic_datum and vertical_datum tables, consequently database layout version is increased to 1.2 (#2859)

  • proj_factors(): accept P to be a projected CRS (#2868)

  • Add IAU_2015 CRS definitions (#2876)

  • CRS::extractGeodeticCRS(): implement for DerivedProjectedCRS (#2877)

  • Added proj_trans_bounds() (#2882)

  • CMake: add a BUILD_APPS to be able to disable build of all applications (#2895)

  • CMake: generate invproj/invgeod binaries (symlinks on Unix, copy otherwise) (#2897)

  • CMake build: add generate_wkt1_parser and generate_wkt2_parser manual target, and logic to detect when they must be run (#2900)

  • Add fallback strategy for tinshift transform to use closest triangle for points not in any (#2907)

  • Database: update to EPSG v10.038 (#2910)

  • CMake: revise handling of symbol export and static builds (#2912)

Bug fixes

  • Fix O(n^2) performance patterns where n is the number of steps of a pipeline (#2820)

  • Detect ESRI WKT better in certain circumstances (#2823)

  • Fix performance issue on pipeline instanciation of huge (broken) pipelines (#2824)

  • Make sure to re-order projection parameters according to their canonical order if needed (#2842)

  • Fix database access across fork() when SQLite3 doesn't use pread64 (#2845)

  • Fix error in implementation of Inverse ellipsoidal orthographic projection that cause convergence to sometimes fail (#2853)

  • Fix handling of edge-case coordinates in invers ortho ellipsoidal oblique (#2855)

  • proj_normalize_for_visualization(): set input and output units when there are several alternative transformations (#2867)

  • CRS::identify(): fix ignoring CS order when identifying a geodetic CRS by a PROJ string with just the ellipsoid (#2881)

  • Fix CRS Equality with PROJ parameter order (#2887)

  • WKT concatenated operation parsing: fix when a axis order reversal conversion is the first or last operation (#2891)

  • WKT1 parser: recognize Lambert_Conformal_Conic as projection name for LCC 1SP or 2SP (#2893)

  • CMake: Always build gie if testing is requested (#2899)

  • Geographic 3D CRS: allow to export to WKT1:ESRI if only the GEOGCS is known (and thus extrapolating a VERTCS) (#2902)

  • lib_proj.cmake: add a PROJ::proj alias and add BUILD_INTERFACE include directories, so that proj can be used as a subdirectory of a larger project (#2913)

PROJ 8.1.1

01 Sep 18:25
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8.1.1 Release notes


  • EPSG Database updated to version 10.028 (#2773)

Bug Fixes

  • Include algorithm header file to avoid build errors on Alpine Linux (#2769)

  • CMake: fix installation of executables on iOS (#2766)

  • Associate extents to transformations of CRS's that include GEOIDMODEL (#2769)

  • Logging: avoid some overhead when logging is not enabled (#2775)

  • ortho: remove useless and invalid log trace (#2777)

  • CMake: remove external nlohmann_json from INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES target (#2781)

  • createOperations(): fix SourceTargetCRSExtentUse::NONE mode (#2783)

  • GeoTIFF grid reading: perf improvements (#2788)

  • Conversion::createUTM(): avoid integer overflow (#2796)

  • Inverse laea ellipsoidal: return PROJ_ERR_COORD_TRANSFM_OUTSIDE_PROJECTION_DOMAIN when appropriates (#2801)

  • Make sure that proj_crs_promote_to_3D returns a derived CRS (#2806)

  • createOperations(): fix missing deg<-->rad conversion when transforming with a CRS that has a fallback-to-PROJ4-string behaviour and is a BoundCRS of a GeographicCRS (#2808)

  • WKT2 import/export: preserve PROJ.4 CRS extension string in REMARKS[] (#2812)

  • BoundCRS: accept importing/exporting in WKT2 and PROJJSON the scope/area/extent/id attributes (#2815)

  • ConcatenatedOperation::fixStepsDirection(): fix bad chaining of steps when inverse map projection is involved in non-final step (#2819)

PROJ 8.1.0

30 Jun 20:36
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8.1.0 Release Notes


  • Database

    • Update to EPSG v10.027 (#2751)

    • Decrease DB size by using WITHOUT ROWID tables (#2730) (#2647)

    • Add a ANALYZE step during proj.db creation allowing for faster lookups (#2729)

    • Added a PROJ.VERSION metadata entry (#2646)

    • Added NGO48 (EPSG:4273) to ETRS89 (EPSG:4258) triangulation-based transformation (#2554)

    • Additions to the norwegian NKG2020 transformation (#2548)

    • ESRI projection database updated to version 12.8 (#2717)

  • API additions

    • Added proj_get_geoid_models_from_database() function that returns a list of geoid models available for a given CRS (#2681)

    • Added proj_get_celestial_body_list_from_database that returns a list of celestial bodies in the PROJ database (#2667)

    • Added proj_get_celestial_body_name() (#2662)

  • Various improvements

    • proj_trans/cs2cs: If two operations have the same accuracy, use the one that is contained within a larger one (#2750)

    • Share SQLite database handle among all contexts (#2738)

    • Add proj/internal/mutex.hpp as compat layer for mingw32 for std::mutex (#2736)

    • projsync: make it filter out files not intended for the current version (#2725)

    • Improvements related to DerivedVerticalCRS using Change Unit and Height/Depth reversal methods (#2696)

    • Update internal nlohmann/json to 3.9.1, and add a CMake option to be able to use external nlohmann/json (#2686)

    • createFromUserInput(): change name of CRS built from URN combined references to match the convention of EPSG projected CRS (#2677)

    • Parse compound id with two authorities, like ESRI:103668+EPSG:5703 (#2669)

    • Added projinfo option --list-crs (supports --area) (#2663)

    • Added support for hyperbolic Cassini-Soldner (#2637)

    • Added capability to get SQL statements to add custom CRS in the database (#2577)

Bug fixes

  • Fix 'Please include winsock2.h before windows.h' warning with msys (#2692)

  • Minor changes to address lint in geodesic.c (#2752)

  • BoundCRS::identify(): avoid incompatible transformation for WKT1 / TOWGS84 export (#2747)

  • proj_create(): do not open proj.db if string is a PROJ string, even if proj_context_set_autoclose_database() has been set (#2735)

  • Fix export of transformation to PROJ string in a particular situation where CompoundCRS are involved (#2721)

PROJ 8.0.1

05 May 10:22
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8.0.1 Release Notes


  • Database: update to EPSG v10.018 (#2636)
  • Add transformations for CHGeo2004, Swiss geoid model (#2604)
  • Additions to the norwegian NKG2020 transformation (#2600)

Bug fixes

  • pj_vlog(): fix buffer overflow in case of super lengthy error message (#2693)
  • Revert "proj_create_crs_to_crs_from_pj(): do not use PROJ_SPATIAL_CRITERION_PARTIAL_INTERSECTION if area is specified" (#2679)
  • UTM: error out when value of +zone= is not an integer (#2672)
  • getCRSInfoList(): make result order deterministic (by increasing auth_name,
    code) (#2661)
  • createOperation(): make sure no to discard deprecated operations if the
    replacement uses an unknow grid (#2623)
  • Fix build on Solaris 11.4 (#2621)
  • Add mapping of ESRI Equal_Area projection method to EPSG (#2612)
  • Fix incorrect EPGS extent code for EPSG:7789>EPSG:4976 NKG transformation (#2599)
  • fix wrong capitalization of CHENyx06_ETRS.gsb (#2597)
  • createOperations(): improve handling of vertical transforms when
    when compound CRSs are used (#2592)
  • CRS::promoteTo3D(): propagate the extent from the 2D CRS (#2589)
  • createFromCRSCodesWithIntermediates(): improve performance when there is
    no match (#2583)
  • Fix proj_clone() to work on 'meta' coordinate operation PJ* objects that
    can be returned by proj_create_crs_to_crs() (#2582)
    PROJ_AT_LEAST_VERSION macros (#2581)
  • Make proj_lp_dist() and proj_geod() work on a PJ* CRS object (#2570)
  • Fix gcc 11 -Wnonnull compilation warnings (#2559)
  • Fix use of uninitialized memory in gie tests (#2558)
  • createOperations(): fix incorrect height transformation between 3D promoted RGF93 and CH1903+ (#2555)

PROJ 8.0.0

01 Mar 12:11
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8.0.0 Release Notes

With the release of PROJ 8 the proj_api.h API is finally removed. See for more info on how to migrate
from the old to the proj.h API.

With the removal of proj_api.h it has been possible to simplify error codes
and messages given by the software. The error codes are exposed in the API.

Several improvements has been made to the command line utilities as well as
tweaks in the underlying API.


  • Public header file proj_api.h removed (#837)

  • Improved accuracy of the Mercator projection (#2397)

  • Copyright statement wording updated (#2417)

  • Allow cct to instantiate operations via object codes or names (#2419)

  • Allow @filename syntax in cct (#2420)

  • Added geocentric->topocentric conversion (+proj=topocentric) (#2444)

  • Update GeographicLib to version 1.51 (#2445)

  • Added option to allow export of Geographic/Projected 3D CRS
    in WKT1_GDAL (#2450)

  • Added --area and --bbox options in cs2cs to restrict candidate
    coordinate operations (#2466)

  • Added build time option to make PROJ_LIB env var tested last (#2476)

  • Added --authority switch in cs2cs to control where coordinate operations
    are looked for. C API function proj_create_crs_to_crs_from_pj() updated
    accordingly (#2477)

  • Error codes revised and exposed in the public API (#2487)

  • Added --accuracy options to projinfo. C API function
    proj_create_crs_to_crs_from_pj() updated accordingly (#2488)

  • Added proj_crs_is_derived() function to C API (#2496)

  • Enabled linking against static cURL on Windows (#2514)

  • Updated ESRI CRS database to 12.7 (10.8.1/2.6) (#2519)

  • Allow a WKT BoundCRS to use a PROJ string transformation (#2521)

  • Update to EPSG v10.015 (#2539)

  • Default log level set to PJ_LOG_ERROR (#2542)

  • CMake installs a pkg-config file proj.pc, where supported (#2547)

Bug fixes

  • Do not restrict longitude to [-90;90] range in spherical transver Mercator
    forward projection (#2471)

  • createOperations(): fix Compound to Geog3D/Projected3D CRS with non-metre ellipsoidal height (#2500)

  • Avoid error messages to be emitted log level is set to PJ_LOG_NONE (#2527)

  • Close database connection when autoclose set to True (#2532)

PROJ 7.2.1

01 Jan 16:22
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  • Add metadata with the version number of the database layout (#2474)

  • Split coordinateoperation.cpp and test_operation.cpp in several parts (#2484)

  • Update to EPSG v10.008 (#2490)

  • Added the NKG 2008 and 2020 transformations in proj.db (#2495)

Bug fixes

  • Set CURL_ENABLED definition on projinfo build (#2405)

  • createBoundCRSToWGS84IfPossible(): make it return same result with a CRS
    built from EPSG code or WKT1 (#2412)

  • WKT2 parsing: several fixes related to map projection parameter units (#2428)

  • createOperation(): make it work properly when one of the CRS is a BoundCRS of
    a DerivedGeographicCRS (+proj=ob_tran +o_proj=lonlat +towgs84=....) (#2441)

  • WKT parsing: fix ingestion of WKT with a Geocentric CRS as the base of the
    projected CRS (#2443)

    make it work when comparing easting,northing,up and northing,easting,up (#2446)

  • createOperation(): add a ballpark vertical transformation when dealing
    with GEOIDMODEL[] (#2449)

  • Use same arguments to printf format string for both radians and degrees in
    output by cct (#2453)

  • PRIMEM WKT handling: fixes on import for 'sexagesimal DMS' or from WKT1:GDAL/ESRI
    when GEOGCS UNIT != Degree; morph to ESRI the PRIMEM name on export (#2455)

  • createObjectsFromName(): in exact match, make looking for 'ETRS89 / UTM zone 32N'
    return only the exact match (#2462)

  • Inverse tmerc spherical: fix wrong sign of latitude when lat_0 is used (#2469)

  • Add option to allow export of Geographic/Projected 3D CRS in WKT1_GDAL (#2470)

  • Fix building proj.db with SQLite built with -DSQLITE_DQS=0 (#2480)

  • Include JSON Schema files in CMake builds (#2485)

  • createOperations(): fix inconsistent chaining exception when transforming from BoundCRS of projected CRS based on NTF Paris to BoundCRS of geog CRS NTF Paris (#2486)

PROJ 7.2.0

01 Nov 10:24
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Command line tools

  • Add multi-line PROJ string export capability, and use it by default in
    projinfo (unless --single-line is specified) (#2381)

Coordinate operations

  • +proj=col_urban projection, implementing a EPSG projection method
    used by a number of projected CRS in Colombia (#2395)

  • +proj=tinshift for triangulation-based transformations (#2344)

  • Added ellipsoidal formulation of +proj=ortho (#2361)


  • Update to EPSG 10.003 and make code base robust to dealing with
    WKT CRS with DatumEnsemble (#2370)

  • Added Finland tinshift operations (#2392)

  • Added transformation from JGD2011 Geographic 3D to JGD2011
    height using GSIGEO2011 (#2393)

  • Improve CompoundCRS identification and name morphing in VerticalCRS
    with ESRI WKT1 (#2386)

  • Added OGC:CRS27 and OGC:CRS83 CRS entries for NAD27 and NAD83
    in longitude, latitude order (#2350)


  • Added temporal, engineering, and parametric datum
    PJ_TYPE enumerations (#2274)

  • Various improvements to context handling (#2329, #2331)

  • proj_create_vertical_crs_ex(): add a ACCURACY option to provide
    an explicit accuracy, or derive it from the grid name if it is
    known (#2342)

  • proj_crs_create_bound_crs_to_WGS84(): make it work on
    verticalCRS/compoundCRS such as EPSG:4326+5773 and
    EPSG:4326+3855 (#2365)

  • promoteTo3D(): add a remark with the original CRS identifier (#2369)

  • Added proj_context_clone (#2383)

Bug fixes

  • Avoid core dumps when copying contexts in certain scenarios (#2324)

  • proj_trans(): reset errno before attemptying a retry with a new
    coordinate operation (#2353)

  • PROJJSON schema corrected to allow prime meridians values with
    explicitly stating a unit (degrees assumed) (#2354)

  • Adjust createBoundCRSToWGS84IfPossible() and operation filtering
    (for POSGAR 2007 to WGS84 issues) (#2357)

  • createOperations(): several fixes affecting NAD83 -> NAD83(2011) (#2364)

  • WKT2:2019 import/export: handle DATUM (at top level object) with PRIMEM

  • WKT1_ESRI: fix import and export of CompoundCRS (#2389)

PROJ 7.1.1

01 Sep 14:23
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  • Added various Brazillian grids to the database #2277

  • Added geoid file for Canary Islands to the database #2312

  • Updated EPSG database to version 9.8.15 #2310

Bug fixes

  • WKT parser: do not raise warning when parsing a WKT2:2015 TIMECRS
    whose TIMEUNIT is at the CS level, and not inside #2281

  • Parse '+proj=something_not_latlong +vunits=' without +geoidgrids as a
    Projected3D CRS and not a compound CRS with a unknown datum #2289

  • C API: Avoid crashing due to missing SANITIZE_CTX() in entry points #2293

  • CMake build: Check "target_clones" before use #2297

  • PROJ string export of +proj=krovak +czech: make sure we export +czech… #2301

  • Helmert 2D: do not require a useless +convention= parameter #2305

  • Fix a few spelling errors ("vgridshit" vs. "vgridshift") #2307

  • Fix ability to identify EPSG:2154 as a candidate for 'RGF93_Lambert_93' #2316

  • WKT importer: tune for Oracle WKT and 'Lambert Conformal Conic' #2322

  • Revert compiler generated Fused Multiply Addition optimized routines #2328