diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
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index 3331d32..6007d43 100644
--- a/README.md
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+**Note: This is not a FPS booster.**
# Roblox Tweaker
## [Download](https://github.com/OhRetro/Roblox-Tweaker/archive/refs/heads/stable-stage.zip).
-## [Download Roblox Texture Remover Legacy](https://github.com/OhRetro/Roblox-Tweaker/releases/tag/Legacy).
-An easier automatic way to remove the textures from Roblox.
-It is recommended using [Roblox FPS Unlocker](https://github.com/axstin/rbxfpsunlocker/releases) made by [axstin](https://github.com/axstin).
-Version: v2.1
+An one of the automatic ways to tweak Roblox.
+I recommended using [Roblox FPS Unlocker](https://github.com/axstin/rbxfpsunlocker/releases) made by [axstin](https://github.com/axstin).
-**Note: This is not a FPS booster;**
+# Roblox Tweaker C Edition
+In case of not wanting to install Python just to use Roblox Tweaker,
+You should try [Roblox Tweaker C Edition](https://github.com/OhRetro/Roblox-Tweaker-C-Edition)
![roblox_tweaker_logo (Small)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/70819072/132238157-9f3a0148-aced-4fb8-ab3c-bc878a0537ec.png)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/main.py b/main.py
index 2290b3f..25b167c 100644
--- a/main.py
+++ b/main.py
@@ -1,118 +1,218 @@
#Roblox Tweaker
-_version = ["2.1", "Stable"]
+VERSION = ["2.2", "Stable"]
- from oreto_utils import Terminal
- from oreto_utils import File
+from os import environ as os_environ, name as os_name
+from contextlib import suppress as cl_suppress
+from types import NoneType
+from traceback import format_exc as tb_format_exc
+from sys import argv as sys_argv
-except ImportError as missing_package:
- print(missing_package)
- exit(1)
+ONLY_WINDOWS = "--no-windows" not in sys_argv
- from os import environ as os_environ, name as os_name
- from tkinter import Tk, filedialog
- from shutil import rmtree as sh_rmtree
- from contextlib import suppress as ctxl_suppress
+if ONLY_WINDOWS and os_name != "nt":
+ print("Roblox Tweaker was intended to be runned on Windows, Exiting...")
+ exit(2)
+elif not ONLY_WINDOWS:
+ print("Roblox Tweaker running with \"--no-windows\" flag.")
+with cl_suppress(ImportError):
+ from rich import print
-if os_name != "nt":
- print("This program was intended to be run on Windows, Exiting...")
+ from oreto_utils.terminal_utils import title as out_title, clear as out_clear, waitinput as out_waitinput
+ from oreto_utils.file_utils import File as ouf_File
+ from oreto_utils.folder_utils import Folder as ouf_Folder, folderselect as ouf_folderselect
+ from oreto_utils.others_utils import countdown as ouo_countdown
+except ImportError as missing_package:
+ print(tb_format_exc())
+ print("\n[!] Please try running \"pip install -r requirements.txt\"")
class RobloxTweaker():
def __init__(self):
- Terminal.title(f"Roblox Tweaker v{_version[0]} {_version[1]}")
- Terminal.clear()
+ out_title(f"Roblox Tweaker v{VERSION[0]} {VERSION[1]}")
+ out_clear()
self.running = True
- self.exit_code = None
self._roblox_versions_path = os_environ["LocalAppData"]+"/Roblox/Versions"
- self._textures_folders_path = "/PlatformContent/pc/textures"
+ self._textures_folders_path = "PlatformContent/pc/textures"
+ self._exception_texs = ["sky", "brdfLUT.dds", "studs.dds", "wangIndex.dds"]
- self._textures_folders_list = ["aluminum", "brick", "cobblestone", "concrete", "diamondplate", "fabric", "glass", "granite", "grass",
- "ice", "marble", "metal", "pebble", "plastic", "rust", "sand", "slate", "water", "wood", "woodplanks"]
- self.roblox_version_file = File(file_name="roblox-version-folder", file_ext="")
+ self.path_file = ouf_File("path.txt")
+ self.path_dir = ouf_Folder("", self._roblox_versions_path)
+ self.backup_dir = ouf_Folder("backup")
- if not self.roblox_version_file.exists():
- self.write_file()
+ if not self.path_file.exists():
+ print("[Path File Not Found.]")
+ self.writepath()
+ out_clear()
- if self.roblox_version_file.exists:
- self._rvf_r = self.roblox_version_file.read()
+ if self.path_file.exists:
+ self.path = self.path_file.read()
+ self.path_folder = ouf_Folder("", self.path)
while self.running:
- self.menu()
- def menu(self):
- print(f"Roblox Tweaker v{_version[0]} {_version[1]}")
- print("What do you want to do?\n")
- print("[D]elete Textures\n[U]pdate Roblox Version Folder Path\n[E]xit\n")
- print(f"Current Roblox Version Folder Path:\n\"{self._rvf_r}\"\nType: {self.get_type()}\n")
- _selected_option = input(">")
- if _selected_option in ["D", "d", "1"]:
- self.delete_textures()
+ print(f"Roblox Tweaker v{VERSION[0]} {VERSION[1]}")
+ print("What do you want to do?\n")
+ print("[1]Delete Textures\n[2]Show Textures List\n[3]Update Roblox Version Path\n[4]Backup Textures\n[5]Restore Textures from Backup\n[0]Exit\n")
+ print(f"Current Roblox Version Path:\n\"{self.path}\"\nType: {self.gettype()}")
+ _selected_option = input(">")
- elif _selected_option in ["U", "u", "2"]:
- self.update_path()
- elif _selected_option in ["E", "e", "3"]:
- Terminal.clear()
- self.exit_code = 0
- self.running = False
+ if _selected_option in ["D", "d", "1"]:
+ self.deletetextures()
+ elif _selected_option in ["S", "s", "2"]:
+ self.listtextures()
- else:
- Terminal.clear()
+ elif _selected_option in ["U", "u", "3"]:
+ self.writepath()
+ self.path = self.path_file.read()
+ self.path_folder = ouf_Folder("", self.path)
+ elif _selected_option in ["B", "b", "4"]:
+ self.backuptextures()
+ elif _selected_option in ["R", "r", "5"]:
+ self.restoretextures()
+ elif _selected_option in ["E", "e", "0"]:
+ out_clear()
+ self.running = False
+ else:
+ out_clear()
#Delete Textures
- def delete_textures(self):
- for _texture_folder in self._textures_folders_list:
- with ctxl_suppress(FileNotFoundError):
- sh_rmtree(f"{self._rvf_r}/{self._textures_folders_path}/{_texture_folder}")
+ def deletetextures(self):
+ out_clear()
+ textures_path = ouf_Folder(self._textures_folders_path, self.path)
+ textures_list = textures_path.list()
+ option = None
+ while option not in ["a", "all", "l", "leave"]:
+ print("[Delete Textures]\n")
+ print("Do you want to delete ALL textures or leave some untouched?\n")
+ option = input("[A]ll\n[L]eave (Default) (Recommended)\n\n>") or "l"
+ if option.lower() in ["l", "leave"]:
+ textures_path.deletecontents(self._exception_texs)
+ elif option.lower() in ["a", "all"]:
+ option = None
+ while option not in ["y", "yes", "n", "no"]:
+ out_clear()
+ print("Do you want to backup the textures before deleting?\n")
+ option = input("[Y]es (Default) (Recommended)\n[N]o\n\n>") or "y"
+ if option.lower() in ["y", "yes"]:
+ self.backuptextures()
+ out_clear()
+ ouo_countdown(3, "Deleting Textures in ", "Deleting Textures...")
- Terminal.clear()
- print("[Textures Deleted.]\n")
+ textures_path.deletecontents()
+ out_clear()
+ if len(textures_list) <= len(self._exception_texs):
+ print("[There's nothing to delete.]\n")
+ else:
+ print("[Textures Deleted.]\n")
+ #List Textures
+ def listtextures(self):
+ out_clear()
+ textures_path = ouf_Folder(self._textures_folders_path, self.path)
+ try:
+ textures_list = textures_path.list()
+ success = True
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ print("Unable to detemine type, path is inexistent, Try updating the path.")
+ success = False
+ if success:
+ print("[Textures List]")
+ for texture in textures_list:
+ print(texture)
+ print("")
+ out_waitinput()
+ out_clear()
+ #Backup Textures
+ def backuptextures(self):
+ out_clear()
+ textures_path = ouf_Folder(self._textures_folders_path, self.path)
- #Update Roblox Version Folder Path
- def update_path(self):
- _updated = self.write_file()
- self._rvf_r = self.roblox_version_file.read()
- Terminal.clear()
+ if not self.backup_dir.exists():
+ self.backup_dir.create()
+ print("[Copying contents to the backup directory]")
+ if self.backup_dir.list():
+ print("[Overwriting backup directory]")
+ self.backup_dir.deletecontents()
+ textures_path.copycontents(self.backup_dir._folder["FULL_PATH"])
- if _updated:
- print("[Updated]\n")
+ print("[Done]\n")
+ #Restore Textures from Backup
+ def restoretextures(self):
+ out_clear()
+ textures_path = ouf_Folder(self._textures_folders_path, self.path)
+ if self.backup_dir.exists():
+ if self.backup_dir.list():
+ print("[Restoring Textures]")
+ textures_path.deletecontents()
+ self.backup_dir.copycontents(textures_path._folder["FULL_PATH"])
+ print("[Done]\n")
+ else:
+ print("[There's nothing to restore.]\n")
- print("[Operation Canceled]\n")
- #Select Directory
- def select_directory(self, title, initialdir):
- dialog = Tk()
- dialog.withdraw()
- return filedialog.askdirectory(title=title, initialdir=initialdir, parent=dialog)
+ print("[There's nothing to restore.]\n")
+ out_waitinput()
+ out_clear()
#Write File
- def write_file(self):
- self.roblox_version_path = self.select_directory("Select a Roblox Version Folder.", self._roblox_versions_path)
+ def writepath(self):
+ while True:
+ roblox_version_path = ouf_folderselect("Select a Roblox Version", self._roblox_versions_path, True)
+ if type(roblox_version_path) != NoneType and roblox_version_path.split("/")[-1].startswith("version-"):
+ break
+ self.path_file.write(roblox_version_path)
+ out_clear()
+ print("[Path File Written.]\n")
- if self.roblox_version_path == "":
- return False
- self.roblox_version_file.write(self.roblox_version_path)
- return True
#Get which Roblox Type is currently selected
- def get_type(self):
- rop = File(file_name="RobloxPlayerBeta", file_ext=".exe", file_path=f"{self._rvf_r}")
- ros = File(file_name="RobloxStudioBeta", file_ext=".exe", file_path=f"{self._rvf_r}")
+ def gettype(self):
+ roblox_exes = ["RobloxPlayerBeta.exe", "RobloxStudioBeta.exe"]
+ try:
+ roblox_version_path = ouf_Folder("", self.path).list()
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ return "Unable to detemine type, path is inexistent, Try updating the path."
- if rop.exists():
+ if roblox_exes[0] in roblox_version_path:
return "Roblox Player"
- elif ros.exists():
+ elif roblox_exes[1] in roblox_version_path:
return "Roblox Studio"
+ else:
+ return "Unknown"
if __name__ == "__main__":
- _rt = RobloxTweaker()
- exit(_rt.exit_code)
+ RobloxTweaker()
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 2b7d6c8..da1ea2f 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file