Patch release with performance improvements.
- SELV3-774: Improved general performance of all create and update actions
New functionality added in a backwards-compatible manner:
- SELV3-705: Add GET
endpoint - OAM-17: Add Homepage UI alerts
endpoint- Number of Requisitions to be created for the month
- Updates on requisitions (e.g.: approved, rejected, submitted, etc.)
- OLMIS-7987: Incorporate OAM-200. Add DELETE
- OLMIS-8002: Proof of delivery - improved performance
- OAM-90: Endpoint GET
has now an optionalrequisitionless
parameter - OIS-14: Upgrade Transifex API version
- OIS-48: Update service base images to versions without known vulnerabilities
- OLMIS-7592: Proof of delivery - adding user's signature
Breaking changes:
- OLMIS-7472: Use postgres v12
- OLMIS-7454: Added possibility to create requisition-less order.
- OLMIS-7517: Add unique validation for orderables when updating or sending requisition-less order
- OLMIS-7508: Add validation on product addition table.
- OLMIS-7568: Use openlmis/dev:7 and openlmis/service-base:6.1
Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-7530: Fix retrieving valid sources in
New functionality added in a backwards-compatible manner:
- OLMIS-7345: Updated code due to /validDestinations returns Page<>
- Move FTP transfer and notification logic done after save to extension point, so that the logic can be overridden.
Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-7336: Added javadoc task, fixed docs in Application and ObjReferenceExpander
- Add extension points to post order creation and post shipment creation.
Contract breaking changes:
- OLMIS-7219: Updated POST /orders/batch to return existing orders if already created
- Clear Hibernate session after order and shipment created
- Set Hibernate batch insert properties
- TZUP-169: Made ftp file transfer and email sending configurable on requisition to order
- TZUP-170: added extradata column to order class
Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-7169: Fixed issue with not closing a connection after generating Jasper reports
New functionality added in a backwards-compatible manner:
- OLMIS-6782: Update Spring Boot version to 2.x:
- Spring Boot version is 2.2.2.
- Flyway is at 6.0.8, new mechanism for loading Spring Security for OAuth2 (matching Spring Boot version), new versions for REST Assured, RAML tester, RAML parser, PowerMock, Mockito (so tests will pass) and Java callback mechanism has changed to a general handle() method.
- Spring application properties for Flyway have changed.
- Re-implement generation of Jasper reports.
- Fix repository method signatures (findOne is now findById, etc.); additionally they return Optional.
- Fix unit tests.
- Fix integration tests.
- API definitions require "Keep-Alive" header for web integration tests.
Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-6776: Fixed the issue with invalid token error:
- A mechanism to retry authentication load after encountering the error was introduced.
New features:
- OLMIS-6392: Added orderable versioning to shipment line items, order line items and proof of delivery line items.
- OLMIS-6558: Add new environment variable - PUBLIC_URL and use to for email generated links
- OLMIS-4128: Change maximum page size to max integer.
- OLMIS-6129: Added package-lock.json file.
- OLMIS-6374: Add new profile for audit logging.
- OLMIS-6408: Added pageable validator.
- OLMIS-5746: Added missing records proofs_of_delivery and shipments to demo data.
- OLMIS-6494: Updated Proof of Delivery report to display the correct version of an orderable.
- OLMIS-6556: Adjust source destination search method to use the programId and facilityId
- OLMIS-6564: Changed wiremock dependency configuration to avoid issue with HTTP response compression.
Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-6479: Searching for PoD by Order ID now works properly even if PoD has no line items.
Bug fixes and improvements:
- OLMIS-5832: Validate shipment file templates for expected presence of required columns.
- OLMIS-5833: Support parsing shipment files when shipment template is configured to use product code or orderable id column. Improve line item validations.
- OLMIS-5834: Support parsing shipment files when shipment template is configured to use order code field.
- OLMIS-5912: Fixed issue with converting requisition to order when status message was too long.
- OLMIS-5912: Fixed performance issues with GET /api/proofsOfDelivery endpoint.
- OLMIS-3773: Adjusted facility search by ids after changing return type to page.
- OLMIS-5672: Accept changes to transfer properties to monitor shipment ftp servers.
- OLMIS-5671: Shipment file processing supports local file path as well as SFTP servers.
- OLMIS-5675: Capture shipment line items with unresolved orderable in extra data. File processing succeeds with unresolved orderable.
- OLMIS-5985: Archived shipment files are prefixed with date/time to avoid filename collision.
- OLMIS-5986: For shipment files that did not process successfully, write an error log file in the errors folder that describes why it failed to process.
- OLMIS-4531: Added compressing HTTP POST responses.
Contract breaking changes:
- OLMIS-5479: Refactored /api/orderFileTemplate API into /api/fileTemplate that persists config for both order and shipment templates.
- OLMIS-5480: Updated Transfer properties so that it can also be used to persist transfer properties for shipment files imports.
Bug fixes and improvements added in a backwards-compatible manner:
- OLMIS-4442: Fixed problem with changing transfer properties type.
- Added user friendly message for facility duplication in transfer properties.
- OLMIS-4295: Updated checkstyle to use newest google style.
- OLMIS-3078: Made Javers log initializer not iterate over all items, only those without logs.
- OLMIS-4942: Added currency, number and date settings to application properties.
- OLMIS-4943: Fixed Jasper reports to use service locale settings.
- OLMIS-5668: Removed loginRestricted from the UserDto class.
- OLMIS-5670: Added spring integration code to configure message channels to poll ftp servers for shipment files.
- OLMIS-5473: Parse, create and persist shipment objects from csv files
- OLMIS-5674: Add extraData column on shipment Line Item. Persist any extra column defined in shipment file template.
- OLMIS-4646: Added Jenkinsfile
- OLMIS-2923: Updated demo data loading approach
- OLMIS-4354: Improved POST /api/shipments endpoint
- Reduced number of calls to the stock management service
- OLMIS-4293: Improved performance of get orders
- OLMIS-4905: Updated notification service to use v2 endpoint.
- OLMIS-4491: Added new demo data loading strategy.
- OLMIS-4820: Updated BasicOrderDtoBuilder to fetch programs and periods in bulk.
Contract breaking changes:
- OLMIS-3613: Removed approved quantity from Order Line Item
- OLMIS-3956: Modified Proof Of Delivery model
- Proof Of Delivery is related with shipment, not order
- Proof Of Delivery and related line items have new fields
- For external orders the service will create related shipment and Proof Of Delivery
- Database migration will handle a new structure for legacy data
- The submit endpoint has been merged with the update endpoint
- The GET all POD endpoint will filter out those PODs to which user has no right.
- OLMIS-3958: Ordered Quantity value is now in packs. Filled Quantity and Packs To Ship have been removed.
- OLMIS-4165: Changed Order search endpoint and renamed its parameters, added database pagination and introduced permission strings.
- OLMIS-4119: Change POD endpoint name to proofsOfDelivery.
- OLMIS-4001: Made it possible to print Proof of Delivery. Removed the obsolete "/proofOfDeliveryTemplates" endpoint.
New features:
- OLMIS-3663: Created Shipment resource model
- OLMIS-1611: Send stock event when shipment is finalized
- OLMIS-3881: Create Proof Of Delivery draft for finalized shipment
- OLMIS-235: Send Stock Event on Proof of Delivery confirmation
- OLMIS-3991: Confirming Proof of Delivery will now result in sending a notification to the user that created the shipment
- OLMIS-3994: Added audit logging for ProofOfDelivery
- We are able to track:
- Any changes to PoD line items
- Any changes to receivedBy, deliveredBy, receivedDate fields
- Confirmation of the PoD (changing status to confirmed)
- The audit include changes made, date and user making changes.
- The audit logs for any given PoD can be retrieve by related endpoint
- We are able to track:
- OLMIS-4266: Provided expand pattern for shipments and PoDs
- OLMIS-4262: Added orderId parameter to GET /proofsOfDelivery
Bug fixes and improvements added in a backwards-compatible manner:
- OLMIS-3607: Added update details to Order
- OLMIS-3608: Added possibility to extend last updater object in Order
- OLMIS-3135: Handle API Key requests.
- For now all requests are blocked.
- OLMIS-3778: Fixed service checks the rights of a wrong user
- OLMIS-3955: Renamed PICKING order status to FULFILLING. Removed PICKED and IN_TRANSIT.
- OLMIS-3954: Updated order status to FULFILLING when creating shipment draft and ORDERED when deleting.
- OLMIS-3952: Created order status is set to ORDERED based on supplying facility program fulfilling setting.
- OLMIS-3826: Requesting facilities endpoint now accepts multiple supplyingFacilityId parameters.
- OLMIS-4168: Made sure that PoD endpoints will use new rights
- OLMIS-4240: Updated orders endpoint to respect user rights
- OLMIS-4078: Removed line item validation from shipment draft to allow starting order fulfillment even if no matching stock cards.
- OLMIS-4216: Fixed problem with saving an order if supplying facility does not support a program
- OLMIS-4281: Updated Orderable service to use new reference data API
- OLMIS-4500: Split huge requests to other services into smaller chunks
- OLMIS-4452: Fixed filtering Orders by Processing Period start/end date:
- Now if any day from period matches filter interval it will be returned.
- Fixed issues with result pagination.
New functionality added in a backwards-compatible manner:
- OLMIS-3221: Added period start and end dates parameters to the order search endpoint
Improvements added in a backwards-compatible manner:
- OLMIS-3112: Added OrderNumberGenerator extension point. Changed the default implementation to provide 8 character, base36 order numbers.
Contract breaking changes:
- OLMIS-2898: Changed POD receivedDate from ZonedDateTime to LocalDate.
New functionality added in a backwards-compatible manner:
- OLMIS-2724: Added an endpoint for retrieving all the available, distinct requesting facilities.
- OLMIS-2851: Let external applications (that run in a browser) access our APIs
- Add CORS support.
Bug fixes and improvements (backwards-compatible):
- OLMIS-2871: The service now uses an Authorization header instead of an access_token request parameter when communicating with other services.
- OLMIS-3059: The search orders endpoint now sorts the orders by created date property (most recent first).
- OLMIS-3045: Fix Single Order Report
- Display the approvedQuantity rather than orderedQuantity. Note that OrderController loads this JRXML file directly from disk. It is therefore unnecessary to insert a compiled version of it into the database via a migration script.
Contract breaking changes:
- OLMIS-2612: Configuration settings endpoints (/api/configurationSettings) are no longer available. Use environment variables to configure the application.
Bug fixes and improvements (backwards-compatible):
- OLMIS-2795: Added missing REJECTED status to the fulfillment domain.
- OLMIS-2850: Fix to generateMigration being run too often.
New functionality added in a backwards-compatible manner:
- OLMIS-2551: Added an endpoint for batch order creation, which allows creating multiple orders in one transaction
- Added pricePerPack to ProgramOrderableDto
- OLMIS-2611: Added using locale from env file
Performance improvements added in a backwards-compatible manner:
- Removed Products with Zero-Quantity Values from Order Export File
- Set LAZY flag for all collections inside Order and Proof of Delivery classes
- A single request with orderable IDs will be sent to reference-data service when Order Dto object is created
- Improve performance of view right checking for multiple orders
- Search endpoint performance fixes:
- Create basic order dto object only for orders that would be returned.
- Moved sort command into database layer.
Contract breaking changes:
- Order endpoints (except for POST /orders and GET /orders/{id}) will now return new, smaller Dto object, which only contains basic information about the order.
Bug fixes and improvements (backwards-compatible):
- OLMIS-1696: removed redundant fields
from ProgramOrderableDto
- Adjusted report to changes in referencedata database.
- OLMIS-2484: added FTP properties demo-data for Balaka District Warehouse
Dev and tooling updates made in a backwards-compatible manner:
- OLMIS-1972: Update Postgres from 9.4 to 9.6
- This upgrade will apply automatically and all data will migrate.
- Update Docker Dev Image for builds from v1 to v2
- Moves the script out of each service and into the Docker Dev Image.
- OLMIS-2155: Use the date converter from Hibernate for Java 8 in order to improve persistence performance
Bug fixes, security and performance improvements (backwards-compatible):
- OLMIS-1395: Print Order PDF
- Improve the formatting of the PDF when printing an order.
- OLMIS-1428: Forbid creating new order file
- Only one order file template can exist in the system. If an order file template already exists, update it.
- OLMIS-1453: Improve validation for transfer
- This includes ftp and local transfer properties.
- OLMIS-2002: Improve error handling for printing a POD
- OLMIS-2003: Forbid updating a POD after it is submitted (confirmed)
- OLMIS-2044: Fix print POD
- OLMIS-2117: Improve error message for POD template for printing
- OLMIS-7225: Add extension point for new OrderCode
- Released openlmis-fulfillment 3.0.0 as part of openlmis-ref-distro 3.0.0. See 3.0.0 Release
- This was the first stable release of openlmis-fulfillment. It builds on the code, patterns, and lessons learned from OpenLMIS 1 and 2.