The loader project contains multiple utilities to load GTFS, OSM and OTP data into various apps and databases. The sub projects are:
- geocoder, which creates data output for the Pelias geocoder
- gtfs, which contains routines to cache and compare gtfs feeds.
- gtfsdb, which loads gtfs files into GTFSDB
- osm, which downloads OSM .pdb files, and futher can extract .osm data via OSMOSIS
- otp, which builds graphs (Graph.obj) databases for OpenTripPlanner
- solr, which has config and scripts for loading SOLR (a depricated geo search tool)
- sum, shared use mobility ... place to pull in car (Zipcar), bike (BIKETOWN) & e-scooter (LIME, BIRD, SHARED, etc...) data, etc...
- install python 3.7 (works with py versions >= 2.7), zc.buildout and git
- git clone
- cd loader
- buildout
- (note: if buildout fails, keep running ... possibly run scripts/clean*sh between runs of buildout ... you'll eventually get there)
- git update-index --assume-unchanged .pydevproject
- NOTE: system packages necessary for things to work may include pre-built Shapely, or else the following system packages:
- Install these packages
yum install protobuf protobuf-devel tokyocabinet tokyocabinet-devel geos geos-devel libxml2 libxslt libxml2-devel libxslt-devel openssl-devel
- Or Build and install Protobuf and TokyoCabinet from source (MacOSX):
- bin/test ... this cmd will run loader's unit tests (see:
- see individual project README's above to see different app runs
- and check out the bin/ generated after buildout is run (those binaries are created via buildout &