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What this Library Is

This code provides a way to use PUMI from Julia by wrapping functions in PUMIs APF API. The library is composed of several files., funcs1.h form the C++ half of the interface, PumiInterface.jl forms the Julia half. All the functions in PumiInterface.jl, except for init and init2, mirror apf functions. I refer to this as the low level interface. PumiInterface2.jl provides some higher level function by using the lower level functions. These functions are more convenient but potentially less efficient depending on the use case. The files and a2.h contain the user supplied reordering function.
The files are provided to show how a user can add functions. If you have questions about how to interface your reordering function with Julia, let me know.

funcs1.h has some useful general comments in it. has more descriptive comments for each function.


Now that the library is a Julia package, you can get is using Pkg.clone(url) followed by The build script will check for all needed components and attempt to build them itself if it does not find them. A C++11 compiler is required.

The next two subsections describe the inner workings of the build system. See the following to sections for the standard installation procedure.

Install MPI (if needed)

Building Pumi and building the shared library that links to Pumi requires mpicxx. If mpicxx is not found, the build script will attempt to install a Debian package of MPICH3. It will ask for root permission to install MPICH. It will also install the MPI.jl package if needed

Build Pumi (if needed)

The build script attempts to locate Pumi using cmake --find-package. If Pumi is not located in one of CMake's standard search locations, users can set the SCOREC_PREFIX environment variable to Pumi's installation prefix. If Pumi is not found, the build system will attempt to build Pumi locally. The build requires an MPI implementation (which should be present according to the above process), and Cmake 3.0.0. It will install to deps/core/build/install. If you want to build other software that links to this Pumi build, source the script script deps/ first. This will set the necessary environment variables.

Build Shared Library

At this point, MPI and Pumi should be be present, so the library itself can be built, which is done via CMake.
The build script executes the shell scripts in the src directory and, which configure and install the shared library, respectively. The library is installed to the repo/install directory. If you wish to rebuild the shared library, you should execute these scripts.
It is also recommended to execute the script before doing so, to remove any old configuration files. Previous version of this package required users to source the script before each use. This is no longer necessary. It is also unnecessary to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH or any other environment variables at runtime. This package uses RPATH to locate the libraries at runtime (and an RPATH-like mechanism for the Julia code).

Thats it, now you are done.

Note Pumi is built without some of its dependencies, including zoltan, so certain features such as load balancing will not work.

Installation Summary

Here is a summary of the installation process.

  • CMake version 3.0.0 or higher
  • (Optionally) MPI (the build system will build it for you if needed, but you might want to choose a particular implementation yourself)

The build script will:

  • build MPI if it cannot find an existing installation
  • build Pumi if it cannot find an existing installation
  • build the shared library

Scorec Installation

If you are working on a SCOREC machine (with access to the SCOREC shared file system), load the Pumi module before building the package. This will ensure the Scorec installation of Pumi is found, which is preferable to building Pumi locally because it links to Zoltan and other optional dependencies that provide extra features.

Non Scorec Installation on Scorec machine

If you are working on a Scorec machine but do not want to use the Scorec build of Pumi, you will have to build it yourself. Even if the the Pumi module is not loaded, it seems CMake is still able to find the Pumi installation, therefore the build system will use it.

To get around this:

  • Load the compiler and MPI modules you want to use
  • run the build script normally
  • cd into repo/deps and run
  • source ./
  • execute and then

This will build a local copy of Pumi and tell the shared library to link to it rather than the system one

Using the Library

The fundamental idea behind the library is that pointers to objects can be passed to and from Julia, but not dereferenced by Julia (bad things would happen if your try, so please do not kick the bucket). Therefore, a function that in C++ would be called like this:


Gets called from Julia like this:

  getDownward(m_ptr, args...)

Where m_ptr is a pointer to the PUMI object. The function arguments that are pointers are currently left untyped in the function declaration. It is the users responsibility to pass it a pointer to the right kind of object. The name of the arguments will tell you the type of object the pointer must point to:

m_ptr = apf::Mesh2*
mshape_ptr = apf::FieldShape*
eshape_ptr = apf::EntityShape*
entity = apf::MeshEntity*
mel_ptr = apf::MeshElement*
field = apf::FieldShape*
n_ptr = apf::Numbering*
numbering_ptr = apf::Numbering*
numbering = apf::Numbering*
tag_ptr = apf::MeshTag*

If you pass an invalid pointer, PUMI will segfault, typically without giving any useful error data.

The functions init and init2 take in two strings, the names of the mesh and geometry files, and return pointers to the mesh (and apf::Mesh2 object), and mesh apf::FieldShape object, as well as a few other things. Using these pointers and other functions provided, you can get pointers to other object, such as Numberings, Tags, EntityShapes, MeshElements etc.

To get pointers to MeshEntitys, the library provides access to 4 iterators, one over each dimension entity. The functions increment* increment these iterators, and the functions get* return a MeshEntity pointer.

Most other functions that require a MeshEntity take it as an argument, but there are still one or two that use the iterators internally. Any functions that do this are noted as such in funcs1.h. It is the users responsibility to keep track of the location of the iterator. The reset* functions reset the iterator to the beginning.

As a final note, the Julia function names mirror (or are extremely similar to) those in PUMI's APF, so searching PumiInterface.jl for the name of APF functions should get you to the right place quickly. If you want to find out what function in a Julia function calls, look at the first argument to the ccall function within the Julia funcs, which will have the forms functionname_name, and look up the value of this global variable at the top of PumiInterface.jl. The value will be a string, which is the name of the C++ function.

Types of Meshes

PdePumiInterface has two kinds of meshes, Continuous Galerkin (CG) and Discontinuous Galerkin (DG), in two dimensions, 2D and 3D. Currently, 2D CG, 2D DG and 3D DG are implemented.

The DG outer constructors constructors are

PumiMeshDG2{T, Tface}(::Type{T}, sbp::AbstractSBP, opts,
                      sbpface::Tface; dofpernode=1, shape_type=2,

function PumiMeshDG3{T, Tface}(::Type{T}, sbp::AbstractSBP, opts,
                               dofpernode=1, shape_type=2, comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD)

where T is the element type for all the data arrays (coordinates, metrics etc), sbp is the SBP operator, opts is the options dictionary (see below), sbpface is the SBP face operator associated with sbp, and topo is the ElementTopology object that describes the topology of the reference SBP element.

The keyword arguments are

  • dofPerNode: number of degrees of freedom on each node
  • shape_type: this integer deterines the apf::FieldShape that defines the node distribution on an element. It must match the SBP operator provided (see below)
  • comm: MPI communicator to use. Currently only MPI.COMM_WORLD is supported.

The shape_type values are found in getFieldShape in The commonly used values are:

0: node set associated with Lagrange polynomials (currently no SBP operator equivalent) 1: SBP Gamma CG (2D only) 2: SBP Omega DG 3: SBP Gamma DG 4: SBP Diagonal E (with vertex nodes) 5: SBP Diagonal E (without vertex nodes)

Options dictionary

The constructors for the various mesh object take an options dictionary that set the options about how to construct the object, such as boundary conditions and coloring distance. The function set_defaults takes a dictonary and supplies default values for any keys not set.


Parallel DG meshes are supported. The use case for parallelization is to compute the face integrals between faces on different processes. To do this, data for elements on a part boundary is copied to the other side of the interface.

This also requires coloring the mesh in parallel. Because data is copied to the other side of the interface, interfacial elements, there are two independent copies of these elements, and so they can be considered different elements for the purpose of coloring. Thus the global coloring problem can be decomposed into a local coloring problem on each part. This requires adjacency information for the remote elements, which is calculated during initialization.

Curvilinear grids

Curvilinear grids supported in both 2D and 3D. For curvilinear grids, dxidx and jac are not calculated at the face nodes (ie. dxidx_face, dxidx_bndry, dxidx_sharedface, jac_face, jac_bndry, jac_shareface are arrays of size zero). Instead, users should use the normal vectors calculated at the face nodes, nrm_face, nrm_bndry, nrm_sharedface. These arrays are calculated for non-curvilinear meshes as well, and should be used whenever possible. See getAllCoordinatesAndMetrics() in metrics.jl for more details on which arrays are populated for which modes.

Periodic Boundary Conditions

DG meshes support periodic boundary conditions. The .smb file contains information on which MeshEntities are periodic with which other MeshEntities. These entities will automatically be identified as periodic and treated accordingly. It is an error to assign a boundary condition to a geometric entity that has a periodic MeshEntity on it, and an exception will be thrown.

When creating structured the way MeshCreate does (creating cubes and then decomposing each cube into 6 tets), there can be a minimum of 2 cubes in each direction if that direction is periodic. In this case, for example, the y direction is periodic if the xz planes are matched. If this condition is not satisfied, an error is thrown.

Implementation Details

First some terminology: Matched entities are two entities at different locations that are periodic with each other. Remote entities are two entities that have the same location, and are used to represent entities that are shared across part boundaries.

If two matched entities are located on the same part, then an Interface is created between them in mesh.interfaces. If they are on different parts, then an Interface is created in mesh.shared_interfaces. In order to determine the relative orientation of the interfaces, vertices that define the face are required. In parallel, the processes exchange remote vertices to calculate the relative orientation. When there are both remote and matched vertices present, it is not possible for the sending process to to uniquely determine which vertices it needs to send. Consquently each process must send all matched and remote vertices shared with the given receiving process and let the receiving process sort out which vertices are part of the face. The maximum number of vertices that needs to be sent is bounded by a constant that depends on the topology of the domain. For example, a vertex on a cube can have a maximum of 8 matches and 1 remote on a given process. The constants Max_Vert_Matches and Max_Vert_Remotes tell the code the maximum number of matched and remote vertices that can be shared with another process, and are used to determine the size of an array that is sent via MPI during initialization.


All DG meshes interpolate the solution onto the vertices of the mesh for visualization. CG meshes higher than second order create a new mesh that contains all nodes of the orignal mesh as vertices of a new triangulation and copy the solution values to it. CG meshes second order or less can be visualized directly in Paraview.

SBP Omega elements support an option "exact_visualization" (via the options dictionary) to subtriangulate the mesh such that all nodes plus all vertices in the origonal mesh are vertices in the new mesh. This allows the visualization of the exact nodal values. The nodal values are interpolated to the vertices.

Mesh Warping

Mesh warping is supported for DG meshes. The function update_coords() allows setting the new coordinates of each element. The function commit_coords() must be called after all calls to update_coords() are complete.

Derivative calculation

Constructing a mesh object with Tmsh = Complex128 is supported. This allows using the complex step method to calculate derivative with respect to the mesh coordinate and metrics. The function recalcCoordinatesAndMetrics can be used to recalculate the volume coordinates and metrics after the mesh.vert_coords field has been updated.

Reverse mode differentiation is supported, both in serial and in parallel, with keyword arguments to control how non-owned entities are handled. See getAllCoordinatesAndMetrics_rev().

Geometry Interaction

Geometric Formats

Loading geometric models is supported through Pumi's gmi library, which is wrapped in the Julia gmi module. Currently, three types of models are supported:

  • null model: if dmg_name in the options dictionary is ".null", then the null model will be loaded. This is a fake model used for testing only. Internally, every time a model entity is queried, it is created (so by using the model you build the list of geometric entities.
  • MDS model: if dmg_name specifies a file with extension .dmg, then the Pumi mds model will be used. This model contains the topology of the original CAD model, but no shape information. See below for how to make these.
  • GeomSim model: If Pumi is linked with the (proprietary) Simmetrix libraries, then it is possible to load certain kinds of .smd files. These files contain geometry topology, geometry shape, and may contain additional attribute data that was created during the mesh generation process by SimModeler. See below for how to create these.

It is also possible to load other kinds of geometry files when Pumi is linked to Simmetrix, although doing so is discouraged.

  • Parasolid (.x_t or .xmt_txt extension): these files can only be loaded on x86 platforms (no BG/Q or Power9).
  • ACIS: (.sat extension): limited Linux support


To demonstrate how to create the different files, lets assume a Parasolid CAD model called airfoil.x_t exists (for example, do steps 1-5 here)

To make a GeomSim model from a Parasolid or ACIS model (must be done on an x86 machine):

If the Parasolid model is an assembly model, it must be converted to a non-manifold model first. This can be done by:

  - Open SimModeler
  - File - Import Geometry - Select the airfoil.x_t
  - If the left pane shows Assembly 1 as the first item with a list of parts
    below it, then this is an assembly model. If this is not an assembly model,
    skip the remaining steps in this box.
  - Modeling - Make NonManifold Model
  - In the window that appears: File - Save As - enter airfoil_nonmanifold as
    the file name

The final step will create the files airfoil_nonmanifold.smd and airfoil_nonmanifold_nat.x_t. The second file contains a new, nonmanifold Parasolid model. If the original Parasolid model was not an assembly model, do cp -v airfoil.x_t airfoil_nonmanifold_nat.x_t to make the remainder of this tutorial simipler.

Now make a GeomSim model from the new Parasolid model:

  simTranslate airfoil_nonmanifold_nat.x_t airfoil.smd

The airfoil.smd file can be opened by SimModeler to make a mesh. After creating the mesh, SimModeler will offer the user the chance to save both the model (.smd) and mesh .sms files. It is recommended to use this smd, not airfoil.smd, when loading the mesh (more on mesh loading below).

Note that SimModeler can open the airfoil.x_t directly and create a mesh off of that, however this is not recommended. Parasolid and GeomSim use different geometric representations. The same geometric model should be use for creating the mesh and loading the mesh with PumiInterface.

To make an MDS model from the Parasolid model:

  mdlConvert airfoil_nonmanifold_nat.x_t airfoil.dmg

Note that this conversion loses all geometry shape information, as described above. mdlConvert can also take a GeomSim .smd file as the first argument.

As mentioned above, SimModeler saves an sms mesh file. It is recommended to convert it to the MDS mesh format smb. Assuming SimModeler files were saved as airfoil_meshmodel.smd and airfoil_mesh.sms:

  convert airfoil_meshmodel.smd airfoil_mesh.sms airfoil_mesh.smb

SimModeler Quirks

There are 2 types of SimModeler model files, and both have the extension .smd, which makes things a bit confusing. The first type is an attribute file which does not contain geometry shape information. The second type is a GeomSim file, which contains both geometry shape and attribute information. Only the second type can be used by PumiInterface.

If SimModeler opens a Parasolid file, generates a mesh, and then saves the .smd and .sms files, this creates an .smd of the first kind. If mdlConvertis used to convert the Parasolid file to a GeomSim.smd, then this .smdis opened by SimModeler, the.smdthat SimModeler saves will be a.smdof the second kind. I believe this.smd` has both geometry shape and attribute information (the instructions for how SimModeler made the mesh) in it, but this needs to be verified.

Recommended Workflow

If you want geometry shape information (required Pumi linked to Simmetrix at runtime):

  1. Make CAD model and save to Parasolid or ACIS
  2. Make non-manifold model if needed
  3. Use simTranslate to convert to foo.smd`
  4. Use SimModeler to open foo.smd
  5. Make the mesh and save to bar.smd. and bar.sms
  6. Use convert to convert bar.sms to bar.smb
  7. Load with PumiInterface by setting smb_name to bar.smb and dmg_name to bar.smd

If you don't want geometry shape information (or don't have Pumi linked to Simmetrix at runtime)

  1. Make CAD model and save to Parasolid or ACIS
  2. Make non-manifold model if needed
  3. Use mdlConvert to convert to foo.dmg
  4. Use SimModeler to open the Parasolid or ACIS file
  5. Make the mesh and save to bar.smd. and bar.sms
  6. Use convert to convert bar.sms to bar.smb
  7. Load with PumiInterface by setting smb_name to bar.smb and dmg_name to foo.dmg


The main functionality is the expression of the mesh coordinates in terms of the CAD parametric coordinates for entities on the boundary. The conversion of derivatives wrt xyz to derivatives wrt the parametric coordinates is also supported (although accuracy varies depending on how the underlying CAD system computes derivatives). See the functions in interface_geo.jl.

The PumiMesh types also keep track of the CAD parametric coordinates for all coordinate nodes. In order to keep a consistent data structure, use update_coords or update_coordsXi to update the coordinates of the entire mesh, or get/setCoords and get/setCoordsXi to node-level granularity. Do not call apf.setPoint directly.

Its is generally preferable to work with the CAD parametric coordinates, because the mapping parametric -> Cartesian is faster and more accurate to compute, but this only works if the underlying CAD system supports parametric coordinates (.dmg models do not).

Reference Counting and P-sequencing

It is possible to construct several Julia mesh objects that share an underlying apf::Mesh. See the copy_mesh() function. These meshes may have different types of SBP operators and may be of different degree.

In order to do proper memory managment, the apf::Fields and apf::Numberings associated with each Julia mesh object are stored and reference counting is used to determine when to free both the fields and numberings, as well as the underlying mesh object. The functions in pde_fields.jl should be used to create new fields and numberings (do not call apf.createPackedField(mesh.m_ptr, ...) or apf.createNumberingJ(mesh.m_ptr, ...) directly.

By default, when Paraview files are written only fields which are both associated with the given Julia mesh object and are properly display-able in VTK format will be written to the Paraview file. This second restriction can be removed with the keyword argument writeall=true to writeVisFiles. Note that this may substanially increase the file size.


A few C++ executables are built with PumiInterface that are useful as standalone tools.

  • test_init this executable mirrors the initialization process used when PumiInterface loads a mesh. Useful for experimenting with new functionality (before wrapping it in Julia) and for developing standalone minimal reproducable examples for filing bug reports.
  • printGeoClassification: prints all the geometric entities for a given geometric model, as well as their parametric ranges and whether they are periodic or not. Useful for quickly inspecting a CAD model.
  • uniform_refine: run's Pumi's uniform refinement + snapping + shape correction. Useful for doing refinement studies on unstructured meshes

If invoked with no arguments, each of these executables prints a message their arguments.

Version History

  • v0.1: the old code, before Pumi switched to the CMake build system. This version is no longer supported

  • v0.2: after the build system switch to CMake

  • v0.3: curvilinear elements (compatable with SBP versions broken_ticon and fixed_ticon)

  • v0.4: 2D linear mesh reverse mode of metrics

  • v0.5: 3D curvilinear metrics and their reverse mode

          Breaking changes:
            Curvilinear metrics are now the default.  interpolateMapping_rev
            and getVertCoords_rev are no longer exported and are hidden
            inside getAllCoordinateAndMetrics_rev.  An options dictionary
            entry can force the use of the linear metrics.
            `commit_coords()` now requires the options dictionary as an
            Added default BC.  All faces of all elements now appear somewhere
            in mesh.interfaces, mesh.bndryfaces or mesh.bndries_local.  If
            the options dictionary does not specify a boundary condition for
            any geometric edges, an additional BC is created for them with
            name `defaultBC`.  See `getAllFaceData()`.
  • v0.6: fix bug in in 3D metric calculation, also introduce asserts to make sure face orientation can be determined when using periodic boundary conditions. Also, removes all global state from libfuncs1, so it is now possible to load multiple meshes simultaneously.

  • v0.7: change mesh constructors to be outer constructors, add submesh creation

  • v0.8: upgrade from Julia 0.4 to Julia 0.6

  • v0.9: add parallel reverse mode derivative and gmi interface

  • v0.10: add CAD Xi coordinate interface, derivative, and initial mesh adaptation support

Build Status