The code is based on bertviz, a nice tool for BERT visualization.
Change work directory to this directory.
cd ./viz
Create a soft link to the data folder (If you are working on Windows, please modify the data path in the jupyter notebook by yourself).
ln -s ../data ./
Download and unzip COCO val2017: images, annotations, place them under
. -
(Optional) Download pre-trained models as described in, if you want to precompute all attention maps by yourself.
Pre-computing all attention maps on COCO val2017:
python pretrain/ --cfg cfgs/pretrain/vis_attention_maps_coco.yaml --save-dir ./vl-bert_viz
We provide 100 pre-computed attention maps of vl-bert-base-e2e on COCO val2017: GoogleDrive BaiduPan, please download and unzip it into
Open Jupyter Notebook in this directory and select
.jupyter notebook
Run all cells in the notebook in order.
Browse attention maps in the last cell, you can change the image id to visualize other examples.