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[Question]: 多机微调模型时出现直接卡在加载过后,计算loss之前 #9510

1190303125 opened this issue Nov 28, 2024 · 1 comment
question Further information is requested


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name: paddle_new
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<unk> 0
[2024-11-27 22:25:23,401] [    INFO] - Starting training from resume_from_checkpoint : None
n2:8140:8140 [0] NCCL INFO Bootstrap : Using ib0.8079:<0>
n2:8140:8140 [0] NCCL INFO cudaDriverVersion 12000
n2:8140:8140 [0] NCCL INFO NCCL version 2.23.4+cuda12.0
n2:8140:8465 [0] NCCL INFO NET/Plugin: Could not find: Using internal network plugin.
n2:8140:8465 [0] NCCL INFO NET/IB : Using [0]mlx5_2:1/IB [1]mlx5_0:1/IB [2]mlx5_3:1/IB [3]mlx5_1:1/IB ; OOB ib0.8079:<0>
n2:8140:8465 [0] NCCL INFO PROFILER/Plugin: Could not find:
n2:8140:8465 [0] NCCL INFO Using network IB
n2:8140:8465 [0] NCCL INFO ncclCommInitRank comm 0xaf438e60 rank 0 nranks 16 cudaDev 0 nvmlDev 0 busId 10000 commId 0x74182825db762150 - Init START
@1190303125 1190303125 added the question Further information is requested label Nov 28, 2024
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wawltor commented Nov 28, 2024


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